Chapter 10

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The ride home is a little awkward, as Katy is unaware of the dramatic shift in my relationship with Jason. As soon as we walk inside the house, Jason mouths for me to follow him, so I do. As I follow him up the stairs, I tell Katy to meet in me in the pool in twenty minutes. Jason leads me into his room as soon as we’re out of sight.

“Umm… can you not tell Katy until I’m with you?”

“Why?” I question him, confused as to why he didn’t want me to tell her myself.

“She doesn’t know I’ve changed, so if you tell her alone she’ll try to talk you out of it. She’s been around me and past girlfriends, though, so if I’m with you I can just show her I’m different.”

“Oh… well okay I guess. Then come to the pool after we’ve been there for a few minutes okay? Because I don’t want to wait to tell her.”

“Well, okay,” he says nodding.

“Alright, well I have to go change… bye!” I turn to leave, but he grabs my arm, and pecks me on the lips.


I change as quickly as I can, knowing I have to get downstairs to the pool as fast as possible, so Katy isn’t suspicious about what took me so long. I walk to the pool, and Katy has obviously beaten me there.

“Hey,” she says as I open the door. “I thought maybe you’d forgotten about me.”

I laugh a little and Katy looks at me smiling widely. “So guess what?” she says.


“That guy that I like broke up with his girlfriend…”

“Oh…!” I say, teasing her slightly.

“Yeah, and I sit next to one of his best friends so I heard the whole story…” Katy goes on to explain the whole scenario of what happened between the guy and his girlfriend. As soon as she’s finished I open my mouth to respond, but I’m cut off by the opening of the pool door.

“Hello?” Jason calls, pretending he doesn’t know we’re here, even though he heard me tell Katy to meet me here.

“Hey,” Katy calls back. The two of us are perched on the side of the pool, letting our feet break the surface of the water.

Jason waves hello and asks Katy about her day. She tells the same story she told me, leaving out a few slight details. She then turns to me.

“How was your day? How are the guys in your classes?” she pauses for a moment before adding, “Oh! What about that guy Jake? The one with the accent? He’s in your Spanish class right?”

Jason raises his eyebrows at me, but I ignore him.

“Actually, Katy… I have a boyfriend now,” I say, allowing my smile to grow.

“What? And you didn’t tell me? Who?” Katy exclaims, giving me a slight shove.

Up until now, Jason’s been awkwardly standing next to me. Now he sits beside me. “Me.”

Katy’s mouth falls slightly. “Hayley… I told you about…”

“Katy, I’ve changed,” Jason interjects. “Hayley tried to reject me, she tried to listen to you, trust me. But she’s… she’s changed me. She’s amazing,” he finishes, wrapping his arm around me slightly, not entirely knowing if I’ll let him. When I do, he flashes a smile at me, making my heart flutter a bit.

“Well… I guess it’s okay then. But Hay, don’t hurt my brother. And Jase… if you hurt her I’ll hurt you.”

I nod, laughing a little, while Jason beams. “Alright, hug time!” he states, getting up to hug Katy. Katy looks at him suspiciously before hugging him carefully.

All of a sudden, Katy turns quickly, shoving Jason into the pool harshly. He lets out a small shout of surprise as he falls freely into the pool. He resurfaces and climbs out with a small scowl on his face. What I see takes my breath away. His lean,  tones body shimmers with water. He shakes his head a little, spraying water off of his hair. I finally snap out of the daze I’m in as the water hits my face, and I suddenly feel arms around me. I lean into them slightly before I’m slightly lifted into the air. Immediately, I’m aware of what’s going to happen and I let out a scream.

“No! No, no, no!” I screech.

“Close your eyes, baby,” he murmurs softly into my ear before throwing me into the pool.

I resurface as quickly as I can manage, to see Katy giggling and Jason smiling at me innocently. I glare at him for a second before cracking and smiling.

“I bet I can beat you to the other end of the pool,” I declare, smirking at Jason.

“You can’t,” he says defiantly.

“I can,” I say, “and I’ll even give you a five second head start.”

Jason laughs and faces Katy. “Katy, say go.”

Katy looks and me, sharing a secret smile, “Go!” she says loudly.

Jason immediately dives into the pool with force. His stroke is strong and powerful, but his legs are weak. After five seconds I begin swimming. I catch up to him fairly quickly, and pass him after swimming beside him for just a moment. I reach the edge of the pool long before him.

“You cheated,” he declares.

“Yeah right! I won. Where’s my prize?” I tease.

“Right here,” he whispers before pulling me close and kissing me softly.

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