10 : The Quest's Beginning

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"Blatua Kingdom?!" Esperanza exclaimed. "Good heavens, why would you ever want to go to that horrible place?"

"It's a long story." Nota sighed.

"Grilop told me to find his grandfather there." I summarized. "He said to bring-"

"Grilop couldn't have spoken to you." My mother shook her head with a sad smile. "You're confused, maybe his passing is making you imagine things."

"She isn't imagining anything." Nota pulled the seed from my talons and showed it to her. "Grilop told her about this seed. He told Zepth to bring it to Moridax. It's proof. How else would we have known about some hidden seed he kept in his den?"

"That isn't all." My mother frowned. "Blatua is a... hostile place ever since they lost the war."

"It isn't much safer here." I gestured in the direction the castle used to stand. Now, we slept in a makeshift camp in the fields.

"I almost lost you back at The White Castle, I will not risk you again." She firmly told me.

"I'm not yours to risk!" I rose my voice, laughing with no humor. "I am a hatchling no more, I can defend myself."

"And she won't be going alone." Nota stepped forward. "We will stay safe. Moridax will probably help too, once he's told of our connection to Grilop."

"And myself." A new voice cleared their throat. We all spun around to find Kintes standing there, an awkward grin stretching his lips.

"You were almost killed..." I closed my eyes, remembering the terrifying moment where I thought life left his eyes.

"If I remember correctly, so were you two." He walked up to all of us. Kintes paused, looking at me. "I want to go with you."

"I cannot believe this!" Esperanza scoffed. "As your mother-"

"You would tell me to do what I believe needs to be done." I finished.

"As your Queen, I forbid it." She pursed her lips. "That is my final word. No one will be leaving to journey to Blatua Kingdom."


I smiled to myself as we took to the skies that night. Your final word, perhaps. Not mine.

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