Chapter 1

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Serena's Kimono and outfit she changes into

Serena's POV

It's been three years since I was last on stage with Aria going head to head for the title of Kalos Queen. Three years since I've been in Lumiose City. I've trained hard and in those three years I caught three more Pokémon, a Vulpix with a love of fashion, an Emolga with some impressive aerial maneuvers and a Milotic with stunning beauty and graceful dancing. I traveled through the Hoenn Region with a girl named May and her brother Max, and became popular there as a Pokémon coordinator, but it was never my intention nor my dream to become top coordinator so I came back to Kalos to challenge Aria once more. It's also been three years since I last saw Ash, but I can't think of him right now. No, I'm moments away from giving the performance of my life. Instead I straighten out my black, cherry blossom patterned kimono, a gift from the Laverre City gym leader Valerie who sent it to me once she heard I was back in Kalos. I turn to my Pokémon. "Alright Braixen, Sylveon and Milotic are you all ready?" All three Pokémon nod their heads in determination. "Great! Let's go out and do our very best okay? Pancham, Vulpix, Emolga? Be sure to cheer us on okay!" I say enthusiastically.
"Serena? You're on now." A stage hand tells me. "Thank you! Alright everyone lets go win the title of Kalos Queen!" I say with a grin. Together my Pokémon and I head to the platform that will take me to the stage. I wish Ash was here. My smile falters for a moment but then I hear Monsieur Pierre speaking and shake it off.
"Ladies and gentlemen it is with great pleasure that I present to you our challenger for the title of Kalos Queen, after three years away, please help me welcome the beautiful and talented performer Serena!" Monsieur Pierre introduces me and with that my platform begins to rise. I'm not the same person I was three years ago, I've grown a lot, I put on my most dazzling smile, and step to the center of the stage with my Pokémon. Before beginning I sweep my eyes over the crowd looking for a familiar raven haired pokemon trainer, when I realize what I'm doing I immediately stop. "Alright let's get started, Sylveon use Fairy Wind!" I say pointing up, Sylveon complies sending a column of pink air skyward. "Great! Milotic use Attract!" I command! "Mi!" Milotic sends the heart shaped attack into the column of Fairy Wind creating a breathtaking view. Then we begin to dance, its fun but also elegant, I choreographed it with Sylveon and Milotic. "Now Braixen use Flame Wheel and Milotic use Water Gun! Sylveon you use Swift!" I command. The three attack all collide to create dazzling starbursts. "Now Sylveon Fairy Wind again!" I order. I grab on to Braixen's stick and we spin around airborn in the middle of Fairy Wind. "Now Milotic use Psychic to come join us!" I say with a smile. Milotic uses Psychic and twirls around Braixen and I while Sylveon's feelers elongate to flutter around us as well. "Now let's wrap it up!" I say. Slowly the Fairy Wind dissipates and Braixen and I hop on to Milotic as she lowers herself down with Psychic. Now Sylveon use Dazzling Gleam!" I say. "Sylveon!" Sylveon cries, letting loose a sparkling ray of light. After another little dance interval, Sylveon wraps two of her feelers around my waist and raises me up to the left. Using her other two feelers she lifts Braixen to the right, Milotic in between us , I throw my arms up and curl a foot up behind me, as all three of my Pokémon strike a pose. "Finished!" I yell. The applause is thunderous and I'm a bit taken a back. Chest heaving and more than a bit breathless I head backstage to watch Aria's performance.
As I watch its clear that Aria hasn't been slacking off. She even has a new Pokémon, an Audino. Her performance is everything a Kalos Queen's should be, not that I'd expect anything less. When she finishes the crowd once again roars but it's unclear if they were louder than they were for my performance. It's going to be close for sure. I make my way back to the stage to stand beside Aria and her Pokémon.
"Ladies and gentlemen if you could please light your glow casters in the color that corresponds with the performer you think gave the most stunning performance! Pink for Serena or blue for Aria!" Monsieur Pierre instructs. As the lights begin to descend I squeeze my eyes shut in anticipation. This is it, everything comes down to this moment.
"Ladies and gentlemen it is with great pleasure that I present to you our newest Kalos Queen, Serena!" Monsieur Pierre's heavily accented voice announced. My eyes burst open. I did it, I finally did it! "Yeah!" I exclaim, hugging my Pokémon tightly. "I now present you with this tiara." Pierre said placing said object on the crown of my head. "Ladies and gentlemen I give you Kalos Queen Serena!" Monsieur Pierre announces. I smile and wave at the crowd. Aria steps up to me. "You were great Serena, there's no one else I would rather have lost to." Aria says.
"Thank you!" I say hugging her. She hugs me back. After about five more minutes I head backstage to be with my Pokémon. As I enter the dressing room I'm knocked down by my Pancham, Vulpix and Emolga then Braixen, Milotic and Sylveon all decide to join in and I'm suddenly at the bottom of a six Pokémon pile up. I don't care though, I'm so happy. I laugh with my Pokémon and bask in their affections. Then amidst the noise a voice calls to me. "Queen Serena, someone is here to see you!" The stage hand hollers to me. "Okay send them in!" I yell back. It's probably Shauna or Nini or Miette coming to congratulate me. "Well I seem to be interrupting something." A voice says, it's definitely not a girl's voice. "What? Who said that?" I ask attempting to get up, but due to Milotic's impressive bulk I'm stuck to the floor. Then a hand appears above me in an offer to help. I grab it and am slowly pulled out of the Pokémon pile. I look up to my savior and gasp. There standing in front of me is Ash Ketchum. He's gotten taller and his shoulders are broader and he's got a bit of stubble but it's still him, I'd know that mane of raven hair and those amber eyes anywhere. Plus the Pikachu perched on his shoulder is a dead give away. "Ash..." I say in disbelief. "Hi