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"Ok. No, Ned. That's the wrong way, you need to stop using your own formula. No. Ned, my god just use the sheet.", I said to Ned as we studied for the algebra test on Monday. 

"If I'm still getting the right answer that how the hell is it-", Ned got cut off by the sound of my phone. I looked down to see Mr. Starks name. Ned leaned over and we looked up at each other with wide eyes. 

I quickly pressed answer and brought the phone up to my ear, blocking out Ned's mumbles. "H-Hey, Mr. S-Stark whats u-up?", I asked standing up wiping my sweaty hands on my jeans.

"Hey kid, I know its a far way, but can you swing upstate to the complex? Winter is- I don't know. She needs you, just come over, please." I grabbed my suit and ran into the bathroom, leaving behind a confused Ned. 

"Yeah, of course, I-I'll be over soon. Where is sh-she now?", I asked as I undressed to put on my suit. "Medical ward, she passed out due to hyperventilating. But, when she wakes up, Bruce said shes expected to want you so-", I heard the phone get muted. I ran into the room and went to the window.

"Ned, you need to leave... uh, Mr. Starks daughter.... remember her?", I said trying to make quick conversation with the phone still up to my ear.

"The one you never shut up abou-", I interrupted him in fear of Mr. Stark hearing. 

"Yes, listen shes not doing so good, I'm going to help so, yeah your gonna have to leave. Sorry. Lock the door. Bye.", I shut my door and began swinging as fast as I could when I heard Mr. Starks voice in my suit since the call transferred from my phone. 

"Kid, shes up. She's panicking. She only wants you.", he said with an evident sigh. "Alight Mr. Stark, I'm almost there just keep her from passing out.", I said worry evident in my voice. I told Karen to hang up as I began to swing as fast as possible. 

After 8 minutes of swinging, I arrived outside, noticing the guards were just on the ground. 

"Karen, get Mr. Starks back up security here, tell them the other team is down.", I said worried about what could have happened. I rushed in, running as fast as I could up to the medical ward. I couldn't help but notice the huge hole in the ceiling and a few other places around the facility damaged. I made it up to the floor, seeing Cap with worry evident in his eyes.

"She's in there, kid.", he said quietly. 

I looked into the glass doors seeing bruce holding an oxygen mask to her face, trying to get her to calm. 

I opened the door, hearing her mumble through the mask my name. It was a frantic, quiet mumble but she just kept saying she needed me.

I walked up to the side of her bed, "Hey Winny, its Peter. Can I touch you, is that ok?", I didn't get an answer she just put her head in my lower stomach, due to me standing. I slowly lowered myself onto the bed and sat beside her, letting her put her face in my chest. 

I took the mask and put it on her, sensing her beginning to calm down. But to my worries, the mask made her freak out. Her breaths became closer to eachother, and tears began streaming down her face. 

I looked at her in worry of what to do. If i could get her to stop breathing, for just 3 seconds, maybe she could regulate it on her own. 

I took off the mask and looked into her eyes doing what i thought was right. I kissed her lightly, afraid she might break. I knew everyone was watching from outside but i didnt care. I didnt expect a kiss back, gosh i barley knew how to kiss.

But to my surprise i felt her begin to kiss me back, with tears still falling. I pulled away a few seconds later, holding her face in my hands wiping the tears away. 

"I've got ya. No need to worry anymore, Winny."

STITCH - peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now