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"Winny? How'd it go?", i asked opening the door slowly seeing her on the bed, already tucked in today. She nodded with a small smirk, followed by her hands making motions as if she was a small child begging for something.

I let out a low chuckle and crawled into bed beside her letting my arms wrap around her figure. She let out a yawn getting more comfortable, "You tired still, pretty girl?", she nodded as i let out a snicker, "Sleep, Winny."

Before i knew it she was off. 


(in car, on the way to dinner)

"You know, Happy, i really could have just swung over.", Peter says as i let out a giggle shaking my head. "What you don't think that's a good idea Win, is that what that is?"

I shook my head frantically but before i could continue Peters hands jumped onto my torso.

"Admit, you want to swing.", he said, "Admit it and ill stop." I shook my head as we both began laughing. The sound of a window going up took both of us out of our 'little world.' 

"Grouch.", i said the word coming out more quietly than i anticipated. Peter let out a laugh as Happy put the window back down, "I STILL HEARD THAT!" 

We arrived at the facility, and i ran to the doors excited to see Steve and Bucky. I looked around, not even seeing a trace of them as a small frown appeared on my face. 

"Winter?", i heard familiar voices say. I ran up to then and jumped into Steve's arms.

"You scared us, never do that again doll.", he said holding me tight.

"Hey what about the other hundred year old man?", i heard Bucky say as i let out a chuckle, "Where were you?"

I hugged him, "Peter.", i said as loud and clear as i could. He looked down at me shocked letting me go. 

"There is nothing going on with you guys right?", he said as i looked down... a blush evident on my face.

"PARKER!", they yelled as i ran over to him.

"Oh god, Mr. Stark they cant kill me right?", he said worry becoming clear. He shrugged and walked out.

(after dinner)

"Alright, Winter come with me. Peter go get a talk from the grandpas.", i laughed as Peter groaned. I followed down to the lab, excited to see what was going to happen. 

"So, i feel like your ready. Here's the suit. You can start patrolling with peter? Yeah ok sounds good.", he said answering his own question in his own humor. I giggled but that was suddenly replaced by awe. I walked up to the blue suit, looking it over with fascination. 

"For me?", i said lightly. Before he could even begin nodding i ran up to him and hugged him. "Thank you.", i said as i hugged him.

"Go try it on.",he said. I gave him a light kiss on the cheek before running up the steps into the lobby with my suit in hand. I looked to my left and right, trying to spot peter. To my disadvantage, he was no where to be found. I ran into the kitchen unimpressed to see the 3 guys all talking and eating ice cream. I grabbed Peters hand running him up the stairs, not listening to his complaints about leaving his ice cream.

I sat him on my bed, and ran into the bathroom leaving him confused.

I quickly changed into my suit, not even bothering to look at myself in the mirror first. I quickly opened the door and did a little 'ta-da' movement. 

"Winter what was that- holy shit.", he said looking up from his phone. He looked me up and down as i walked over to my mirror in the corner, jaw dropping as i observed my new attire. 

The blue suit fit perfectly, almost too perfect. I felt hands glide onto my waist and a muscular figure against my back. I looked up seeing Peter, staring at me in awe. "D-damn.", he said. I turned back to him smirking, letting my hands naturally rest around his neck. "Y-you look stunning," he said, "And a bad ass damn." My lips formed into a smile is a leaned up to kiss him. The kiss, however, went from innocent to passionate. He grabbed me closer as i backed him up to the bed, shoving him down. 

He rearranged, letting his body lay down head against the head rest. Grabbing my hands, he led me onto his lap, his long fingers squeezing my butt. He reconnected our lips, licking my bottom lip asking for entrance. Our tongues fought for dominance as i put a little too much pressure down on his lower half. A small moan came out of his mouth as i smirked into the kiss. 

"Ms. Stark?", F.R.I.D.A.Y. said, scaring Peter and I. I jumped to the side asking what, out of breath.

"Your heart rate escalated... are you ok Ms. Stark?", i nodded mumbling a yes laying my head back on the pillow. 

"Cockblocker.", Peter mumbled as i let out a loud laugh. We both laughed for what seemed like hours. "C'mere pretty girl.", he said to me. I layed next to him, tucking my head into his chest as he played with my hair.

I sat there as we made quiet, non-important conversation. I jumped up, sitting up.

"You ok baby?", he said i nodded and ran downstairs, seeing the group gathered in the living room. 

"Stitch.", i said to Tony. He looked at me confused as to what i meant. 

"Hero name.", i said lightly.


STITCH - peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now