Ch 1

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Some things
(Y/n) = your name
(Y/ec) = your eye color
(Y/hc) = your hair color

edit 1/1/21: I have art commissions open so if you enjoy this story pls consider helping an unemployed college student out. my commission's page:


You stop running and check your heart rate monitor. It was a cold autumn night but you were still sweating from the 5 mile run you were on.
You took it every Saturday and your time had steadily decreased as you got faster. You ran to relieve stress, to keep in shape, and just because you liked it.

Usually you ran around the path in the park that was a little ways from your home but it was closed so you opted for the dimly lit forest path that was next to the park. Maybe not your best move but you figured you could take any drunk guy wandering the forest.

You'd been running for a good hour now and thought you would have made it out of the woods by now. You'd run this path in daytime before but now that it was night the place was utterly unrecognizable. The trees seemed to bend and the shadows warped into imaginary creatures. You wanted to get out.

You started running again, feeling uneasy. You could have sworn the forest trail was only around 4 and a half miles. You should be out by now. But the forest made no sign of thinning. After another 20 minutes you stopped and pulled out your phone.

Great. No signal.

You supposed you could just turn around, at least you knew how long that would take. You turn the flashlight on your phone on and turn around However you saw no path. The trees had seemingly closed around you.

Ok, I've got to be dreaming. Right?

You pinch your arm hoping to wake up. Nothing.
You slap your face.

Maybe I just got turned around?

You slowly make a 360 degree turn but to your horror there was no path to be seen. Not even the one that had been ahead of you.

Ok. Ok. This is fine, no reason to panic.

A cold gust of wind blows by and you zip your athletic jacket up. With the wind comes even more unease. You felt as if you were being watched.

"Hello?" You call out, unable to hold a dash of fear from leaking into your voice. The wind whistles through the trees.

You aren't sure why but your body screams to start running, but your legs are firmly stuck in the ground.

"Why what a lovely.... surprise"

A dark form falls gracefully from a tree in front of you and stands tall.

"Hi! Sorry if I'm uhm in your backyard or something I was just out for my evening run and I seem to have gotten a little lo-"


You freeze. The voice had been so commanding that your mouth immediately dried up and you clamp it shut.

"I have no need for your silly prattle when you'll soon be lifeless in my arms"

Oh god. This was it. You'd stumbled into a fucking psychopath and now you were going to die.

"Oh? Is that so?" You attempt to sound confident.
"Well I'm not going to go down easy if that what you think"

You move into a fighting stance, trying to remember what you had learned in that self defense seminar you'd attended.

The man(?) in front of you shakes and then a deep and hearty laugh erupts and seems to shake the ground you stand on.

"What could you, a simple human, possibly do"

Oh great. Not only were you facing a psychopath but he though he was immortal or something.

"Kick your ass" you say, staring at where you assumed his eyes were.

"Interesting. I do love feisty prey"

You shiver, a chill going down your spine.

Before you could move the figure is gone and you feel a chilly breathe down the back of your neck. Just as fast, strong hands grip your arms, nails pushing into your skin, making you drop your phone.
You cry out.

"I love that noise"

This is it. I'm going to die. You think. You struggle in his grasp to no avail.
You feel something wet on your neck and realize the guy was licking you. His tongue moves slowly up your neck and sucks a small bruise into your skin.

"You taste as delicious as you smell"

You shove away from him and whip around to deliver a punch. With apparent super human speed he catches your hand and stares at you inquisitively.

Just then the moon comes from behind a cloud and you can finally see your attacker. He has striking silver hair and pale skin. A jagged scar goes down one eye that appears to be glowing red. He is wearing black jeans and a coat that goes to his ankles.
He smiles at you revealing incisors that were way too long to be normal.

"A vampire?" You double over, despite his grip, laughing.
"Man I know I'm dealing with murderer here but one that wants to look like a vampire? Of all things?"

"A comedian are we?"

The man appears to be studying you. You're sure you must look disgusting. A sweaty mess with hair plastered to your forehead. He licks his lips and you feel your knees go weak. You try to shake your hand free but his grip holds strong.

You glance at your electronic watch to see it was almost 6 am.
How long have I been in this forest? How did I lose like 10 hours?

"Hey if you want to be a vampire so much shouldn't you be gone? The suns going to rise soon" provoking him probably wasn't a great idea but it was all you could think to do. Maybe if you kept him distracted enough until the sun came up he would leave you alone.

The man growls.
"Then I suppose I'll just have to deal with you now"

Before you knew what was happening the guy had pulled you forward and his mouth was on your neck. You start to panic, your breath coming out in short gasps. His grip on you relaxes? He makes a cooing sound.
"Shhh it'll all be over soon"

The next thing you remember is a blinding pain. Your body shakes violently and you think you're screaming but you can't hear or see anything. Then a wave of relaxation comes as your vision turns black.

Vampire! Kakashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now