Chapter 52

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After the fire incident, Mr. Hawkeye tried his level best to put the blame on me. But however much he tried he couldn't prove that a student sitting in his class simultaneously hacked into the network system and caused a fire.

Alas, all was dismissed to overheating of the computers. But I knew he still has his eyes on me. It's kinda fun.

Now, these are the stuff I couldn't do if Blaze has actually accepted me as a mate and I was their luna. Everyone would know my powers and they would know I was the one who did it.

I didn't really feel good after my grandma incident and since Lexi was turned off, Sam couldn't get a read on what was happening. So Sam actually took the time and effort to come and visit me. In my room, at night.

He said a lot of wise words and subtle reminders to be ready for the war. But unlike all the other times it fell on deaf ears. His usually hypnotic and highly inspiring words suddenly sounded so useless and unfulfilling, I couldn't put any motivation into it. Especially after what my wolf said, I started to look at him a bit skeptically.

But still, the point to note is that he actually took the time off his busy schedule and risked a visit to the werewolf territory. It was uncannily nice of him.

This is the first time he actually acted out his sweet and charming words.

Or he is just too desperate on not losing a vital chess piece.

Zian pointed out. Touche.

Ugh, this is so confusing.

With Zarine in my room, it was especially hard with all the whispering, but Sam did stroke my head until I fell asleep. That is the most amount of sleep I got in the last few days after visiting grandma.

I am still not ready to visit her. I don't know how to approach her, whose side to take, what she expects of me.

currently, I was sitting in English class with Miss Potts who was a Malory tower rip off, and even with all this chaos, her hair was of great interest to me.

With her hair defying gravity the way it did, it made me wonder why I didn't turn out like that. Why couldn't I defy everyone around me like that?

Blaze and Jem happily stayed in their love bubble. But something in Blaze's vibe told me he wasn't as into it anymore.

He never once looked at me, but I knew he was very much aware of me. Every shift in my movement caused him to hold his breath.

Drake sat next to Blaze and showed gaging signs to his fangirls at every sighing 'romantci' comment Jem made about the literature piece that we were supposed to work on. His minions were only too happy to giggle.

We were all lost in our own worlds when Jake and Drake's dad, the former beta sought out Blaze from the class.

It must be pretty serious if the class was interrupted.

The teacher continued with the class, but I tuned into their conversation. I could see many students trying to do the same, but their hearing simply wasn't advanced enough.

They stood right outside the door, and Blaze threw a concerned glance towards me before leaving. Why does everyone treat me like I am going explode any second? They must find me unpredictable. I kinda like it.

I slipped into their conversation, which I figured Blaze didn't realize I was listening to since I strategically diverted my uninterested gaze away.

"Alpha, there is bad news, alpha Dex's mother passed away today morning in her sleep."

My mind went numb. Their voices suddenly sounded so far away.

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