Serena." Ash says. I run forward and hug him. He seems shocked for a moment but wraps his arms around my waist. "I've missed you so much!" I exclaim. "I've missed you too Serena." Ash says. "What are you doing here? How did you get here?" I ask. "Well some little birdie told me you were back in Kalos and you were going to compete for Kalos Queen again and I couldn't miss that. So I flew here from Alola." Ash explained with a grin. "So you saw it?" I asked. "Every incredible second of it. I believe congratulations are in order." Ash tells me. "Thanks but I couldn't have done it without my Pokémon." I say earnestly. "I see you've got some new additions." Ash says. "Yeah I do, this beautiful girl is Milotic." I say gesturing to the big beautiful water type. "She's gorgeous! And obviously well cared for not that I'd expect anything less from you." Ash says. "This is Vulpix." I say picking up the fire type cutie. "She's cute." Ash says patting her head. "And this is Emolga." I introduce the electric type currently perched on my shoulder. Emolga and Pikachu are rubbing their cheeks together, to share electricity. "Another adorable critter." Ash comments. "Thank you." I say. "So when did you get here?" I ask. "A few hours ago. I actually had to run here so I wouldn't miss your performance." He replies rubbing the back of his neck.
"Aw that's sweet." I say. Ash blushes and I'm surprised, what happened to the dense Ash Ketchum. "How long are you going to be in Kalos?" I ask. "Well I don't really have any obligations to be anywhere else so I'm here as long as I want to be really." Ash replies. "Great, did you want to get something to eat?" I ask. As if on cue Ash's stomach growls. "Yeah I could eat." Ash says sheepishly. "Great! Milotic, Pancham, Vulpix, Emolga return!" I say taking out their poke balls. "Why don't you return Braixen and Sylveon?" Ash asks. "Well, when I first started traveling in Hoenn I didn't have you, Clemont and Bonnie to keep me company so I got really lonely. To feel less alone I started traveling with Braixen and Sylveon outside of their Poke balls. Eventually, I met a girl named May, who was a coordinator and her brother Max and we traveled together. But Braixen and Sylveon refused to go in their Poke balls. So they've been traveling outside of them ever since." I explain. "Oh okay." Ash says. "Shall we go?" I ask, as Sylveon wraps her feelers around my wrist. "Yeah let's go!" Ash says enthusiastically. Together we leave the performance hall. Once outside, I realize we should have used a different exit because immediately I'm flocked with reporters. "Serena what's it feel like to become Kalos Queen?" One reporter asks. I can't exactly ignore them after just becoming Kalos Queen. I give Ash an apologetic smile before stepping up to answer a few questions. "Well it's a dream come true for me! I've been training for this moment for three years." I answer. "What do you plan to do now?" Another reporter asked. "Well I haven't really thought of what's next yet. I think for now I'll take some time to relax and celebrate with my Pokémon and friends." I reply.
"Serena is this young man your boyfriend?" One reporter asks. Ash and I both blush. "Oh no Ash is a really good friend is all." I blurt. The reporter smiled knowingly but didn't ask anything else. "Miss Serena some people believe that you used your friendship with Aria to cheat so you could take the title of Kalos Queen from her. Any comments on that?" A smug looking man asks. I'm speechless, I've been Kalos Queen for less than 30 minutes and people are already accusing me of cheating. I'm unsure of how to respond but Ash comes to my rescue. "That is utterly ridiculous! Serena worked very hard to become Kalos Queen. She's traveled to a different region just to train and gain more experience. Most people would have given up after losing to Aria once, but not Serena. No one is more deserving of the title of Kalos Queen. She earned the title fair and square!" Ash exclaimed. "Pika!" Pikachu added for good measure. For a moment the reporters are all stunned by his outburst and so am I. We are then saved by Aria who comes to stand beside me, her Delphox trailing behind her. "Ash is right, their is no one I would have rather lost to, and no one that I would rather pass the title to. Serena is the most deserving of the title of Kalos Queen. I've held the title for six years it's time for new blood. Now I'm sure Serena is very tired from all the excitement, why don't we leave her be for a bit and I can answer some questions." Aria says. I smile gratefully at her. The reporters seem to accept this and flock to Aria. I smile again. "I say we get going while the gettin' is good." Ash whispers in my ear. I shiver as his lips graze my ear but nod. Together with our Pokémon we slip away. "Maybe we should stop at the Pokémon Center so I can change into something less conspicuous." I suggest. "But won't your Pokémon give you away?" Ash asks. "Maybe but at least I won't be as obvious as I am in this kimono." I say frowning. "Okay the Pokemon Center is just around the corner." Ash tells me. I nod and run ahead. After saying hi to nurse Joy I run to my room, Sylveon and Braxien beside me. After closing the door I strip out of my kimono and hang it up and carefully place the tiara on the dresser. Then I pull out my Jigglypuff crop tank top and high waisted white short shorts and slip them on, threading my pink belt that holds my Pokeballs through the belt loops. After that I take a minute to admire my appearance. I'm not thirteen years old anymore, my body has certainly filled out in all the right places as a performer I get my fair share of exercise and my body shows it. My breast are an ample C cup, and my hips fill out just enough to give me an hour glass shape. My arms and legs are toned and fit, and my stomach is taut. Smiling I run a brush through my short locks before placing my pink and white fedora on my head. After slipping on a pair of white ankle boots I'm ready. "How do I look?" I ask my Pokémon.
"Syl! Sylveon!" Sylveon cries in apparent approval. "Braixen! Brai!" Braixen agrees giving me a thumbs up.
Sylveon wraps her feelers around my wrist again and together we head to the lobby of the Pokémon center.

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