Chapter 7

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Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Everyone! Sorry for the long wait!! I know it’s been ageeeeeeeeeees! And I’m really sorry. But I’ve been so busy, been on holiday and I’ve had writers block! But here is finally chapter 7.

I know it’s kinda boring but I promise you the next one wil be better!


I woke up the next day and checked what time it was. 10:30 pm. Ugh, not that early but since I had nothing planned today I really could have slept a lot longer. But since I was awake I got up and put on my bright pink onesie and went down to Starbucks to grab a coffee.

We have a Starbucks just outside our flat so by now the people who work there know us.

‘Hey Tori, nice to have you back again!’, Peter and older man who worked at Starbucks said to me.

‘Heya Peter, it’s nice to be back again. How have you been?’, I asked.

‘I’ve been good thanks. Katie has missed you like crazy though.’

Katie is Peters 7 year old daughter who I used to train in dancing last time I was in London. I had to quit though since I was going over to New York again. I missed teaching children to dance. It was a bit like re – living my childhood seeing all those kids trying to point their toes and then seeing them grow in their skills.

‘Aww I’ve missed her and all the other kids aswell. I hope that one day I can get back to teaching’, I said.

‘Good for you. So, the usual I guess?’, Peter smiled.

‘Ah yes please’, I said.

The usual for me here was a Caramel Macchiato and a Rise and Shine Muffin to go.

‘There you go’, Peter said as he handed me the coffee and muffin.

‘Thank you Peter, see ya around. And make sure you say hi to Katie from me!’, I smiled.

‘Will do Tori! Bye bye.’

I went back up to our flat and sat down in the living room with my coffee and muffin. I grabbed my laptop and decided to Google ‘Harry Styles’ to find out a bit more about him. I got to know he’s and the boys whole X factor journey and saw some cute videos and stuff. When I read some comments and articles about him I understood that maybe he wasn’t as cute and nice as I thought.

You see. On every page and article all I read about Harry was that he was a ladies man who had different girls every other week. One night stands leaving his apartment all the time. Him going to clubs to find a girl to shag.

This surprised me kind of. Cause he didn’t seem like that kind of guy. Maybe it was all and act? To get me into bed. I was probably just another girl he saw as someone to have sex with once and then never talk to again. When I think about it that way I shouldn’t be so surprised actually. I mean he’s a world known pop star, incredibly hot. He could get any girl he wants just by looking at them with his mesmerizing green orbs.

I needed to let him know that I’m not that kind of girl. I’m not that girl that he can just have sex with and never call me again. I need to stop letting him in so easily. Need to stop looking so desperate.

I picked up my phone and searched through my contacts till I found ‘Harry Styles’. I was just about to press delete. But I didn’t. I mean it wouldn’t help with anything. He still has my number so he could still get to me. And he is THE Harry Styles after all. But I just wouldn’t take action first. If he wants anything to do with me then HE should be the one to take action. I just won’t let him get to me so easily.

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