Chapter 5

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Camila's POV

DJ: Wow you got her whipped

Manibear: You got her kissing your hand, how sweet

Allysus: We're watching you

Allysus: I mean we saw you when we were coming back into the apartment building

Camila giggles and puts her phone away.

"What's so funny?" Lauren looks away from the road and raises an eyebrow, with a curious smile on traced on her lips.

"Oh nothin.. My friend's said you're whipped." The brunette whispered the last part.

"It sounded a lot like you said your friends said I'm whipped."

Camila just gave her a cheesy smile.

"I am not! They haven't even met me! Cammmzz!" Lauren whines and steals a peak at the brown eyed girl, then looks back ahead.

Camila is having a full on fit of laughter now.

"They just watched you kiss my hand!"

"Oh so you're sneaking videos of me and leaking them are you?"

Camila gasps. "Lauren! I don't - why would I- I just told you I wasn't comfortable with the spotlight right now!"

Lauren was now the one laughing. "I'm just joking Cami." Camila playfully slaps her arm.

"OW!" Lauren rubs her arm with the most cutest puppy dog face Camila has ever witnessed.

"Aww sowwy Laur Jar" Camila kisses her cheek, "besides how do you even leak stuff, you know, just askin for no reason." Camila jokes as she wiggles her eyebrows.


Camila was quite nervous. She had been thinking about popping the girlfriend question but was hesitant. She decided to test the waters then decide.

"So.." Camila starts as the girls are cuddled up on the couch watching The Great British Baking Show Holiday edition.

Lauren looks at her as she pops a grape into her mouth, "yeah?"

"Christmas is next week."

Lauren looks at her amused and Camila shrinks under her gaze.

Lauren giggles and wraps her arms around Camila's waist and pulls her slightly onto her lap, leaving her arms lingering.

"I was wondering what your plans are. Like should I get you something, are you going to be here-"

"I will be here, my family is in Florida visiting the grandparents and I just wanted to relax from all the questions about my 'extravagant' lifestyle. They're always asking if I'm dating and why not and blah blah. I may join them though, if you're busy." Lauren slightly blushes at her last words.

"By the way, you should totally get me something, I loooove presents." The pop star puts on a goofy smile, "but what are you doing? Will you go back home?" Lauren backs up a bit to have full view of her face.

"I don't know if I should go for a couple of days or just visit on Christmas. But I was sort of wondering if you'd want to come? Unless you think it's too soon, then I was just joking but I was just putting it out there as a suggestion" Camila lets out all in one nervous breath.

Lauren smiles and gently brushes some of Camila's hair out of her face, leaving her hand to lightly linger on the brunettes face. "You want me to meet your family?"

"I um- is that something you want to do? You're a pretty busy woman so I just thought it would be good timing. Plus you could be my gift to my little sister, she loves you."

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