Christmas Eve Party

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I woke up this morning with being hit in the face with a water ballon. 
"What the hell ?" I said all confused. 
"Get your lazy butt up . It's Christmas Eve ," Ty said attacking me on the bed .
I managed to say ," You didn't need to hit me with a water ballon," to Ty considering the fact that he's ON TOP OF ME .

"We're just friends Mandy . Chill ," I said to my brain. 
"Nah. It was really necessary ," He said .
I then threw him off of my bed which made him fall on the floor and then I said ," Now that you're off of me , I can get dressed".
"Hurry up then ," Ty said pushing me into the bathroom .

I then laughed . It's been two weeks since we made up at the park . Now it's Christmas Eve and that means it time to do our Christmas traditions which is run a bunch of errands for my mum .

I took a bath and then put on my outfit which was a pair of white Reebok shoes , a pair of blue cut jeans and light pink  crop top . I then went downstairs to where Ty stood .
"Ready?" Ty asked me as he turned around. 
"Yeah ," I said . I noticed something flicked in his eyes .
"What ?" I asked him .

"Nothing . Let's go ," He said pushing me through the door . He got into the car and drove us to our first destination which was  getting a christmas tree .
When we got there , Ty and I spent 20 minutes debating on why we should get the tree he wanted .

We ended up getting the tree that I wanted . We then tied it to the car and drove back to the house and dropped off the Christmas tree for my dad to set it up .
We then got back into the car and went to the mall to get some decorations for the tree and for outside and also to get some ingredients my mom wants .

When Ty parked the car he said ," Do you wanna divide the work or do it to together?".
"Work together ," I said. 
"Okay ," He said .
We then went to a store to get decorations and then we went to the grocery store to get some ingredients .

When we were done , we then decided to get some food .
We were sitting in the booth eating our food when Ty said ,"I forgot to tell you . Since Charlie and I are together , I asked her if she wants to come over to your house for the Christmas Eve dinner and she said yes , if you don't mind". 

"I won't mind . As my mom says , the more the merry,"I said taking a big bite of my food . Once we were done eating , we went home . When we got home , Charlie wasn't there yet which meant that Ty and I can still have our last tradition together which was decorating the Christmas tree . Our mom's and dad's like to decorate the outside of our house . 

While we were decorating the tree and the adults were outside , I asked Ty ,"Dinner is about  to start .  Where's Charlie ?".
"I texted her when we started and she said she's on her way," He said .
"Cool . So , you're making things official with her by her meeting your parents,"I said while hanging an ornament .

"Yeah . I have a good feeling about her," He said hanging an ornament on the tree then giving me smile . Once we were done , it was time to hang the angel .

Of course the tree is twice my size so I had to use a steep stool to hang the angel but that didn't work so we had to use a ladder . When I was hanging the angel , Ty saw I was struggling because he asked me ," Need help?" .
" No," I said . When the angel got onto the Christmas tree , I somehow manged to make the ladder fall and then I screamed ," TY !" for him to help me . I then landed into something soft . I opened my eyes to see I was in Ty's arms . 

My heart was racing so fast he could probably hear my heart beat .
He chuckled and asked me , " Are you okay?".
"Yeah , " I said and then he placed me on the floor gently . Our parents came in and his mother said ," Ty , you're visitor is here ". 

He went to where his mother was and said ," Hey Char," and then gave her a kiss on the cheek . Not gonna lie , but that was hard to watch . He then introduced Charlie to us . " Mom , dad , Mr and Mrs G , this is Charlie my girlfriend". 
"Char , this is my parents and Mandy's parents," He said .

"Hi dear ," My mother said hugging her .
"So this is the girl you keep talking about in the house ," His mom said .
"Same here," My dad and his dad said both laughing and then they both playful hit Ty on his back . It's like if they were twins. 

"And you've met Amanda my best friend ," He said bringing Charlie over to where I stood.
" Honey , pick up the ladder ," My mom told me before she went into the kitchen and so I did with the help of Ty. We mingled and chatted with one another before my mom yelled ," Dinner is ready ". 

We all went into the kitchen and sat down at the dinner table and of course Ty doesn't sit with me . He choose's to sit with Charlie all the way over on the opposite side of me . While we were eating , we got to know Charlie better and we caught up on what has been happening in our lives lately . 

When the dinner was over , I was in the kitchen washing the dishes while everyone was chatting with Charlie , I was chatting with my brain about Charlie and she is not a bad person until I was interrupted by Ty coming into the kitchen to help me . "You okay?" He asked me. 

"Yeah , why ?" I asked him.
"Well let's start with the fact that you didn't talk much during the dinner and you barely ate ," He said .
I didn't say anything . I turned off the tap and he kept the plate and made me face him . " Mandy , not this again".
" What ?" I asked him . 

"This . You not telling me what's wrong with you ,"He said.
" Nothing's wrong . You're making a big deal out of nothing ," I said lying to him .
"It's Charlie isn't it ?" He asked me .
" Ty , I love Charlie so stop making this such a big deal . Nothing is wrong okay ," I said . He was about argue his point to me again but then we heard his mother yell ," Ty?". 

I then walked out of the kitchen and into the living room . "Charlie is leaving," His mother said. He then went to say goodbye to Charlie outside because his parents and him are sleeping over . I then went up to my room and a few seconds later my mom pops her head in and said ," Here's the extra blanket and pillow for Ty". 

I took it and she left . Wait a minute , I forgot Ty and I normally sleep in the same bed on Christmas Eve to wake up on Christmas day in the same house. I was in my bathroom when I herd my door open and close . I came out my bathroom to see Ty with only his pants on . You could only imagine how my insides felt. 

I was in bed , ready to fall asleep when Ty comes out of the bathroom and into bed . He then asks me ," Mandy , are we still doing our tradition tomorrow?". The tradition that he is talking about is where we open presents that we bought for each alone in our secret spot . "Yeah," I said. 

"Okay . Goodnight Mandy," He said. 

"Goodnight Ty ," I said then it took me forever to finally fall asleep. 


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