Chapter 11

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   "You will be starting school today!" Announced Karen happily.

  "Wow, that's fast," Trina commented.

    "Well, we wanted you to start your education as soon as possible."


    "Your principal and I. It's a really good school, and I think you will fit in just fine."

    "What grade will I be in?" She asked, worried.

    "Eighth grade, of course," she laughed.

    "But I told you that I have never been to school before."

    "Yes, I remember, but your principal, Mr. Morton, said that you will be placed in the lower classes, and you will receive tutoring until you catch up. Just so you know, he is a little bit creepy. Just a heads up."

    "Wait, what about my leg?"

    "You will have to use crutches to get around. You can practice now if you want. I will have to drive you to school, but thankfully it's not that far."

"Wow, um, thanks."

    "You're welcome. Now, hurry up and get ready. You don't want to be late on your first day! I got you some clothes yesterday that you can wear, and that will be comfortable with your cast."

Trina smiled gratefully, "Thanks, Karen."

    "Of course. Any time."

Trina wheeled into the room she was staying in, Karen's room, and did her best to get her top half dressed, and then called Karen in, to help her get pants on. After a short struggle, Trina was wearing leggings with one pant leg stretched all the way out and partially cut.

    "I think this will be fine," said Trina, nodding.

   "Yeah, it looks good," reassured Karen. "Come on, let's get to the car.

"Okay." As Trina stood up and began to use her crutches, she found that with her newfound mastery of arms made crutches much easier, and even a little bit fun.

  "Careful there," warned Trina, "You still have to take the elevator downstairs."

Trina sighed, "I know, it's just fun, now that I can use my arms."

  "You didn't tell me that you could use your arms now."

    "Well, it just happened yesterday. And I forgot until I said it."

    "That explains it," nodded Karen.

    As Karen pulled in to the large, imposing school, Trina surveyed the property. The school was made of faded brick and only appeared to be one floor. "How old is this school?" Asked Trina, raising one eyebrow, a trick she managed to pick up during the hours of time she spent while Karen was out the day before.

    "Woah! How did you do that?" asked Karen.

    "Do what?" Trina asked, "Raise my eyebrows?"

    "Yeah. I've never been able to do that."

  "Is it... uncommon to be able to do that?"

    "No, I just never could."

    "Oh. Well, how old is the school?"

    "Umm, I think it's about 50 or 60 years old."

    "Oh, that's not a lot."

Karen looked at her sideways, "Yeah, it is."

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