day three

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After days went by of working together, Lauren's ideas were what Jon just needed in his story. Putting together the point of views of the main girl and boy. They couldn't think of a boy's name that day either, so they used his own as well,

"My real name's actually 'Jonathan' not Jon." He confessed to her.
"Really? Well, my real name is Lauren."
Jon laughed at her small and joke and lightly pushed her, she pushed back with a chuckle.
"Then I guess we'll use your real name, Jonathan."
"So Jonathan and Lauren, our two main characters."
"I guess those names work for now." Jon laughs and shrugs.

Later in the day Lauren returned home from another time at work, at 3pm she walked through her door to see her mother laying lightly on her bed, she smiled as Lauren walked through the door, "Good Afternoon sweetie, how was work so far today?"

"Oh, it went as it always does." Lauren chuckled.

"How's that boy you've been telling me about?"

"Jon? He's fine, uh-we finished a lot more of the story today too during my break."

"He seems like a sweet man—" her mom suddenly stopped her words, her eyes looked up and she froze.

"Mom?" Lauren asked, but there was no reply, "Mom, are you okay? Mom!?" Lauren ran to her side, she finally used her end of the deal and called Jon.

"He-hello?" Jon answered quickly.

"Jon, come over now!" She said panicked.

"Clam down Lauren, I'm on my way, I promise." She heard a car click through the speaker and she knew he could be her savior at this moment.

They hung up and in within a matter of minutes Jon approaches the house.

"What happened?" Jon asks as he goes to the bed where her mother laid.

"I-I don't know, she was fine one minute then she just like paused—" she ran into his arms and hugged him, Jon was taken aback from this gesture, but he replied to it by holding her in closely, "oh Jon, I don't know what to do when things like this happen," she looked up, "will she be fine?"

"She will be, I think she just had a minor stroke or something—remember, I'm not a doctor I'm a writer." He pushed a slight chuckle to ease the tension.

Jon didn't want to let go of the broken Lauren were light tears were forming in her eyes, but he did and helped her mother back to her normal state, a state he could barley stand to watch this poor woman suffer through.

Lauren watched from the corner of the room, and when she saw the sly smile upon her mother's face from Jon's help, she went over to his side and hugged him again from the side and whispered in his ear, "Thank you Jon, thank you."

"Is this the Jon you've spoke so much about?" Her mother lightly spoke.

"'So much'?" Jon joked quietly to her and she gave him a light push.

"Yeah, he's the one I've been writing that story for the paper with."

"She's been a big help Mrs. Lopez." Jon smiled.

"That's fantastic, she's always been a great writer, she used to write stories of romance and fiction when she was a teenager—"

"Mom." Lauren laughed, "I don't think we need to share my teen life right now."

"Well, anyway, come here Jon," She called him closer and grabbed his hands, "thank you, so much for all your help. I hope I see you very soon, take care of my daughter for me—"

"Oh, mom, no we—"

"I will, I promise." Jon smiled, "there's no need to thank me for anything, it's all my pleasure."

"You're too kind," She smiled at the boy, "good afternoon, sweet Jon."

Lauren grabbed Jon's hand and walked him out as Lauren yelled to her mother, "I'll be back later mother, father should be home anytime soon."

"Alright, love you."

"Love you too."

Out the door, Jon chuckled at Lauren's want to get out.

"Did I hold up my end of the bargain?" Jon sarcastically said.

"More than enough, thank you." She smiled with a chuckle.

"Of course Lauren," He smiled, "anything for you."

A/N: wow this chapter sucks ahaha I wrote this in the car and I had a headache BUT it's worth it okay bye bye

-stranger_starkid <3

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