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Words: 1100 kbhg23 so uh- I made it longer since I wasn't able to post last night.

Kira's pov

It's been 4 days

I haven't told kalani this but

I've switched her school, she starts with Maddie today

Maddie's coming to pick her up...we were hoping Maddie and kalani could be friends? Or more then friends considering Maddie is gay and I'm 90 % sure kalani is at least bisexual.

Kalani runs downstairs in a black skirt and yellow and black shirt

"Bye m-"


She turns to me with the sass and annoyance written all over her face and emotions


"Maddie's coming to pick you up!"

"No no! Not that sensitive cry baby b-"


She groans

"No, you can't make me go."

I roll my eyes

"It's either you go...or I send you to boarding school..You're leaving me with no choices here. That school is the best...and frankly your last resort before I send you to your dads"


"Go...go change"

She stomps up the stairs and slams the door

I sigh and sit on the couch, placing my face in my hands.

Maddie's pov

I had just gotten dressed

When Johnny comes in

Johnny was Mackenzies best friend
She told him everything
Mackenzie made him promise to never leave me
So...he hasn't
He's become my best friend
And he understands me almost as much as Kenzie doe- I mean did.
May I add. He's a gay icon.

"Nicole! Are you really wearing that shirt agian?"

I groan "Yes John, I am"

He frowns "but why"

I roll my eyes and take it off
Leaving myself in my bra "get me a new shirt then"

He happily skipped his ass to my closet pulling out a black crop with blue detailing

I roll my eyes and put it on

Johnny is the only guy other then my foster dad that I will allow to see me in only a bra

Girls I don't really care about
But guys? No. Fuck. No.

I grab my bag and Johnny stops me

"Wrist. Let's see"

"I didn't d-"


I groan and give it to him

Once he makes sure it's clean and regular looking he takes my hand and pulls me downstairs

Kaylin hugs him and so does Jonah


He laughs and my mom hands me and Johnny lunch money

"John. Make sure she eats something. Okay?"

He nods and my mom looks at me

"Maddie, pick up kalani today, she's going to your school now, be nice and don't leave her. Okay?"

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