Chapter 7

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“I have a feeling I’m going to love that class,” I smile. We’ve already returned from lunch and finished the block. Now it’s time to go to the last class of the day.

Katy laughs and says, “I have to go back to B2… what about you guys?”

“D2,” I answer for the both of us.

“Well… meet me in the front of the school at the end of the day so Natalie can pick us up there, okay?” Katy questions.

“Okay,” I say. Katy then turns and walks away, leaving me and Jason to go the other way.

“Listen,” he says as we walk.

“Don’t,” I interrupt. “Honestly, I don’t want to hear it.”

“But…” he tries after a moment of silence.

“Please,” I interrupt again, my voice shaking slightly this time. “Don’t.”

Jason releases a small sigh before nodding. By now we’ve reached D2 and our class is one of the last rooms in the hallway.

“Oh!” a woman exclaims. “Hola! You must be… Hayley and Jason? Correct?”

“Yeah,” I say.

“Please go take a seat!”

The only open chairs are right next to each other in the back row. I go first, leaving Jason to sit on the aisle.

“Hey,” the guy I sit next to says. “I’m Jake. You are Hayley, no?” he has a moderately thick Spanish accent.

“Yeah… nice to meet you, Jake.”

The class flies by very quickly, and before I know it, the bell rings.

“Good-bye Hayley!” Jake says as we stand up to leave.

“Good-bye, Jake.”

The rest of the week is similar. My days are filled with school and my nights with homework, swimming, and avoiding Jason. Now it’s early Saturday morning, and Katy and I are in the pool.

“So,” she begins as we swim to the edge of the pool to take a break. “That guy in my creative writing class? He has a girlfriend. Apparently, she’s kind of a jerk though. At least, that’s what Beth told me.”

Katy has already made some friends. Not close ones, but acquaintances.  I was the only one to know that she liked this guy, of course.

“I’m sure he’d be happier with you,” I respond as we climb out of the pool.

“Have you talked to Jase yet?”



“I will soon. I promise. Anyway, do you want to have a movie day in the theater room?”

“Sure. Natalie and Jordan are gone still, aren’t they? When do they get back?”

“Yeah… they’ll be back on Tuesday I think,” I say, although I’m unsure. They’d left on business because they were in the process of combining their companies.


After our swim, we separate to get dressed and stuff before meeting in the movie room. We both brought two of our favorite movies.

“What did you bring?” Katy asks me.

Eclipse and Final Destination,” I answer. “You?”

P.S. I Love You and Inception,” Katy says, smiling.

“So… we’ll start with lovey girly movies and finish with suspense?” I answer.

“Okay… Eclipse first.”

We go through all of the movies, finishing with Final Destination. We’d stopped for lunch and dinner, so it was around 11 o’clock now.

Katy yawns. “Bedtime.”


A couple of hours later, I awake. My dreams had been weird, and I can now hear by stomach grumbling. Standing up, I head toward the kitchen. When I get there, I see that the light is already on, and Jason is sitting at the table eating a bowl of macaroni and cheese.

“Do you want some?” he asks when he sees me.

“Thanks,” I mutter, getting a bowl and helping myself from the pot on the stove.

“Hayley, please talk to me.”

“No,” I sit on the counter and begin eating my food.

“Hayley let me apologize.”

“For what? Your ignorance?”

“Yes!” he exclaims, sounding frustrated.

My appetite is gone now, so I put the bowl down and stand up, wanting nothing more than to leave.

“Hayley, wait.”

“No,” I say.

Jason makes an exasperated sound before taking my arms and pinning me to the wall. “Listen to me.”

“Let me go!” he holding me tight enough to keep me there, but not so hard that it hurts.

“Just listen to me!” Jason demands. “If you’ll listen I’ll let you go!”

I tighten my jaw. “Talk.”

He takes a deep breath before sighing. “Look I don’t know. I had no right to assume those things that I said. Honestly, I was mad. I’m sorry.”

“Now will you let me go?”

“Just accept my apology!”

“No!” I say loudly, struggling to be free.

“You know what? I take it all back. You are a brat!”

“Oh, I’m a brat? I’m not the one throwing a temper tantrum because someone’s not falling for your stupid charm and giving you what you want for once!”

“What are you even talking about?” he demands. “I never get what I want. You’re the spoiled brat of the two of us.”

I tighten my jaw and turn my head away from him, not giving him an opportunity to see my eyes welling up.

“What? Did I anger the Princess?” he demands. I make no movement, refusing to give him the satisfaction. “God, look what you did! I was trying to apologize, and it ended in a screaming match!”

“Some apology,” I mutter sarcastically, under my breath.

“What?” he questions. After my only response is silence he demands, “Look at me!”

Finally I turn my head and my green eyes meet his. We stare for a moment before he finally leans down and kisses me. The kiss seems to last forever, and it’s impossible to ignore the sparks flying. When he separates himself from me, we stare at each other for a few moments before I realize he’s let go of me. I quickly bolt to my room, without looking back.

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