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My name's Jade Ryder and I'm a fighter, literally. Not someone that's brave and all while they're sick or in pain. No, fighting is my job. I get paid, but only if I win the fights. I've been trained my whole life-well, since I was four.

I've had a hard life since my dad told me that I'm going to be a fighter. Had I known anything back when I was 4 years old, I probably would have told him to go fuck himself. But since I didn't know better, I trained when I was supposed to. I fought when I had a fight and I lied when I had to, even if it meant to my family. Hell, sometimes I've even lied to the cops and gotten away with it. Oh yeah, my mother and two sisters don't even know the truth about me. My dad is the only one in the family that knows about me being a fighter and that's only because he's the one that started training me.

Well that was then, in my past. Now, my whole family knows about who I am and what I do, that's another story for later on. But let's talk about the present, how bout.

I'm still a fighter, only a free fighter or a lone wolf as I like to call it. That's actually my fighter name, Lone Wolf.

I don't have any more trainers, unless you count myself. I have always trained myself, ever since the time I lost my first fight, which was my very first one. Normally they say it's okay because it's the first fight and you're just a beginner, but that wasn't the case for me. For me, my dad's training didn't work out with who I was. Even at a young age I was different. I had to figure out my own way to fight and win. Sure it took time, but I had lots of time since I was always in the training room I made for myself, but again, that's another story for another time. Maybe I'll tell it to you guys later.

One good thing about being a free fighter is that you control the fights you fight. Before, my dad would always pick my fights and the opponents would always be more advanced than I was, which wasn't fair, I thought. But now, 14 years later, I understand why my dad did that. He wanted me to get better and be able to handle myself. Even if my opponent was three times bigger than me. The only thing is, it was unnecessary. I learnt on my own terms, and from my own ways how to handle and take care of myself.

I'll put it this way if you don't yet understand, I taught my 19 year old self everything I know. I'm still teaching myself new things, and I always will be. But had I listened to my dad's teaching, I'd either be dead, or in jail by now.

I taught myself how to control my bad temper by hiding away in my training room and beating up the equipment in there. I not only have a bad temper, but I also bad attitude. Looking at those two things, I sound like the normal teenage boy people think I am when they hear about me and my problems. Only, I'm not a normal teenage boy, I'm not even a boy at all, no matter how much my appearance may look like one. I'm a girl, through and through. I'm not even normal. Not only am I a fighter, but I have-how should I put this-special abilities.

My five sense-sight, smell, feel, taste, and hear-are all heightened when I want them to be. I can also read minds and talk to other people in their head-freaks the unsuspecting person out like hell! I also heal quicker than the normal human would and I have a knack for survival. And something that really comes in handy-but that I try not to use-my fight prediction ability. I'm able to predict a fight, meaning I know the moves that'll be used, how long the fight will take, and how many injuries the fighters will receive. It's all very cool, but I consider it cheating if I use it for a fight, so I try not to. But if I'm watching a fight, sometimes I'll see who'll win before the fight ends. The prediction ability also helps with my guessing things. And the predictions can change but they normally don't.

So yeah, that's a little about me.

You guys know all about what I do. But the only things you know about my personality is that I've got a bad temper and bad attitude, but that's only part of it.

I not only have a bad temper and attitude problems, but also trust issues. I don't let people get close anymore. I tell them everything's fine when it's the complete opposite. I keep to myself. Why you might be wondering, why do I push away and block everybody out?

I once heard that truth is singular. That lies are words, words, and words. So I'll answer your question with one word, betrayal.

I have been betrayed by many people, many times. But one thing that all those people had in common, was that I had let them in. I let them get close to me. I trusted them. I wasn't guarded when I was around them.

I'm also very confident, rebellious, badass, and a slight bitchy. My whole personality fits very well with my physical appearance.

I am 5'9" with straight midnight black hair that use to reach my mid back. But now, I've got it cut short. I have a very nice build, then again, I have to for me to be able to fight and come out on top. I'm also very toned, you can see every muscle in my arms, legs and abs. In total, I'm very fit. I also always wear black and sport the badass look that fits me well. I drive motorcycles, my dad owns a few, which I sometime drive, but I'd rather drive mine, the one that I own. My favorite and the most driven, a black and red Dorsoduro 750 ABS! I know how to drive standard and automatic, but I'd rather drive my bike.

Well, now that you know about me, you still know nothing about my story. So here it goes, I'll start from the beginning, but I'm opening up and letting you guys into my life. If you choose to betray me, then I won't hesitate to track you down, and hurt you like you hurt me!


So here is the prologue of The Fighter, The Survivor. I wanna hear what you guys think's going to happen throughout this story. It might even give me some ideas.

Anyway, I'm not putting my updates on a schedule, because I won't be able to keep it. I'll update when I finish a chapter or two but I'm not making any promises as to when that'll be.

Enjoy the rest of the day-or night, depending on where you are- and leave your thoughts in the comments below, or send me a message. I'll talk to you guys next time I update.

-Lone Wolf

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