Chapter 8

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It was only a matter of time before the tree's mental wall would shatter. No one had the kind of strength to block anyone out for that amount of time. And Hazel has nothing but time. She could wait for as long as she needed. The tree's careless answer has caught them both off guard and Hazel would not rest until she found out what she meant by "she didn't remember much." Had she been human at one point? And if that was true, then why was she still a tree? All these confusing new concepts were hurting Hazel's mind.
She was so deeply engrossed in her own thoughts, that she didn't even notice when the tree's wall fell. But she did notice that the tree couldn't find the energy to rebuild it. She had already used so much just to keep it up for that long.
Ha! You can't hide from me now.
I don't know what you are talking about.
Cut the crap, we all know what happened. In Hazel's fervor, she hadn't bothered to direct her thoughts.
Yeah, she's right. We all heard you.
Oh, shut up.
Wait, who is that?
That's just another tree.
Wow, I'm just 'another tree' to you now? I see how it is.
Is he one of the touchier trees you were talking about?
Really? Now I'm 'touchy.' Not cool. Not cool.
Thanks for that one, the tree said to Hazel.
Mustering all her strength, Hazel replied only to the tree. I'm sorry, how was I supposed to know? I don't see how I am in the wrong here.
The tree sighed, You're not. And yes, he is touchy, as you could probably tell.
Hazel could tell. And quite frankly, she was fully aware of the effect that calling him touchy would have. She enjoyed chaos. And now, she could think this without any repercussions.
Hazel had been trying to contain her depressive thoughts, at least until she had mastered thinking to herself. Now that she did that, she could wallow all she wanted. Why can't I do anything? I couldn't even kill myself properly. I don't know how anyone could love life, what's to love? Nature? No thanks. I would much rather stay inside. She had heard that going outside had positive benefits, but it hardly seems worth it.
By now, Hazel knew that if she were human, she would be full on ugly crying, probably curled up on the nearest surface. She was now thankful that she wasn't human. But as she wallowed, she realized something: the tree had completely diverted her attention.
Hey! You didn't answer my question.
What question?
I'm just now realizing that I never directly asked you a question, but I will. What did you mean when you said that you didn't remember much? Were you a human before? And if so, then why are you still a tree?
Wow, that was a lot of questions.
Are you going to give me any answers to them?
The tree sighed, I will try. And a disclaimer, this all happened a while ago, and my memories are a bit spotty, so you can't blame me for that.
Fine, just get to it.
Jeez, I was getting there. Okay, so a long time ago, I don't know how many years, I attempted suicide, but I swapped bodies with a tree. It didn't take long for me to learn to love life, but the tree I swapped with just enjoyed being human so much that he just didn't choose to come back. And I couldn't manage to convince him to come back. To my knowledge, he was already traveling around the world.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. There's a deadline?! No one told me that there was a deadline?
That's a weird term for it, but sure. There is a deadline.
What is it?
Umm, I think it's...
It's three weeks, interjected the tree.
Damn, that's not enough time.
It's ok, I know who you switched with. I think she liked being a tree. Then again, I can see human life appealing to her. She has that certain... je ne sais pas. You know, you kind of reminds me of you.
Thanks, I think. First, I don't know what 'je ne sais quoi' means. I took Spanish, not French. And second, is there any way you could communicate with her and bring her back here? Also, is it possible for me to communicate with her? The news about there being a deadline sent Hazel into a frenzy.
I'm not going to even try to explain 'je ne sais quoi.' And you can speak to her. The two people/trees that switch form a special bond upon their switch, and can communicate when they are within a close proximity with each other. As for me, I'm not sure if I can, but I can ask around to see if there are any trees powerful enough to accomplish long-distance telepathy. I might know someone who could.
Thank you so much, Hazel said.
Well, I can't make any promises.
Still, thank you.
You are welcome. Then, she said to the grumpy tree, Do you know who the oldest tree here is?
Can't say I do. But you know who might?
Who. Don't make me guess.
Fine, it's the tree a couple of yards from here. The one that is worse than me.
Worse than you? That's hardly imaginable.
Shut up, I'm talking.
Well, when you leave such big pauses in your sentences, I have to assume that you are finished.
Well, I'm not, so shut up. As I was saying, he said pointedly, There is a tree a couple of yards from here, I think maybe four or five yards, and he almost everyone. If anyone knows the "oldest tree," it would be him.
Thank you. Do you think you could reach out to him for me?

The tree sighed, I'll try.
Thank you.

For now, the tree could only wait for the grumpy tree to get back to her. In the meantime, Hazel has asked her if she had received any news. Twice. Each time the tree said no. She was getting extremely annoyed with her. Maybe that was why she was putting such an effort into helping her, so she could get rid of her.
Any news? She asked the grumpy tree.
Well, I was getting close, until you interrupted, he huffed. Now I have to start all over again. Thanks.
It's fine, just don't interrupt again. If I get anything, I'll tell you.
Okay. Then to Hazel, she said, He told me that he will tell us when he finds out something.

Hey, I got some news.
Oh, what is it?
I was right, the tree I know does know the oldest tree, and he is trying to get him to talk to you as we speak.
Thanks, should I tell Hazel?
I guess.
Do you not like her?
She is just so pushy and annoying.
Most humans are like that. The human race doesn't have the same customs as trees. They are not as reserved. I can stand it because I'm used to it.
Yeah, well it's still annoying.
I'm still going to tell her though. She is the whole reason that we are doing this.
I know, I know.
Hey, Hazel.
Did you find something out?
Yes. The other tree knows someone who knows the oldest tree who might be able to accomplish long-distance telepathy.
Oh my... gosh.
Thanks, the tree laughed.
Ooh, an update. The super old tree will be contacting us soon. And, here he is.
Hello? I was told that I am needed here.
Hey, yes. We wanted to know if you know how to contact people that aren't currently trees?
I am not sure. I haven't tried something so risky in a long time.
Well, do you think you can do it?
I can try. It is likely that I will be able to, but I am not sure.
Hey, Hazel, do you know where she might be staying?
Well, if she swapped with me, then she is probably where I live. So that's 225 Redview Road, here in Healmont.
I think I know where that is.
Shh, I'm concentrating.
Right, sorry.
The old tree hummed in concentration, I think I may be getting something. Was she previously a tree?
Yes, she was.
Okay, think I got her.

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