Chapter 12

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That's what Nandini gave me two days ago.

I know she hasn't forgiven me, yet, but I'll make sure to make her forget the time she spent without me.

I smile to myself, remembering some of the moments I'd spent with her in these past few days and rest my face on my folded arm as I lay down on the bed staring at the blank ceiling.

What have you done to me, Cupcake?

Tumse dur rehne ka dil hi nahi karta aaj kal.

I smirk and bite my lower lip out of habit as an idea crosses in my genius brain, I stare at the ceiling debating wether it'll be a good idea, but my heart and brain scream for me to just do it and forget about everything else.

I quickly get up from the bed and wearing my shoes as quickly as I can, pick my car keys before leaving my room in hurry.

Mom left this morning to Delhi, she'll be staying there for only some days, and those are my chances to do whatever and whenver I want, because once she comes back there's no chance she'll let me leave the house at this hour.

Before I put a break to my thoughts, I've pulled my car in front of Nandini's house and walking towards the brown wooden door in front of me with Murthy's Villa name plate hanging on it.

Manik, think again. You still have time to go back.

My subconscious whispers in my head, but I'm already here, and there's no turning back now. We'll see the outcome.

I lift my hand and knock twice before taking a step back and waiting any kind of response from the other side.

Minutes pass and there's no sound, so I knock again and this time with more force, but still nothing comes back.

Should I ring the bell?
But what if Navya's here too.

Not having another option, I ring the bell just once, and this time I do hear a sound that I'm unable to deschiper, but it's enough to lift up my mood.

Soon, I hear the lock and an automatic smile appears on my face, but it disappears instantly seeing an angry Nandini glaring at me.

I gulp before lifting my hand in a hi, but she keeps digging holes in me just like she has been doing these past days, so I'm kind of used to it, but they still scare me to some extend.

Man up, Manik. It's just your Cupcake.

I put on a serious face and pushing her a little bit get inside, "What is this Cupcake? How could you just open the door without checking who it is? What if it wasn't me? What if it was a burglar? You can't be this reckless, or else, what will I tell aunty? How will I tell her that her daughter-" I stop talking as soon as I hear her shout, "Shut up, Manik!"

I gulp and turn to look at her angry face, which does nothing but frighten me even more, "I was just-"

"Shut up!"




"I said shut up Manik, so just shut up before I do something that will hardly make me feel guilty." She crosses her arms, while I pretend to zip my mouth and lock it with a key and throwing it away.

She rolls her eyes, before drinking water from a glass kept on the dinning table placed not far, "What the hell are you doing here?"

I respond nothing and just keep standing there moving my eyes along with her movements going around the house placing things here and there.

She stops after a while and looks back at me, "You do know that it's one in the morning right!?" I just nod with my head, making her raise her eyebrows and shaking her head, indirectly asking me, 'What the hell is wrong with you?'

I try to somehow talk but only hmm sounds get out, so I just sigh and shut up.

"Manik, I know you're doing this to annoy me, but let me tell you, I'm tired, so stop." I wide my eyes and blow my cheeks before pretending to look hurt giving her my all time puppy look, which does nothing to her, or at least, that's what she shows.


"I came here beacuse of you." I take some steps towards her and close her mouth as her jaw was about to touch the floor.

"Don't give me that look, if you would've stopped invading my mind I wouldn't have come here." Her jaw drops again, leaving with the same look as before, so I repeat my action and close it, again.

I look at her face waiting for her to say something, but nothing comes out of her mouth even though she opens and closes it again and again.

I huff and sit on the sofa taking my mobile out of my pocket and scrolling through my messages, pretending to look busy.

Not long after, a hand snatches my mobile, making me look up instantly, "Get up, and leave."

Shocked, I get up and take my mobile back before sitting again, "I won't."

"Manik, this is my house, so I decide who stays and you are definitely not someone I'd let stay." I feel a pang a of hurt in my heart caused by her words, which I hide instantly not wanting her to see it.

I may look all tough and unaffected, but my heart breaks a little more each time she says something hurtful and doesn't even look guilty after saying it. Each one of those times, I convince myself that I deserve it, but do I really need to go through so much heartache!?

I get up looking straight into her eyes trying to find some kind of emotion other than anger and annoyance, but I fail miserably, so I just look back down on the floor, "I just came here to see if you were fine. You're living alone and I just wanted to check on you."

I look up again, locking my eyes with her, "I'm not your enemy Nandini. I'm Manik, your-" I stop before completing not wanting to hurt myself by saying those words, because they make no difference to her.

I sigh and look here and there touching the back of my neck, "You know what, I'll- I'll just leave. Good night."

I take two steps towards the door, somewhere down the line hoping her to say something, but she keeps quiet, until I reach the door, "Manik."

My face lights up like a bulb and I turn with a hopeful face, but all I get are some bitter words. "Next time you decide to come, just ring the bell twice, that way I know it's you. That way, I won't have to take the trouble of peeking from my window and opening the door, 'cause I don't wanna see your face."

My nose flares in frustration, but I say nothing back and just leave closing the door with as much force as I can, wanting her to know that her words did affect me.


Early update!

Let me know what you thoughts on it.

Keep smiling. :)

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