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"Maddie, will you please take Jonah to the park?"

All I did was nod and pick up my baby brother, he's 4 but he hasn't mastered walking fully yet.

Oh, let me introduce myself

I'm Madison Nicole Thompson

Im in custody of Julie and James

My foster parents

They've had me for 3 years now

And they are the only people I come close to trusting.

They keep me safe

They keep me alive

That's all I want

Is to be safe


And happy


"KALNI! Please just fucking clean your room!"

I looked at my mom and laughed while I scrolled through my phone of friends


"I'm going to the park! Fuck off"

As I turned to leave my dad grabbed me

"Kalani take the boys!"

"I d-"

"I'll give you 50 dollars! Just please take them with you"

I smirk and take the money

Grabbing my baby brothers diaper bag

And my other brothers snack bag

I got on my car and drove to the park

Yes my car

A 2019 Range Rover

I got put and unbuckled my baby brother and looked at them

"Jax I'm going to smoke, and hang with my friends. Don't talk to strangers. Don't leave the park and also. Watch Jett. If he gets lost I'm punching you on your face"

He nodded before grabbing the baby bag and his bag and running off to the swings.

Oh, by the way. I'm kalani.

Kalani Brooke Hilliker

It's my way

That's the only way


Jonah was on the slide

When a little boy maybe a year younger ran up to us and lifted his arms for me to pick him up

So I did

"Hi buddy! What's your name?"

"Jett! Can me play too?"

I nod when another little boy ran over

"Jett! Kalani said not to talk to strangers! She's gonna smack me if she sees!"

I put Jett down and look at Jonah

Jonah wanna go to the swings with Jett?

He nodded so I picked both my little brother
And Jett up.

Took the other boys hand and walked to the swing with them

Once the little two were occupied I looked at him

"How old are you?"


I nodded

"Alright, whose Kalani?"

"My big sister. She's mean though"

I nod and look at him

"Isn't she supposed to be watching you?"

"She went to smoke and stuff with her friends...she told me to watch Jett. But Jett wants to play all over and I have to carry these heavy baby bags because she said I had to watch him"

I nod

"Do you have a phone?"

He nods

"Well so she can call you if she needs to?"

He nods

"Alright. What time is she coming back for you?"

"6 pm"

I rolled my eyes

"6 pm? It's dark then"

He shrugs and I sigh

"Alright. Come"


I pick up Jonah and Jett

Taking them to my 2017 Truck

Strapping Jonah into his seat
And pulling the spare from the back strapping Jett into one

"Come sit up front Jax"

He nods and sits up front with me

As I drive them to a toy store

My foster parents are super rich

They love buying me shit

New expensive shit

But I don't need it.

So most of the time

I use it on other things

Like Jonah

Or Kaylin whose my other little sister

I don't have this big luxurious 2019 truck

I don't want nor need it

My truck works fine

My clothes are perfectly fine

If my dad ever found me

Well when he finds me

All this is going to be snatched away from me

So why get used to it?

Why let it soak in?

I love Jonah

And I love kaylin

I loved Mackenzie as well

But that's for another day

And another story



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