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{a week later}


"WINTER!", I heard Steve yell for me as I was laying on my bed. I got up slowly but surely and slugged over to the staircase. I made my way down pushing my body weight from one for to the other on each step. I made it to the bottom to see Steve. I threw myself onto him unexpectedly.

"Wow there, ok kid.", he chuckled. "We have to get you down to Bruce. He's gonna check on if you're ready for tomorrow. I think today you just have to rest up, well you don't have to just if you want....."


" honestly don't even have to rest. But it will give us an excuse to watch movies and-", I looked down to see her fast asleep. "Always falling asleep on me kid, jeeze."

If Banner says she isn't ready after this physical, she will be devastated. All week she's been happy, no anxiety attacks. Yes.... anxiety. After her little episode, we have Bruce do some stress tests and she took some questionnaires. It was very apparent that anxiety was the problem, with a drabble of PTSD from her childhood. I neede to tell Peter, I could see those two together but-

"Steve? Steve??", Bruce snapped me out of my thoughts. "You doing ok??", he looked confused and concerned. I shook my head getting out of my little trans.

"Yeah, I'm fine banner. You need me to wake her?", I asked as he was sterilizing his materials. "Yes, thanks. I have been so busy planning out this surgery, I forgot to clean everything for the appointment. We only want it to be me, but that may be a hard task. I may need her to talk to some other nurses.... see who she's comfortable with in case I do need help." 

I winced at the thought, "Um, alright." I rubbed winters shoulders. "Winny, wake up doll." She wouldn't wake up, despite my effort. Dang it, I forgot she slept heavy. 

"Banner, got anything that could make a lot of noise?", i asked looking up from winny. He handed me the jar that held cotton balls and a long metal bar. "What is this?", i asked looking at the stick. 

"You wouldn't understand just wake the girl for crying out loud.", as he answered I began banging the 2 objects together as close as possible to her ear. As the stick hit the jar, Winny jumped up at an instant. 

-WHAT THE HELL!-, she signed. I looked at her and cracked a chuckle. 

-Hey, language kid.-, I said as she also threw an attempt to laugh. 

That happy go lucky Winter soon turned into an anxious teenager who felt so incredibly small, even i could see it. 

As Bruce was taking her temperature from her ear she looked up at us and signed. 

-are there any risks?-, she signed looking up. It was an easy procedure, the taking the stitching out. It may be difficult because of how long they have been in there, but other than that from what we know it should be easy. When we think about HYDRA though, or whatever group put this on her, there could be a catch. And we are using magic to bring life back to her teeth. The risks go on and on despite this being a rather easy surgery if you just look at the surface. 

"N-No, of course not.", Banner said as he kept working and checking up on everything. We were sworn under secrecy to not tell Winny. We can risk her having another attack. 

Her hands raised as if she was going to begin signing but Bruce cut her off. "Your good to go for tomorrow. Surgery starts at 6 am. Don't eat or drink past 6 pm.", I nodded. 

-Thank you-, she signed. I smiled and carried her back up to her room and set her down. 

-Was he lying?-, she asked. I looked down at her, contemplating to tell her. 

-No.-, I signed trying to be believable. She didn't look assured. 

Its hard to not tell people who are like siblings to you everything. 




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