chapter 21

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Lola's pov

so Oliver James was suppose to be born today, but we didn't know if he would come or not. I got up and made breakfest and the boys were coming over today because nothing might happen. Me and Louis are extra nervous now, and I thought I was nervous about getting married. if Oliver is born today it wouldn be fantastic but if something goes wrong then it could all go downhill. anyway its just turned noon and the boys are here. They are all watching the football and I was making tea for everyone and brought it to the living room and then went back for my tea. Thats when the girls arrived. 

me and the girls went in to the dining room and talked in there but we could hear the boys screaming at the TV well mainly Louis because he plays a lot of it. I went out to make us some more tea and while the kettle was boiling I felt a pain shoot through my stomach

"AHHHHHH" i scream and Louis runs in

"babe whats up" he says 

"LOUIS SHUT UP ITS TIME" i scream and his face was in horror

"wait here ok I need to go get the bags" he says 

the boys all stood around me 

"alright Lola what ever you do don't give birth yet wait to you get to the hospital" zayn says 

"SHUT UP ZAYN WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M TRYING TO DO" i shout and LOuis comes down and picks me up

he gets in the car with me and Liam drives. me head was on louis' lap and i was in so much pain and was crying

"its alright baby you're fine just breath" he says 

"Louis your not the one going to push a baby out of your vagina are you, No so shut up" i say

we get to the hospital and Louis runs in shouting


Doctor faith runs out and asks Louis if its time and he says it was and they take me straight to a room. I was sitting on the bed in the room and i keep on getting contractions and let me tell you they were painful. I have been sitting here for an hour now and then Dr faith comes in

"well Lola you are fully Dialated, this is to help you breath so when your next contraction comes just push ok." she says and gives me the tube

"alright Lo I'm here are you ready" Louis says and I nod and he kisses my head and holds my hand and then says

"if it hurts squeeze my hand" he says 

my contraction comes and I push and squeeze his hand

after about 3 pushes Dr faith says 

"alright Lola the hardest part is done just a couple more small pushes and the baby will be out in no time, you can do it" she says 

after two more contractions and Loads of pushing Baby Oliver James was in the world I honestly think I broke Louis' hand 

"well done babe" he says walking over to the nurse table and cutting the cord and then bringing a little bundle to me in blankets

"here is Oliver James Tomlinson" he says 

he looked so much like Louis but had my nose. I smiled and kissed his little forehead and Louis sat on the edge of the bed

"is your hand ok" i ask

"yeah its fine do you wanna see the boys" he says and I nod and he walks out to the boys and girls and they all come in

"hi Lola" Liam says 

"hey guys" i say

"is this little Oliver" Harry says 

"yes this is Him, Louis would you like to hold him" i say and he nods and I had Oliver to Louis and he sits down, the smile on his face couldn't get any bigger.

"can I hold him next" Harry says 

"of course Harry and then Sophia" i say and she smiles 

they all get a turn of holding her and then left soon after and I went to sleep and Louis puts Oliver in his cott. He sleeps in the chair next to me but I open my eyes and call him

"Louis come lay on the bed with me" i say and he opens his eyes and gets in and I cuddle next to him

so everything turned out fine in the end I have Louis my handsome husband, Oliver our baby boy and the boys and girls nothing could be better

love you forever and always- sequel to I met the sweetest carrotWhere stories live. Discover now