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Kalanis pov

She took her shirt off

Her cute perky boobs sitting up in her sport bra

I bite my bottom lip as she bends over and takes her pants off

"I'm going to shower. Can you manage to find me something to wear? Since you insist on touching my shit?"

And like that she was gone

I grabbed her some underwear

And then I grabbed a sweatshirt and cuffed jeans

I picked up her white airforces to go with it

And laid it on her bed

Until her little brother ran in and stopped when he saw me

"Don't touch sissy's stuff she doesn't like it"

I roll my eyes and nod

He left and I continued through her shit until I found a diary

All pages were ripped out

Except the one titled

December 29th 2020

He hasn't found me yet
I'm safe
I have Jonah and kaylin
And I'm partially happy

Kenzie...it wasn't bad this morning. It stopped bleeding faster then usually. I know you don't like it, you never did. But why would you?

I hope your happy there

Your safe

"Hey k-"

She snatched the book out of my hands

Ripped the page out and pushed me away

Her robe converted her body

Her wet hair dripped


She was shakey

But pissed non the less

Her mom ran in and grabbed her

She screamed at her moms touchbto her arm

But she did calm down

Once she was dressed

We went to her car

And she got in and turned the radio on not saying shit to me


"No leave me the fuck alone!"

I scoff

"And for a moment I thought I'd like you"

She looks at me

"Well kalani? I didn't for a second think I'd like you"

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