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It's 9:00 and Winter is still sleeping. I don't blame her though, after yesterday. That can be emotionally draining on a person. I played with her hair, in hopes that would keep her asleep.

Suddenly I head 6 knocks, so fast I almost questioned if they were actually not just 1.

Gently I got out of bed, hoping not to wake her up. I looked at the clock again.

Who would be here at this time? May is at work, it can't be her.

I walked out the door, shutting it behind me making my way down the hallway when 4 more knocks sounded.

I got to the door and looked through the peephole to see Mr. Stark. He was in pajamas and had what looked to be no shoes on.

Feeling agitation rise in me, I opened the door fast.

"What are you doing here? What did you do to her?", I said just wanting an answer. 

"I'm here to apolo-", I interrupted before he could get any more words. 

"No, Mr. Stark this doesn't work like this. You don't make an effort to come and automatically I'm like 'yes, of course, come in making things right' tell me what happened. Then I'll consider letting you in.", I said my voice rasing slightly... not caring about what consequence could follow.

"Kid, you don't raise your voice at me. She over exaggerated. Completely. She came running up to me after a mission and I said 'what's your problem' and told her to get away. I need privacy too ya know, she's not always the damn victim.", he said yelling at me by the end.

My eyes widened as I heard small footsteps. There before us, in the hallway was the small girl with her bottom lip tugged between her teeth to stop the quivering. 

"Hey baby, its ok just go back to bed.", I said walking up to her quickly putting my body in front of her view of Mr. Stark.

"I'll handle it, princess, its ok.", she nodded and walking back into my room, locking the door behind her.

I turned back to Tony, seeing he took a seat on the couch. 

"I just made things worse, didn't I?", he said shaking his head, looking up from his hands.

I nodded and carried on, "Do you realize she has a mental disability, even at that has been through hell and back. You promised this girl a promising life and a family. She gets excited to see her dad and realizes that he doesn't want to see her and that it is an 'issue' to miss your dad. So then when she walks away, like the strong girl she is, you talk shit behind her back. Take it from a kid who never got a dad, she needs you. I didn't go through half of the shit she did, and if I heard my father say even half of what you said, well I would be twenty times worse then she is.", I said letting myself say what I felt, this time at a reasonable volume.

"Well shit," he said chuckling to himself, "Clearly I didn't think of that circumstance.", I nodded and looked at him.

"Go make things right, as much as I'm mad at you for that, she needs a dad. I can only protect her so much.", I said as he got up.

"You two a thing?", he said looking back at me.

"Yes, but nows not the time to say you don't approve. I, personally, think she's far past needing approval. Last door on the left.", I said feeling weird standing up to an adult. He nodded quickly and started down the hallway.


I stood in front of, what I assumed to be, Peters door. I gave it a quick knock before letting myself in. I looked at her, sitting at the bottom of the bunk bed, sketching.

I sat down, her eyes not leaving the page. "So, you and Pete, huh?", I said trying to spark conversation. I got a quick nod.

"Listen, kid, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking about the circumstances. About my promise. You deserve a family of people who doesn't talk behind your back or completely diss you. I will try to make it up to you that is if you let me?", I said trying to sum it up quick, resulting in it sounding like a question.

She nodded and hugged me. "Past is past.", I heard her say as best as she could. My eyes welled with tears as I heard her voice, just as beautiful as expected. 

I shook my head, not wanting to appear weak. "Its gonna take a bit of time for that trust to come back, huh?" , I said receiving a nod automatically.

"Well, how about you stay with Pete for the rest of the day, then you both come over for dinner.", her eyes widened hearing Peters name roll off my tongue, "Your good I approve."

She let out a relieved sigh and nodded. "Maybe if you think of a 'hero' name we can start you on patrol?", I said as I saw her face light up.

I kissed her forehead and walked out Peters door. 

"Come over for dinner tonight.", I said as I walked to the front door. He gave a nod back as I walked out the door, accomplished on making things right.

I did it, and its all going to be ok in the end.

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