Chapter Seven

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Jeff felt light being welcomed into his darkness, as he slowly started to feel reality sink in, and gravity keeping him down. He opened his eyes slowly, but surely, wincing at the sudden bright lights of the room. Once his eyes adjusted, he was able to let his eyes wander around the room. He was now in a hospital, which just made him question how long he was really out for. He tried to sit up, but his body didn't allow him to. He could soft bandages on some portions of his face, as well as a majority of his body.

"Oh, hello Jeff! Well, you choose a good time to wake up, I just came in to make some notes." A male voice said from the doorway. He walked over to Jeff's bedside. He wore a lab coat and tie, holding a clipboard and pen by his side. He smiled warmly at the boy, knowing Jeff needed all the smiles he could get after what happened. "I'm Doctor Patterson, I'm your assigned doctor for the remainder of your stay. I'll be along with you through treatments. "

Jeff, still in a daze, looked at him with a tired yet confused look, clearly, he hadn't fully processed everything yet. "Treatment?"

"I'm not sure if you'll be able to remember because you did suffer some brain trauma, but you were burnt, severely."

Jeff sleepy eyes widened in terror. Tears began to well up in his eyes, recalling bits and pieces of that night. He was terrified, how disfigured would be?

The doctor took into account that the young teen was in deep distress, just from seeing the tears in his blue eyes. He smiled down at him warmly, as an attempt to reassure him. "The damage isn't nearly as bad as it could've been, we all considered you an extremely lucky boy. Numerous surgeries had been conducted, and surgeons were able to restore your face the best they could. You had gone through some plastic surgery procedures as well to further fix everything."

Jeff felt relief wash over him smiling ever so slightly, as he let out a sigh.

"However, you still have a long road of recovery. As well as the burns you've suffered from a terrible concussion as well as a broken nose. You had been put under a medically induced coma for a few weeks because your body and brain really needed the time to heal. However, there is one thing that my team and myself haven't been able to explain, your skin didn't burn in a way we'd expect."

"Huh?..." Jeff asked, a little confused.

"Well, it defies everything we know and we believe has never been seen in medical history. Your skin, it turned wh-"

"Jeff? Oh, Jeff, you're awake!" Said a familiar female voice.

Both the young teen and Doctor Patterson looked at the doorway, seeing the boys parents, Mrs. and Mr. Woods, along with his younger brother Liu. All had big smiles on their faces. Jeff's mother was the first to rush in, excited and relieved that her son was finally conscious. The Doctor smiled and stepped away, feeling it was best for him to see his family first.

Jeff's mother, Margaret Woods, came by his bedside, kneeling down to be by her bandaged son's side. "Oh, honey we've missed and been worried sick about you..."

The boys' father, Peter Woods walked in with Liu by his side, who was excited to see his older brother was okay.

"We're happy to have you back Jeff, what a tough kid you are to power through all those surgeries." His father said a smile.

Jeff, still a little dazed, smiled at them. Even in his state, he knew there was going to be a long road of recovery, but he was relieved knowing he'd have his family by his side.

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