Chapter Three

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A small blonde teen giggled quietly, seeing the back of his long-haired friend sitting on a log as he looked out into the camps shimmering lake. He snuck behind him, with a big smile on his fair freckled face.

"Boo!" He shouted out as he grabbed the backs of his friends shoulders. The brunet jumped a bit, turning around to see his friend. He let out a laugh, patting the spot on the log beside him.

"Did I get you?" The blonde asked with a wide smile, the metal of his braces shining a little in the sun. He jumped over the wooden cylinder, sitting beside his best friend.

"Yes, yes you did. I'm going to get you back next time though, so you better watch out!

"Yeah sure broski, I'd like to see you try." The freckled friend said jokingly, sticking out his tongue a little.

The longer haired teen laughed a little at that, patting his childhood friend's shoulder. "So, did you end up talking with the counselors?"

"Oh yeah, I just did! They said there were still lots of the activities I can do, but I just need to have a life jacket." The blonde replied.

"Oh okay, that's not too bad. Good thing too, I'm really looking forward to doing the canoeing activity with you."

"That makes two of us!"

The brunet smiled widely, looking back out into the shimmering lake waters. He and his friend had heard of this really fun away camp that a few kids had gone to in their grade. Everyone had been talking about it, and how much fun the kids had from staying over for the week. So naturally, the two friends begged their parents to let them go that summer. The long-haired teen's parents were perfectly fine with it. In fact, they thought it was a great idea and experience for their eldest son. However, the blonde boy's parents were a little on the fence about it. Sure, they did want their kid to have the experience but at the same time, they were extremely nervous to do so. Their son wasn't the strongest of swimmers, in fact, he couldn't swim at all. They had planned for him to for to swimming classes that summer, but the available time span for the boys to go was the first week of summer vacation. They ended up talking with the counselors and owners of the camp and explained their situation. They reassured the son's parents that he'd still have a great experience, but would have to wear a lifejacket and have a counselor observe him carefully.

"Oh, crap...I think I forgot to put sunscreen on." The brunet friend said, pulling up his backpack that was behind the log onto his lap. He unzipped it, rummaging through its continents. "Damnit, I forgot to pack it. It figures that's what the counselors stressed us to have."

The freckled teen smiled a little, patting his friend's shoulder. "It's ok, just run back to the cabin to grab it."

"But we're going to start activities soon!"

"It's okay, I'll just tell our group leaders that you had to get something."

The long-haired teen stood up and nodded. "Okay, okay, I promise I'll be quick though!" He said, jumping over the log and running out of the beach area afterward.

The blonde laughed a little and looked at his friend rushing off. "Don't trip on anything Jeff!" He called out.

Jeff rushed back to the beach, sunscreen in hand. He panted a little, he had literally run to their cabin and back. However, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening as he saw the sudden commotion near the docks of the camp's lake. It could've just been the kids joining together for their camp groups before breaking off into their activities. However, Jeff couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that was crawling inside the pit of his stomach. Especially when he didn't see his friend sitting on the log they were previously at.

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