Chapter 12

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“He just kept staring at you?” Katy asks as I slide into the pool water.

“Yeah,” I say. I had just finished explaining the whole story to her.

“It’s so like Blake to wolf-whistle…” Katy giggles, getting a little side-tracked.

I roll my eyes at her. “Focus!” I say, fighting a smile. “I wonder what the boys are saying now…

Jason’s Point of View

“Seriously, guys stop it,” I say, laughing as Blake and Alec begin to tease me about how attractive Hayley is.

Blake and Alec finally let their sexist comments and laughter die down, but it’s completely halted when David speaks.

“Well, you better be prepared to share.”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah right.”

“I shared some of my… girls with you, didn’t I?” This was true. When I broke up with Maria, David may have been unable in trying to supply me with drugs, but he did supply me with girls.

“She’s different,” I defend.

“We’ll see.”

Hayley’s Point of View

“I win again!” I proclaim as I touch the edge of the pool.

“You cheat,” Katy declares, sticking her tongue out at me.

“How do you cheat at a swimming race?” I question, laughing at her.

“I don’t know! You tell me!” she says before pouting and climbing out of the pol.

“Whatever you say,” I laugh as I climb out and sit beside her. “So when are your friends going to visit?”

“Eh, probably not soon or often. I don’t really make friends like Jason.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t like having too many people close to me. I like distance better.”


Katy shrugs at me. She does that fairly often. “I don’t know,” she says. I can tell she does know, and that the reason is fairly important, but I don’t push it.

“So what’s up with that guy?” I ask, knowing that she’ll be happy to talk to him.

“He’s pretty good… he’s really upset about him and his ex-girlfriend, though…” she goes on for a few moments before shrugging. “I’m not sure he likes me. And I’m not so sure I like him. There’s this other guy… Lance.”

“Lance?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” she says dismissively. “It’s not like I like him a lot. Not even enough to say yes if he asked me out. Just… like a mini crush. You know?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

Katy continues for a few moments before stopping. “So what do you think of Jason’s friends, besides David?”

“I don’t know… I’m not sure it’s fair to say, since I didn’t really talk to them too much.”

Katy opens her mouth to speak, but as she does the door is thrown open.

“Whoa!” I hear a male voice exclaim. “Cool pool!”

“That rhymed!” Katy says causing her and I to begin giggling, as Jason and his friends come into the room.

“Doll, what’s so funny?” Blake demands. I realize it was him who spoke as they entered the room as well

“Oh, nothing…” Katy says dragging out both words.

“Nothing?” Blake repeats walking closer to us.

“Yeah,” she repeats. Jason and the rest of the boys begin walking to the pool chairs to place their stuff down.

“Really?” Blake questions.

“Yes!” Katy says, standing up and facing him. “Really.”

“Well then,” Blake says, leaning over and scooping her up into his arms. She lets out a loud scream.

“Blake don’t you dare…” she yells. She barely gets the last word out before he tosses her up into the air. She screams loudly before landing in the water, creating a large splash. I can’t help but laugh along with Blake and the other boys. “I’m glad you think it’s funny…” she says with a small smirk after she resurfaces.

“Huh?” I question. My words are answered quickly as I’m lifted up into the air.

“Hold your breath, baby,” Jason’s familiar voice whispers softly in my ear.

I take in a deep breath, knowing what’s going to happen next will happen whether I argue or not. Within a few seconds I was in midair, falling onto the cool water. The water envelopes me quickly, making me feel at home. I swim to the surface, and once I hit the air I open my eyes to find everyone laughing. I travel toward to ladder and climb out, playfully smacking Jason on the arm. Everyone’s laughing and talking now, except for David.

David’s eyes are locked onto me. He has a slight smile, but not a happy smile. It’s a look the immediately causes goose bumps all over my body. I try not to look at him, afraid of his eyes, his smile, and his entire self.

I don’t like the feeling I get from him.

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