Chapter 7

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Ash's POV

After lunch, the four of us, along with our Pokémon, arrive to a secluded little park. According to Serena, it's one of Lumiose City's hidden gems. She used to come here with her mom when they'd visit the city. It's a lovely place. Bonnie immediately takes off to play with some of the park's resident Pokémon, Pikachu, Braixen and Sylveon follow her. Clemont runs after her, presumably to keep her out of trouble."Come on Ash, I want to show you something." Serena tells me, tugging my hand."What is it?" I ask. "It's a surprise silly! I can't just tell you!" She replied giggling. I love her giggle, it's so cute. Serena leads me down a trail that goes into a wooded area of the park. As we go deeper, I notice we are completely surrounded by trees now. We've been walking for quite a while. "Are we almost there?" I ask. "Yes, just around this corner." Serena replies. She then turns to look at me. "Now close your eyes." She orders. "Are you serious?" I ask. "Oh just do it!" She tells me. I roll my eyes but do as she says. It's really cute how she gets excited about things like this. I feel her tug on my hand to lead me forward. After about thirty seconds we stop. "Okay, open your eyes!" Serena exclaims. I open my eyes to a beautiful sight. Serena led me to a small meadow in the woods, with a spring running through it, along with a field of wild tiger lilies. It's truly breath taking.

