Chapter 12

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Hazel hadn't said a word to any of the other trees in at least a day. She was too busy noticing things that she had never noticed as a human. The way the morning dew sparkled on the grass, the way the people looked when they were just reading, or relaxing when they thought nobody was looking. The tree had managed to wake her up in time for a sunrise. It was magnificent. It was like watching a tiny sliver of light turn into a ball of fire, heating up the world, slowly, but surely.

   Was this loving life? It had to be, Hazel had never felt this way about anything before, except for when she would find a song that just expressed everything she felt so accurately that it hurt, and yet also filled her with an indescribable joy. That was how she felt now. Trina better be ready to come back, for Hazel wanted nothing more than to be able to run around, and physically express how she felt.

As she thought, she saw an odd figure approaching, as if they were on crutches. It couldn't be Trina, because she was in a wheelchair the last time she saw her. Hazel decided to search for more beauty, instead of staying disappointed. But as the figure approached, Hazel recognized her as Trina.

Trina? What are you doing here?

Trina looked around worriedly, I can't talk long, I just barely managed to slip away from Karen on a bus.

Upon further inspection, Hazel noticed Trina's red-rimmed eyes and tear tracks on her face. Trina, what happened, are you okay?

I'm fine, it's just-

Come on Trina. I spent years telling people I was fine when I wasn't. I have become a master of telling when something is wrong. Spill.

Trina rolled her eyes, I'm fine, I just had a rough day at school. Just listen to me. Are you ready to switch? Do you love life?

Hazel felt happiness surge through her, though it was different from the one she felt not too long ago when she tried to kill herself. This was real. I, I think I  am.

Trina exhaled, Good. Do you have any idea how to switch back?

None. Maybe we have to do something similar to what happened when we switched.

I'm not jumping off a roof if that's what you're asking.

No, I meant maybe we both have to get hurt in some way.

That doesn't sound ideal. Maybe we just have to make a deep mental connection. Like, maybe I touch your bark, and we both think about what has happened to us, and why we should switch back, or something.

I like that a lot better.

Trina dropped both of her crutches and hopped closer to the tree, extending her hand to the bird-shaped knot that was just above her head.
Hazel thought back to her experiences as a tree, how hard she fought to come back, and what she saw. She thought of the sunsets and the sunrises and the dew, and all the other beauty she observed. When she thought about it, she was glad that she had this experience. She was glad that her attempt on her own life had failed.

Hazel felt a strange sensation as if she were being pulled into a wormhole. This feeling only intensified, until she felt herself being forced backward, and she fell onto the grass.

Hazel looked up in amazement, Did it work? She thought.

It did.

Hazel laughed joyously, looking at her hands, her wonderfully human hands. She was wearing a cast on her leg, but it still felt amazing to be able to have a leg. Thank you, Trina, she thought. I've got to go now, but thank you so, so much. Hazel turned to leave, grabbing the crutches that Trina had dropped moments earlier.

Hey Hazel? Say thanks to Karen for me.

Hazel smiled, Will do.

Hazel had broken her leg before, so the crutches weren't a challenge for her. She walked to the parking lot and saw a person who looked familiar, but she wasn't sure why.

"Trina?" The person asked.

"Um, yes?" Hazel decided to play along.

"Do you need another ride?"

Hazel laughed, "That would be amazing, thanks."

"No problem. Greenwood again?"

"Yes please."

For the rest of the way, they sat in mostly silence. Her and Trina must have had some inside joke because Hazel hardly understood what she was saying.

"Alright, here you are."

"Thanks again," said Hazel, jumping out of the car. As she did, she saw a woman who must have been Karen, because she approached Hazel, saying, "Trina? What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry ma'am, I'm not Trina. But Trina wanted me to say thank you." Hazel hurried away before she could respond. She hurried to her building and took the elevator up to her apartment.

She stood outside her door, her knuckles hovering above the door. She was scared of how she might find her mom. Finally, she knocked, and almost immediately, the door opened to reveal Hazel's mother, looking frantic.

"Hazel?" She asked, "Is that you?"

"Mom?" Hazel's voice trembled.
Her mother rushed forward, embracing her tightly. "Oh, Hazel. I saw your note. I was so worried, I thought you killed yourself, but the police couldn't find a body anywhere. What happened?"

"Wait, before I answer that, what happened to you? You're sober, I think?"

Her mother laughed, "Well after you went missing, I realized that I could have done so much to prevent this, and I sobered, up, and I was planning on going to a rehab."

"That's amazing!"

"Thank you, and I'm sorry for putting you through that. Now, what happened to you?"

Hazel laughed nervously, "It's kind of a long story..."

Hey guys tysm and sorry if this last bit was terrible and unrealistic but I was rushing to get it done so 🤷‍♀️. Maybe I'll rewrite it someday.

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