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I looked down at winter as she was still laying on my chest. She is awake, but has her eyes shut, probably attempting to clear her mind. Being in this building, not being able to leave, may not be helping. Sometimes its best just to get away. 

"Hey, Win?", i asked looking down at her. Her head slowly rose, eyes still a dark red. "H-how about i take you back to May and i's a-apartment?", i asked her nerves surging up my throat as i  was talking. She nodded her head as i got up, helping her once i was on my feet.

I took her hand and walked out of the training room door towards the elevator. I clicked the elevator button for the roof. The doors closed and i saw our reflection, me holding her close and her face buried in my chest. This is where she belonged, with me. And i knew this for sure.

(on rooftop, peter is changed into his suit)

"Alright come here love.", i said as she jumped up onto me, it was clear she was tired. She rapped her legs and arms around me as i began swinging towards the apartment. I looked down at her in my arms every few seconds, making sure she was ok. This was the first time i have ever felt this comfortable with anyone other than Ned and May. 

(at the apartment) 

I decided to play it safe and just get out of my suit in the alleyway and just walk in the main doors. I opened the door for Winter, putting my hand on the small of her back as we walked towards the elevator. We walked in and she rested her back on my chest. My face got red, a surge of nerves coming back for some reason. The door rang as my hand found its place back on her back. I lead her to May and I's door and i took out my key, opening it as quiet as possible. 

"Pete, why are you home at-", she stopped talking once she saw winter. "Oh, I'm sorry i wasn't expecting company. The house is a mess. Pete is this that Winter girl you talk about constantly?", my face got red as i looked up at may with wide eyes. Winter has turned back to look at me, a small smile evident on her face as she let out a giggle. 

"M-Mayyyyyy.", i said as i let my head hang back as Winter let out a giggle. "U-um Winter is gonna stay the night....", i said looking up at may. She nodded her head hesitantly. I took Winters hand taking her back to my room. I shut the door behind us as she took a seat on my bed. I went over to my dresser, assuming she may want more comfortable clothes. I threw her a sweatshirt and some basketball shorts. 

"Ill let you change, I'm going to go change in the bathroom. Take your time.", i said looking back at her from the door frame. She nodded and signed thank you as i shut the door for her. Quickly i went over into the bathroom, trying to avoid May's questions. That didn't work as well as i thought it would.

"Pete? Come here real quick.", i heard her say. I began walking over, knowing i couldn't avoid it. "Why is Stark's daughter here?", she asked pointing towards the door. 

I looked up from my hands that held my interest as she began to talk.

"H-her and Mr. Stark got into a huge fight. S-she is trying to act like s-shes strong and all, but she just k-kinda broke. I want to h-help.", i said looking into her eyes, hoping she would understand.

She nodded, "Ok... that's fine but if he comes looking for her, this is all on you.", i nodded walking quickly to the bathroom door. 

"And Pete?", she said. I looked back at her, giving her a look of confusion. "Just ask her out already, she likes you too. I can tell."

My face got red as she gave me a smirk. I closed the bathroom door and leaned against it. Everything that has happened recently, the way we act around each other, maybe shes right. Maybe she does like me. I quickly got changed and looked in the mirror, giving myself a pep talk.

"Ok, peter. You got this. Your good, if it feels right... let it happen and-", my self talk got interrupted by a voice from outside the door. 

"Yes you go Pete.", the voice says. 

"May!", i said laughing at the fact she was standing right outside the door and also out of embarrassment. I opened the door being met with May. She gave me a pat on the back and rubbed my shoulders as if i was a wrestler getting ready to go into the ring. I gave her a quick high five, being sure to be quiet, and went towards my door. I let out a breath reminding myself only to do it if it feels right.

"Winter? Can i come in?", i said lightly giving the door a knock. She opened the door and i let myself in, shutting it behind me. 

She took her place back on the bed as i sat in front her. 

"I u-um, i have a question.", i said to her. The statement came off as more of a question, making it clear i was nervous. She nodded for me to continue.

I looked down at my hands, beginning to play with them like they were the most interesting thing I have ever seen. "Um, s-so you know h-how i asked you o-out on a date?", i said not taking my attention off of my hands. I assumed she nodded so i continued. "I k-know we still haven't been on it b-but do you uh.." , the nerves were back and 'better as ever'. I mentally scolded myself for not being able to say it. Just say it Pete, plain and simple.

"D-Do you want to be my g-girlfriend? I mean if that's ok with you. I-I don't want to force you into anything ya know? T-that wouldn't be at all good. And-", she let out a giggle as i was rambling. How the hell did i mess this up? She has to think this is pathetic. 

Much to my surprise, she gave me a nod and smiled. I let out a light chuckle happy i finally got the guts to do it. I looked up at her, noticing how close she had gotten. Before you know it we both were looking from each others eyes to lips. Looks like ya gotta man up here Pete.

I leaned in, at first my mind swarming with thoughts and worries. That all went away when i realized how much i wanted this. I wanted to make her feel loved, that's all i wanted, especially after today. 

Before you know it, our lips connected. My hand gravitated to her cheek as my other hand laid on her waist. The electricity was undeniable as we continued to kiss. We both began smiling into the kiss, then i released not being able to contain the happiness. Our lips, barley touching as we both let out a giggle. 

"I think i love you.", i heard her say lightly. My eyes widened, partially at how good her speech was and also that may was right, she did feel the same. I went back in kissing her with more passion that before, showing her that i felt the same. As i pulled back, looking into her eyes i smiled, "I know i love you."

People may say it was to early to tell love, or that we were too young, but i know this was it. And god did it feel good.  

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