Chapter Eight

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The next little while had gone by, treatments, check-ups and bandage changes came every few days. Now that Jeff was fully conscious and aware, the whole hospital process seemed much longer than the month he spent in the temporary coma. When family and friends weren't visiting him, he'd watch his favorite movies, slasher films due to the fact that he had been hospitalized all the way up into October. The goal for the team of nurses and doctors that treated him of his burns was to get him out and healed sometime before Halloween. For they knew that no kid would want to spend a fun holiday in the hospital.

Though Jeff's recovery was quite smooth considering what happened, he became more and more anxious to see his face. He'd ask, but Doctor Patterson suggested it would be best to see once everything was healed.

The day was October 29th, the day before Jeff was told he'd be able to return home. His parents had been informed of the condition of his face and skin, so they had been able to process it on their own. However, Jeff had no idea. The nurse who would routinely change his bandages was there to take them off one last time.

"Are you ready?" She asked once the last bandage had been removed from his face.

He nodded his head as he stayed sat up on the hospital bed. His mother stood by his side as she held his hand, Mr. Woods and Liu stood beside her.

The nurse held a mirror in front of the boys face, his blue eyes instantly widened. His face was not something you would think could ever be possible. As his doctor said, his face wasn't fully deformed and still had structure to it. However, his skin was not the same as it once was. His skin was literally white. His lips had been burnt to a slight tint of red, and his eyes were bordered in black. His longer layered hair was also extremely different, it had literally changed from dark brown to black.

He stared in shock for what felt like hours, trying to begin to process how any of this was even possible. He was not your typical burnt victim.

"Mrs. and Mr. Woods? May I speak to you for a second?" Doctor Patterson called from the entrance door, gesturing for them to step out into the hall with him. The two complied, both a little shocked to see their son like this for the first time.

"Is it about...his face?" Margaret asked quietly.

"Oh no, your son will be alright, the damage could've been a lot worse. I just, want to bring something else to your attention...Your son physically is okay and healed, it's just..." He sighed and took a deep breath. "We believe your son has been showing symptoms of mental disorders."

Margaret's eyes widen, as he instantly covered her mouth with her hand. Peter was equally concerned, staring at Mr. Patterson in shock.

"Doctor, what do you mean? Can you please explain?" Jeff's father questioned.

"Well, from the time he had woken up to now my team and I have seen changes...It could honestly be nothing, but we are concerned because he did suffer brain damage, the concussion he was diagnosed with could've caused damage." He explained, still being a little vague."I booked an appointment for Jeff with a child psychiatrist. He'll run some test on your son and make any diagnoses if needed."

The two parents continued to stand there, now processing everything better. Nonetheless, they were still shocked and a little upset. Already praying and hoping everything was okay with their son.

"What day is the appointment?" Mrs. Woods questioned, worry clear in her voice.

"October 31, which is the soonest day I could book anything."

"Doctor, that's Halloween."

"I know Mrs. Woods, but I assure you, the appointment won't take the whole day."

The parents looked at each other, Margret was clearly upset with this. She looked back at the doctor, shaking her head. "Is there any way you can change the appointment? Halloween is our son's favorite holiday, we just want him to celebrate it without being in the hospital..."She pleaded.

Doctor Patterson, a father himself, understood fully. He nodded his head, putting on a warm smile. "I'll have to see what I can do."

"Thank you. " Margaret said with a relieved smile, Peter looking relieved as well. However, back in the room, things took a turn.

Jeff giggled as he stroked his face, now holding the mirror in front of him. Liu stood beside him, still trying to process his brother's new face. He felt a little creeped out by Jeff's odd reaction. However, he figured it was better than his older brother crying over his disfigurement.

 However, he figured it was better than his older brother crying over his disfigurement

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"So umm...I'm guessing you like your face?"

Jeff let out another laugh, turning his head to look at Liu. "How could I not Liu? I finally have my own look now!"

Liu gulped, letting out a nervous and slightly forced laugh. He figured it was just the pain medication or something that made Jeff act like that. However, that was far from the reality.

Jeff returned home before Halloween as was promised, and he was extremely excited and happy. His parents agreed that he shouldn't go to school just yet, and thought it would be easier if he went after his current mental state was all figured out. While Liu had gone to school, the two parents took the day off work to spend it with their son. They did the traditions centered around the holiday that he wasn't able to do that month during his stay. They also knew this was probably going to be Jeff's last year of trick-or-treating, so they really wanted to make the best out of it for their son. Earlier that month, Margret ended up buying him a costume. It was a black hockey jersey with accents of red and white and his all-time favorite slasher's mask in the center, Jason Vorhees. Jeff was obviously excited about it, wearing it that whole Halloween day along with his white hoodie underneath and Jason Vorhees' goalie mask.

However, there was something that everyone had overlooked that Halloween night, the way Jeff smiled as he carved a huge grin onto his jack-o-lantern pumpkin

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However, there was something that everyone had overlooked that Halloween night, the way Jeff smiled as he carved a huge grin onto his jack-o-lantern pumpkin...

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