Serena's POV

Wow, this is beautiful!" Ash exclaims, face full of wonder. "I know right. My mom and I used to have picnics out here. The best part is, it's so far away from the rest of the park, no one ever really comes here." I say, smiling. "Now come over here by the spring, sometimes you can see Magicarp in the water. Once I even saw a Buizel!" I tell him, excited. Ash smiles at me as I lead him to the spring. We look into the water for a few minutes, spotting three Magicarp and a large Feebas. After that, I lead him to a large slabe of rock nearby. We sit down, just enjoying the peaceful environment around us.
But something has been worrying me about Ash's conversation with my mom. I've tried to ignore it, but can't.
I sigh. I have to ask him just once.
"Hey Ash, you said you realized you were in love with me when you turned 15, so why did you wait a whole year to tell me?" I ask, pulling my knees up to my chest. "Well for one, I didn't really know where you were. And I also didn't think it would make much sense if I just popped in on you. And I was nervous." Ash replies, looking at me. "And, did you mean it when you told my mom you'd never leave me?" I ask in a small voice. "Of course I meant it. I meant every word I told her." Ash assures me. I smile, before throwing my arms around his neck and kiss him. He's so sweet, and knows just what to say. When I pull away we are both breathless. Kissing Ash is really great, but I wish it was a little more exciting, then a thought occurs to me. "Hey Ash have you ever heard of a Kalosian kiss?" I ask, grinning mischievously.
"No, what is it?" Ash asks, dense as ever. "Let me teach you." I say, seductively. Then I move in front of Ash, and straddle his lap. "Serena what are you-" Ash starts, but I cut him off with a kiss. He instantly relaxes and kisses me back. I grin, before running my tongue across his bottom lip, he tenses up again. "Relax." I say soothingly. He relaxes again. "Now open your mouth." I whisper. Ash opens his mouth without any further hesitation. I put my tongue in his mouth, and slowly stroke his tongue with mine. He shudders but doesn't pull away. Instead he tentatively mimics my actions. It's great. I move my hands to tangle in his hair, knocking his hat off. Ash wraps his left arm around my back, pulling me closer so I'm flush against him, and tangles his right hand on my hair, knocking my fedora off my head, but I don't care. We pull apart to breathe, but I'm not nearly done. I put my lips to his neck, and trail kisses up and down it. Ash reclines back on his fore arms. When I nip his neck he moans. I grin. After Ash catches his breath, he grabs my chin and crashes his lips back on mine, and I'm the one that moans. Gone is the shy, bashful Ash, and I love it. Ash puts his lips to my neck, and sucks on the skin there. I'm tempted to let him keep going, but it wouldn't look good if the Kalos Queen was spotted with a bunch of hickeys on her neck. "Ash...don't give me any hickeys." I gasp out. He stops sucking, but plants little kisses up and down my neck. I pull down the zipper of his blue jacket, and have just pushed it off his shoulders when I hear a voice. "Ash? Serena? Are you out here?!" I hear a voice that could only belong to Bonnie shout. Ash and I both groan at the intrusion. "Yeah! We're back here!" I shout back. I crawl off Ash to retrieve my fedora and place it back on my head. Ash had just zipped up his jacket when Clemont and Bonnie emerge from the woods. Pikachu, Sylveon and Braixen in tow. "Hey guys. Serena what happened to your hair?" Bonnie asks. "Oh, I...fell." I lie. Bonnie studies me for a minute before shrugging her shoulders. "Oh, well you should be more careful." Bonnie scolds. "I know, you're right." I agree, grateful that she bought it. Clemont however, gives me a grin. He knows exactly what we were doing. "Well, Clemont and I were going to head back to the Gym. We'll see you all tomorrow." Bonnie says. "Okay, bye guys." I say. "See you tomorrow." Ash says. After the two siblings leave, Ash and I leave the park, along with our Pokémon. When we turn the corner to the Pokémon Center I'm shocked and irritated to see a group of reporters in front of the building. I also notice an overwhelmed Nurse Joy and her Wigglytuff trying to control the crowd. They must have found out I was staying here. Poor Nirse Joy is still trying to get the crowd to leave. I wish I could help.
Wait a minute, I can. "Hey everyone, how about a special performance by the Kalos Queen!" I shout, gaining the crowd's attention. They all immediately flock to me. "Alright let's get started! Pancham come on out!" I say tossing his pokeball. "Braixen, Sylveon, Pancham let's do this!" I say grinning.
"Sylveon use Fairy Wind up in the air!" I order. "Veon!" Sylveon exclaims. "Now Pancham, use Dark Pulse! Braixen you use Flamethrower!" I shout. All three attacks combine, creating a kaleidoscope of colors. With the color cyclone behind us, the four of us start to dance. "Pancham, come here!" I say. Pancham jumps on to my hands and I push him up and he does a back flip. "Sylveon it's your turn!" I say, putting my arms out to make a T. Sylveon crawls onto my shoulders, I twirl around as she runs across my arms before leaping into the air. Now use Swift! Braixen meet it with Flamethrower!" I shout. The attacks collide to create flaming stars. "Now Pancham you use Arm Thrust!" I say as Braixen, Sylveon and I dance around. Pancham uses Arm Thrust on the fire stars causing them to explode into orange and purple sparks. Then all of us do a front flip, before posing. "And finished!" I shout. The group of reporters clapped along with a group of civilians that had gathered to watch.
"Thank you all! Now if you could all please leave the Pokémon Center. Nurse Joy has very important work to do. Thank you, have nice evening!" I say. My smile and my performance was apparently enough to convince the reporters to leave, because that's just what they do and the crowd disperses as well. "Pancham, return!" I order. Nurse Joy runs up to me. "Oh thank you, Serena. Somehow they found out that you were staying here! I tried to get them to leave, but they wouldn't! I didn't know what to do, and I had patients inside!" Nurse Joy exclaims. "Don't worry about it Nurse Joy, you just go take care of your patients." I say, smiling. Nurse Joy gives me a warm smile in return, before she and Wigglytuff head back into the Pokémon Center. Ash comes up next to me. I sigh. "I guess we should probably find somewhere else to stay. Otherwise they will be right back here in the morning." I say, disappointed that I won't be able to stay here anymore, and upset to have caused Nurse Joy such trouble. "Hey Serena, don't worry about the reporters. Three more days and we're on our way to Alola." Ash says. "I know, I'm just stressed with all the paparazzi. I guess I never really thought about how public the life of a Kalos Queen was. I feel bad about the trouble Nurse Joy went through too." I confess. "Do you regret becoming Kalos Queen?" Ash asks me. "No! Never! I just wish my every move wasn't under scrutiny." I say. Ash grabs my shoulders and turns me around to face him. "Well look at the bright side. In Alola no one will know who you are. Let's go call Clemont. I'm sure his dad won't mind if we stay at there house until we leave." Ash says in an effort to comfort me. "Alright, let's go get our things first." I suggest. "Right!" Ash agrees. Together we head to our room.

After packing our stuff and saying bye to Nurse Joy. Ash calls Clemont, who confirms that we can indeed stay with him for the next three days. It's great news. "Alright let's go." I say. Hand in hand, Ash and I head to Clemont's house.

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