Chapter 2

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This is what Bonnie looks like now.
Ash's POV

As I waited for Serena I couldn't help but think about how beautiful she'd become. I wasn't entirely honest with her when she asked why I came back to Kalos. In truth with the help of some friends from Alola I realized I loved her. And tonight I'm going to tell her.
"Alright I'm ready!" Serena says drawing my attention and it takes everything I have not to pass out from how gorgeous she is. Her short shorts expose her mile long legs, her tight crop tank top shows off her hour glass figure. "Gorgeous..." I say. "What?" Serena asks. Oh man I said that out loud. Think fast Ash. "I said Florges. I thought I saw one outside but it was just a bush." I say. "Oh okay. Are you ready?" Serena asks already heading to the exit. I can't believe she bought that. I start to follow her and am surprised by the knowing smirk Braixen gives me over her shoulder. So she's not as oblivious as her trainer. "So what did you have in mind for dinner?" I ask walking next to her. "There's this really good pasta place near the Lumiose Gym." Serena tells me. "Sounds good." I say. We walk in companionable silence. But my mind is spinning. How am I going to tell her? Maybe I should wait until after we eat. Or before? But what if she doesn't feel the same? It would really be an awkward meal if I told her before we ate. Yeah I'll definitely wait until after. "Excuse me miss, could I please pet your Sylveon?" A little girl with springy brown curls asks Serena. "Of course you can." Serena says kneeling down by her. As I watch I can't help but think about how wonderful Serena really is. Yes she will be a great Kalos Queen.
Once the girl is done we continue on to the restaurant. When we arrive Serena finds us a corner booth. The waiter gives us our menus. After we order our fettuccine alfredo I start getting nervous again and begin fiddling with the Z-Ring on my wrist subconsciously. "Hey Ash what is that around your wrist?" Serena asks me.
"Oh this? It's called a Z-Ring. I got it while in Alola." I answer relieved to be talking about something that I know lots about. "What's it for?" She asks me eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Well you put something called a Z-Crystal inside the chamber here." I say gesturing to the empty notch in the band. "What does it do?" She asks. "Well depending on the type of Pokémon and the type of Z-Crystal you can perform special super powerful moves called Z-moves." I explain. "Oh what kind of moves are there?" Serena asks as the waiter places our food in front of us along with an order of pokepuffs for Pikachu, Sylveon and Braixen. "Well for electric types like Pikachu you would use an Electrium Z to use the move Giga Volt Havoc. For Grass types you need a Grassium Z to use the move Bloom Doom and the list goes on." I explain. "Wow that sounds incredible! Could you show me sometime? Maybe we could have a battle later?" Serena asks me hopefully. I look at her and feel a bit conflicted. She's a performer after all not really a battler. If I used the move Giga Volt Havoc on one of her Pokémon it would destroy them. Serena must read my conflicted feelings in my eyes. "Oh don't worry about hurting me or my Pokémon Ash, I think you'll find that the battle portions of the Pokémon contests in Hoenn has given me a lot more battling experience than I once had. I'm a lot tougher than I was." She assures me with fire in her eyes. "Okay, if you're sure." I agree. "Positive!" She exclaims. We eat in silence for a while. When we are finished with our meal I'm trying to work up the courage to tell her. Pikachu seems to sense my nerves because he gives me a bracing smile. I look at Serena who is petting her Sylveon. "Hey Serena there's something I've been meaning to tell you." I start. She must sense that I'm serious because she stops petting Sylveon and looks at me. "What is it?" She asks. "When I told you that I came back to watch you challenge Aria I wasn't being completely honest with you." I say. "What do you mean? Did you come back for something else that doesn't involve me?" Serena asks me, hurt in her eyes. "No! No it has everything to do with you." I quickly reassure her. She seems confused but gestures for me to continue. "Well I went back to Kanto excited to start a new adventure but I couldn't help but feel like something was missing. Of course I was only 13 at the time so I didn't really know what it was. Then I went to Alola and made some friends and attended a Pokémon school, caught new Pokemon and went on some crazy adventures that are stories for another time. But throughout all of it that empty feeling remained. I still didn't understand it. Then one day in class on my 15th birthday I finally got so frustrated I vented to my friends. Once I explained the empty feeling all three of my girl classmates asked me if I left a girl behind when I left Kalos. So naturally I told them about you. Then they all started laughing at me. I was so confused. I didn't understand what they found so funny about my situation. I said as much and, after a fair amount of insults to me and my oblivious nature they explained it to me. They told me it was because I left something that I loved behind. Or rather someone. And then it hit me: I'm in love with you Serena." I say looking her in the eyes. Then I see tears spilling down her cheeks. "Serena! What's wrong? Are you okay? Look I'm sorry!"
I hastily apologize. "Oh Ash, I'm not crying because something is wrong! I'm crying because I'm happy! Ash I've been in love with you since I was 13 years old! You don't know how long I've waited for this moment!" Serena tells me. "Oh! Well in that case I'm sorry I've kept you waiting all these years." I apologize sheepishly. "Don't worry about it." She says. "So does this mean we are a couple now?" I ask. "It sure does, and do you know what couples do?" Serena asks me with a mischievous expression. I know where she's heading with this but decide to play dumb. "Uh go on dates?" I guess. "Yeah but they also do this." Serena says before grabbing me by the collar of my shirt and planting her soft lips on mine, shocked but pleased I kiss her back.  When we pull apart we hear a thump and turn to see the body of Tierno on the floor. And standing there with dropped jaws are Shauna, Trevor, Miette, Clemont and Bonnie.

