Chapter Two

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"Hey, Jeff wait up!"

Jeff stopped in his tracks as he turned around, being met with his younger brother rushing up to him. He smiled a little as Liu came by his side. Once they were beside each other the two started to walk down the sidewalk.

 Once they were beside each other the two started to walk down the sidewalk

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"So, am I going to get an update on your freshman year?"

Jeff shrugged a little, truth be told his first few weeks in high school had been a bit of a struggle. The adjustment from grade school to his freshman year was already enough to handle, but on top of that, the events that took place early in the summer didn't make things any better. In addition, not having Liu in the same school was another blow. "Umm, it's been alright. You know, the classic 'minor niner' shit that all the freshmen get called in the halls. It's been really weird not seeing you at lunch though."

"Yeah, I was just about to say the same thing. But it's ok, I'll be in grade nine next year so we'll just have lunch then."

Jeff kept that same small smile and nodded, keeping a hold of the straps of his backpack. "So, how's grade eight been?"

"Exactly what you told me, teachers putting too much stress on the high school adjustment."

"Heh, I told you. But don't worry, you'll have a good year, Mrs.Lockson's a good teacher."

The two brothers continued to walk down the sidewalks of each block and street they passed as they got closer to their home. It was probably around a ten to fifteen-minute walk to their house, for the high school and junior high were relatively close. They were probably a good five minutes away from their house, as they walked down a strip of houses with a park across from it. On the weekends it was usually bustling with children playing, but right after school, it was merely dead. However, something stood out to the two boys, especially Jeff. Three teenagers stood by the jungle gym, laughing up a storm. That wasn't what mainly caught Jeff's attention though. That sight of the teenager with bright red dyed hair and cigarette in hand did. His hair is what caught his eye the most.

The longer haired brother immediately stopped in his tracks, staring at the teen in shock, his jaw dropping slightly. "It can't be..." He muttered quietly.

Liu stopped in front of Jeff, tilting his head a little as he looked at him in confusion. "You alright?" He questioned quietly, before looking at Jeff's view. "Oh, isn't that the kid from the 'crazy house'? You know, the one where the police are always called to? Why is he here though? He doesn't even live oh this block."

Liu's older brother turned his head to look back at him, his eyes burned with anger and rage. "T-that's Randy. Why isn't he in juvie? This isn't right, this is fucking bullshit." He muttered in anger. His hands balled up into fists, him walking over to across the street.

Liu's jaw dropped as he stood there in shock for a few moments. After snapping out of his trance he rushed over to Jeff who was already halfway to the park, grabbing his wrist immediately. "Jeff what are you doing?" Liu whispered.

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