14 : The Search

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     "So narcissistic..." Nota shook her head as we flew once more into the clouds. "I can't believe that actually worked."

     Kintes grinned. "It was kind of fun."

     "Yeah well, we won't be heading back to the Raliu Kingdom anytime soon." I squinted below. We passed over the Troll Channel.  On one side of the bridge, there was grassy forests. We just entered the other side - a grey wasteland littered with skeleton trees.

"Calif." Nota gasped. "I don't think there's a better place that matches Grilop's description."

"Moridax lives where life does not..." I repeated to myself. "He's got to be here somewhere."

"Could you imagine if we didn't know what he looked like?" Kintes laughed. Nota and I shared a worried glance, and he caught on. "Wait... you guys do know what he looks like, right?"

Our silence answered him.

"You guys came all this way to find a dragon from a riddled place and you don't know what he looks like?!" We shook our head slowly, and he hung his mouth open. "Well, what are we gonna do now?"

"I was kind of hoping he would find us." Nota shrugged. "I guess that doesn't make a lot sense now. How would he know what we looked like."

"I have a pretty easy and straightforward way." I chimed in.


"Moridaaaax!" I called from the tar pit. It sputtered and a bubble rose. It popped and splashed the black goo around the puddle.

"Moridax? Is there a Moridax here?" Kintes called from the sky at a group of dragons. They glared at him, and left.

"Hello? Moridax?" Nota stuck her head into the trunk of a dead tree. A cluster of bats screamed at her and blasted out. "Guess not..."

I walked away from the pits. Kintes landed and Nota came over to join me.

"This isn't working." I frowned. "Anyone have any ideas?"

They looked at each other and then to me, shaking their heads. I sighed, beginning to turn around.

"Where are you going?" Nota harmlessly asked.
I shrugged. "Maybe we'll bump into him if we keep walking."

"Sounds better than just sitting here waiting for him to come to us." Kintes nodded in agreement.


"I wonder if he'll look like most Death elementals." Nota walked with us. "You know, like a skeleton."

"What else would he look like?"

"I dunno." She glanced to the side. "Maybe he'll just blend right in."

Kintes quickened his pace. "I bet he-"

"Go back to Tiignu ye blasted whippersnappers!" A grumpy dragon roared with some sort of accent. "I swear I'll blow yer bleedin' hides all the way to NIAG if ye don't get yer floppy butts in check and give me back my tailbone!"

We cautiously peeked over the small hill of dry dirt. An old skeletal dragon was shouting at two hatchlings dangling from a charcoaled tree. One of them was flinging a tailbone in the air.

"Aw that poor dragon." Nota frowned. "Let's help him, Zepth. It would only take a moment."

I groaned. This could very well take a while if the hatchling's parents got involved. Eventually, I gave into Nita's attempt at a puppy dog sad face.

"I am going to take your bleedin' bones when you're DEAD and throw them around - see how ya like THAT!" The man had a fire in his voice, like he could very well take care of himself, but Nota desperately wanted to help.

We launched ourselves into the scene, slamming down on the floor. The tree snapped and fell to the floor. The hatchlings rolled away from it and looked up at us, terrified.

"I believe you have something that does not belong to you." I grinned, showing off my teeth.

"H-here!" The child said, pushing the bone in the dirt toward me. "Take it, but d-don't hurt us!"

"Get out of here!" Kintes snarled. They scrambled to their feet and took off.

Nota bent down and picked up the bone, offering it to the old dragon. "Here you are, sir."

The old dragon squinted at the bone - or at least I think he squinted with his two glowing orbs inside his hollow sockets. "Ye bleedin' friends broke my FAVORITE TREE!" He snatched the bone away and popped it back on with a huff.

"I'm sorry about your tree." I raised an eyebrow as he grumbled to himself, walking away.

"Well, he was a delight." Kintes snorted. "Let's go, we're losing daylight."

"Wait!" Nota stopped us and glanced back at the old dragon. "You don't suppose it's possible...?"

I shrugged. "I think he's already pretty mad at us, but it's worth a shot."

Nota eagerly ran over to the dragon. "Excuse me, but I don't suppose y-"

"Eh?" He growled. "What do you want from me this time? I only had the one favorite tree and ye already snapped that."

"No, I-"

"I don't have any food either." He grumbled.

"It's just that-"

"WHAT, child?! Just spit it out!"

Nota frowned and gave him a second, then slowly opened her mouth to speak. "Well, you see-"

"MY GODS!" He exclaimed, exasperated. "You're lucky I can't die, because at this rate, you would have already missed the bleedin' BURIAL!"

"Are you Moridax or not?" I cut in, frustrated.

His glowing orbs narrowed in another squint. "Why should I tell you? Who are you?" He asked suspiciously.

"Zepth, Nota, and Kintes." I quickly answered. "Grilop sent us."

"GRILOP?!" That name seemed to trigger something because the old dragon snarled and lunged for my throat.

     "GRILOP?!" That name seemed to trigger something because the old dragon snarled and lunged for my throat

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I wrote Moridax with a voice kind of like this...

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