Serena's POV
Oh hi guys!" Ash greets everyone, while my cheeks flame in embarrassment. Bonnie is the first to react. "Oh my Arceus it's happening! It's finally happening! Oh I'm fangirling so hard right now!" Bonnie exclaimed, she looks so different, I almost don't recognize her. Her hair now goes down to middle of her back and is darker than it once was. She changed her outfit as well. Now she wears green shorts, with a yellow and green tunic along with an orange shrug. The only reason I know it's her is the Dedenne on her shoulder. Due to her outburst, I notice the other patrons of the restaurant staring. "Maybe we should all head somewhere a little more private." Ash suggests. "Good idea. Maybe someone should wake up Tierno though." Bonnie suggests. "Oh I've got just the Pokémon for that! Milotic I chose you!" I say releasing the water type. Bonnie squeals and is about to run to the Pokémon but Clemont's mechanical arm stops her. Alright Milotic use Water Gun on Tierno please!" I request. Milotic does so and Tierno jolts awake. "Alright let's go. Milotic return." I say. "Where are we going?" Clemont asks. "Pokemon Center. We have some catching up to do plus Ash owes me a Pokémon battle." I reply grabbing Ash's hand. Everyone turns to look at him as we walk and he just shrugs. When we arrive at the Pokémon center we all make ourselves at home in the lobby. "So Serena you and Ash are couple now yeah?" Shauna asks. I blush. "Yeah we are." I reply grinning. Shauna looks pretty much the same, with exception of her body filling out more, like mine had. "Ha ha Miette looks like you'll have to find some other boy to sink your claws into!" Bonnie exclaims. I look at the blue haired girl, noticing how her body had changed as well. "Hmm what a shame I could have had such fun with you Ash." Miette purrs. Ash blushes. I immediately tense up. "Back off Miette!" I warn my friend/rival. "Oh please don't get your panties in a bunch I'm only teasing." Miette says. I glare daggers at her. She simply smirks at me. She may be my friend, but sometimes she gets on my last good nerve. "Serena congratulations on becoming Kalos Queen." Trevor says breaking the tension. "Oh thank you." I say. "Oh yeah congrats Serena!" Bonnie yells. After everyone else congratulates me Shauna asks me about my outfit. "So Serena where'd you get that outfit?" Shauna asks. "Yeah the Jigglypuff tank is so cute! Big brother I want one!" Bonnie exclaims. Clemont after seeing just how much skin my shirt shows quickly denies the ten year old. "I got it from a boutique in the Hoenn region." I reply. "Well it's adorable and I'm sure Ash appreciates the view. Isn't that right Ash?" Miette teases. I'm curious to see how he will react. "Yes, I mean no! I mean...Hey weren't we going to have a battle?" Ash says clearly flustered. "Oh that's right. Clemont would you mind officiating the battle for us?" I ask. "Sure, it would be my pleasure!" Clemont readily agrees. "Great let's go out back to the training area!" I say. As we head out Miette stops me for a second. "Hey Serena don't forget you have an advantage here." Miette tells me. "What? How?" In response she simply gestures to my body. I'm confused and it must show on my face because Miette sighs. "You've got a knock out body that Ash is extremely attracted to, use it." Miette says. I catch on and grin. "Serena, Miette are you coming or what?" Bonnie asks poking her head inside. "Right! Coming!" I call and walk to the battle field with my Pokemon and Miette in tow. This is going to be fun.

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