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I got absolutley no sleep last night. Patrol was 'busier' than usual. It was like they were purposly trying to over load me. It didnt help i had to wake up at 5 on a friday either. Winters surgery starts at 6 and something is telling me i need to be there for her. I quickly slid on my suit and shut the window quietly. 

{At the avengers complex}

Shoot! Its 5:45. If they started early i wont be able to see her. Well.... i mean see Mr. Stark to talk about the surgery.

Why does someone i barley know mean so much to me?


Im not the brightest teenager at the moment. You see, in the past days, Bucky and i have gotten closer. Same with steve, if that is even possible. So those clever genius 98 year old men who act as if they are 12, decided to spray me with water to wake me up. Now, im cranky as you may imagine. As we got down to the med wing, they let me sleep until i had to be woken up. I barley slept tho as i felt the nerves as if they were crawing up my throat. 

"You ok there, doll?", bucky asked noticing my growing concern. 

My eyes had a glossy film over them, although i was not aware. I gave a quick nod and looked at my hands. Withing seconds Steve came over and lifted me on his lap. 

"Your a strong girl, you will do just fine.", he said looking at me. I could practically see him internally praying that i didnt freak out. I nodded but looked up quickly when i heard the sound of arguing. I looked around the corner to see Peter arguing with the body guard infront of my door to let him in. I looked back at steve,

-tell him to let peter in please.- , i signed feeling releaved i wouldnt have to have a messanger after today. 

Before i knew it i felt peter at my side. "Hey there, Winter.", he smiled. "I know we arent too close, but something is telling me to be here with you. I-Its crazy i know- wait why am i telling you this? God im so stupid." I cracked a smile to the best of my ablitly. 

I got a piece of paper and wrote 'youre ok. its kinda cute :)' , he looked at the paper and his eyes widened. "Wow, no girl h-has called me that b-before. T-THanks winter. Im happ-" He got cut off by Bruce walking in. 

"You ready Winter, its just going to be us in there.", he looked up and smiled. I nodded and layed back as he got ready to wheel me to the surgical room.

"Bye, love.", Peter said looking in my eyes. My face heatened and he could tell. The others said good bye wishing me luck, making the nerves go away.  I got rolled away. focusing on the sound of the wheels and ground. 

"You guys would be cute ya know", bruce said. My eyes lit up. "You can sign i picked up some simple phrases." I looked up and signed -thank you, and i hope one day.- 

His eyes widned. Hes the first one to know i have a remote interest in peter. As i began thinking about all the moments leading up to this i embraced the feeling of the stitches on my face. As much as i hate them, they were with me for a long time. 

"Sooooo... what i forgot to say is, Loki is going to put you into a sleep induced state, so we dont have to use anestesia." I nodded. Then i heard foot steps and looked up at an instant. It was a man who was in the same 'outfit' as bruce, big blue baggy dressing. 

"Hi winter, im loki. No need to be afraid.", he gave me a smirk that was welcoming but yet suspicious. 

I waved back and we made solid eye contact. "Alright kid, lay back.", i did as he said and felt 2 hands on my head, and the man by the name of loki mumbling phrases under his breath. I focused on these mumbles until everything went black and i entered a dreamless sleep, still thinking about the freedom i will soon feel.

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