3 : More Than Just Flowers

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I left Deltul alone for the rest of the day, knowing I would only make it worse. I was frustrated with myself, and anger at my choices. So I redirected that fury towards Zahkrii.

"Where did you go last night?" I spun around and demanded. He stopped walked with me, and blinked in confusion.

"How did..."

"I saw you sneaking out from behind the pillar." I narrowed my eyes. "What are you hiding?"


"And you lied about it during breakfast!"

"I was looking for flowers okay?!" He looked down, embarrassment flooded through him.

"You... we're looking... for flowers?"

"You have showed me kindness when I was starting to forget what kindness was." He wouldn't look me in the eye. "I just wanted to properly thank you for letting me stay in a place of such importance."

"Zahkrii..." I closed my eyes. Idiot, why did you make such a big deal out of this?! "I... so sorry... I guess the war had made me paranoid..."

"I understand, Zepth." He bit his lip and looked down the hall. "Speaking of those flowers - Wait here."

He ran off, and I just stood there. Was he really getting flowers? Was this just a way for him to thank me? What did it mean? Was I overthinking this? What if they're ugly flowers - how do I respond? What if they're pretty?? What if I really like the flowers?!? What-

"Here." He held out a couple of forest flowers, stems wrapped with twine. "I know they don't look like much..."

"Silarna Flowers..." I recognized their white petals that fades to a light blue towards the tip. The inside of the plant extended several long pollen arms, that glowed with golden yellow. "Aw, thank you so much. They're beautiful.

"Ahhh it was nothing..." His face scales reddened slightly. "I should go wash up."

"Oh." I nodded. "Yeah, good idea. Dinner will probably be ready soon."


I went to my chambers, and he went to his. After setting the flowers in a crystal vase, I went to the small pool in the corner of my room. I scrubbed all the dirt off my wings, polished my talons with a damp cloth, and let myself soak in the water.

Once I got out and dried off, I sighed and fell down on my mountain of blankets. I glanced over at the flowers. Merely a thanks, and nothing more... right?

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