Chapter Five

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The following week had been quite unpleasant for the teen. Word had gotten out about the fight to the high school's students like wildfire shortly after. Apparently, a student had lived in the house across from the playground and witnessed the whole scene. Hearing rumors of Randy getting into a fight wasn't new to any of the students. He was known to be someone that caused and got himself into trouble a lot. Once people heard that it was a ninth grader he fought, they were shocked, especially when rumors spread that Jeff had won the fight.

A majority of the school feared Randy, for stories and rumors had spread of people getting hurt over agitating him. So when word got out of a freshman knocking him to the ground, students were amazed. However, something like this did have a price.

Jeff quickly got a reputation, one he didn't exactly want fit into. He was seen as the kid that knocked the big pest down. Whenever he walk down the hallway he could feel eyes observing him, and people whispering to each other quietly. The word had even got out to his group of friends from hockey and middle school. No one dared to question the blue-eyed teen about it. Word hadn't got out to the teachers or principle yet, so no official punishment had been made. Even better, Jeff's parents were oblivious of it too. The Woods brothers had found some of their mom's concealer, which they used to cover up the cut on his nose whenever they were home.

Jeff held the straps of his backpack as he headed out of the high school's boundaries, other students poured out. He headed towards the middle school that was in view in the near distance, to meet Liu after he got out.

He heard a voice over the sounds of his music. Someone placed their hand on his shoulder, making Jeff stop in his tracks. He pulled his earbuds out with a tug, as he peered over his shoulder. The person trying to get his attention was another teenage boy. There really wasn't anything significant to his, he just looked like any other teenage boy. However, it was clear to Jeff that he was a senior.

"Can I help you?" Jeff asked.

"Are you, Jeff? You know, the Jeff everyone's been talking about?..." He asks quietly.

Jeff sighed, pressing his lips together slightly. He was tempted to lie and say it wasn't him, but at the same time, he knew it wasn't worth it.

"Um yeah..." Jeff replied quietly.

The older teen looked around, before grabbing Jeff's arm lightly and tugging him away from the sidewalk. The younger teen's eyes widened, him moving his arm out of the teen's grip.

"What is it?!-" Jeff questioned before the older male shushed him.

"Just, listen...Okay?"

Jeff looked at him in utter confusion, his brows knitted together. The senior student looked around once more, before turning attention to the freshman.

"I don't know if all of the rumors are true, but shit man. You've gotten yourself in a bad situation. Do you even understand who Randy is?"

"I-it's a long story that I'd rather not explain, things just got way out of hand..."

The older teen sighed, shaking his head a little. "You have a big storm ahead of you kid..."

Jeff's crystal blue eyes widened a little. His mind instantly rushed to conclusions of the school finding out about it, and police getting involved. "A-am I going to be suspended?"

"Wait no, that's not what I mean. It's Randy, he's who you have to be worrying about."

"Uhh, yeah thanks. I'll be sure to keep avoiding him." Jeff says quietly, grabbing his earbuds to place them in his ears again, turning around to walk off. He was fed up with the reputation he had gained. Even this offer of help wasn't something that he wanted to be hearing.

"Wait!" The older teen said, placing his hand on the freshman's shoulder. Jeff sighed again, looking back at him with a monotone expression.

"I don't think you understand kid, this is serious. Randy isn't someone to mess with, there's a reason why a majority of kids are scared shitless of him."

Jeff's monotoned, yet slightly annoyed expression suddenly changed. He didn't realize people actually feared Randy, he was new to high school after all.

The older teen was about to continue but sighed, trying to conjure up the best way to explain the rumors surrounding Rany. He caught onto Jeff's t-shirt, seeing a familiar horror icon on it. Michael Myers, one of the most famous slashers in cinematic horror.

"Have you seen Rob Zombie's take on 'Halloween' by any chance?"

Jeff immediately perked up, a little confused by the random question, but caught onto the fact that he was looking at his shirt. "Oh umm yeah, I don't think I was supposed to though- I've seen all the Halloween movies."

"Jeff, Randy is literally the young Michael Myers from that movie."

The long-haired teen gulped down a huge lump that formed in his throat.

"It's pretty much the same situation. Abusive father, whore mother, unstable home and siblings. Yeah, it's a cliche but it happens in real life. It's rumored that he kills animals just for the fun of it. He's really messed up, you don't understand. Everyone thinks he's going to become a school shooter. Apparently, his band of misfits are terrified of him too."

Jeff shook his head, not believing any of this. Okay yeah, maybe Randy was a bad and troubled teen but this was taking things too far. To him, all these rumors seemed cliche to be true. "As you said, it's all just rumors. I'm sorry but I doubt all of that is true. I appreciate your warning though."

"The police are always called to the house and everyone in town knows about it. Sure, maybe everything isn't true but the fact that the cops are there doesn't make it too far-fetched."

"So what am I supposed to do?"

"Lay low, try not to run into him. Honestly just let it be, don't push things any further. Okay?"

The freshman nodded his head.

"I gotta get going...Just please take my advice!" The older teen stated as he begun to walk off.

"I will!"

Jeff got a sour taste in his mouth and heavy feeling in his stomach after watching the teen walk off. He started to feel anxiety build up inside of him once reality soaked in, Randy was worse than he thought...

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