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Haru's POV

A few months passed but nothing much has changed honestly. Today is Hyunsuk's soccer match against another school team.

He walked out to the field and everyone started screaming for him. " Oppa! " Someone screamed from one side and I looked over.

" He's my oppa! " another person screamed.

" I'm his biological sister. " I told Jion and we burst into laughter. I've always called him Oppa since young and we share the same parents so fight me.

Suddenly I felt someone sitting beside me. I turned over to face Yoonbin with his black cap and a cup of popcorn in his hands.

I stared at him and he turned over.

I stretched my hand into the cup and took some popcorn, shoving them into my mouth. " That's mine! " He whined.

I stuck out my tongue, " Good to know. " I said, turning away from him. I could see him pouting from the side of my eyes.

Jion leaned in to my ear, " Do you still like him? " I turned over to her, with a slight smile, I shook my head.

I turned to face the field.

Actually, I haven't gotten over him yet. One day I will, but i'm not sure when that one day is.

" Oh my god! Hyunsuk scored! " Jion screamed as she shoved my body back and forth while screaming his name.

" Look at Jyunhao! I didn't expect him to be able to run even one sixth of the field! " She said while bursting into laughter by herself.


Yoonbin's POV

I stared at the green field as silhouette of people started running around with a ball passing around. I turned slightly to face Haru who was so absorbed into the game.

I looked at her hands, noticing that she was in the praying position. I guess she really want her brother to win.

The whistle blew and all of us started cheering.

" Hyunsuk won! Jyunhao won! " Haru screamed with a wide smile on her face, her eyes glistening as if she's the happiest girl on earth.

Seeing her smile, made me smile.

The three of us ran over to the two winners who were busy chatting at that time, with sweat rolling down the sides of their head.

" Here! " Haru said as she tossed the both of them a bottled water.

Hyunsuk gave Haru a hug, to be more exact, a sweaty hug. " You're so gross! " Haru screamed while trying to push him away.

All of us burst into laughter seeing the sight of the siblings pushing and pulling each other.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to face Jyunhao who shot me a gummy smile. " Did you come down for me? " I cleared my throat as I looked the other way.

" If it wasn't for you, who else? " I said coldly, without looking at him. I can't believe I said out such cringy things.

Jyunhao chuckled as he smacked my arm playfully. I rolled my eyes, " Thank me by giving me a cap, not a smack. " He chuckled.

" My love is the best thing! " He said and I walked away from him.

Hyunsuk chuckled, " Yoonbin-ah, do you know that when I was playing I was searching for you? It's so tough to find you these days! "

I smiled, " I'm just really busy practicing rap nowadays. " Hyunsuk walked over to me and ruffled my hair playfully.

" Do well in it, okay? Hyung believe in you. " I shot him a wide smile as he placed his arm over my shoulders.

" I think they are coming for you. " I pointed at a group of girls who were standing by the side, with bottled water in their hands.

Hyunsuk looked up and smiled at them.

They came over, a little excited. " This is for you! " Our mouth widened as they stood in front of Jyunhao.

Jyunhao took over shyly, taking a picture with them before sending them away. " You lost your popularity. " Haru said.

Hyunsuk gulped as he acted as if he doesn't care much about it.

" I don't need them. " He flipped his non-existent hair, like a sassy horse.

He changed the topic. " Let's go and eat dinner. My treat. " We cheered as we went to the bus stop and got into the bus, heading to our destination.

We decide to eat Barbecue, it's the best way to spend Hyunsuk's money. " Eat all you wa- no. " Hyunsuk said as he saw the orders.

" Are you sure you guys can finish it? " All of us nodded with a grin on our faces. He didn't have a choice to reject us since he was the one who suggested this.

I looked over at Haru, who was getting high on sprite. Her face is getting redder, " That's definitely not sprite! " I said.

Everyone snatched it away from her and Hyunsuk took a sip. His eyes widened, " That's Soju. " Our mouth widened when suddenly, Haru slammed the table.

" You! " She stood up, pointing at me.

" Why are you such a jerk! " She came over to me and started messing up my hair. I wanted to pull her hands away but it would mean, I'm going to be bald.

Haru giggled, " Let me tell you all a secret! A big big secret! " She said as she got to the middle of the store, with a smile.

" Hold on. " She walked over to some random customer and just dragged his chair away.

She placed it in the middle of the restaurant, stood on it and started singing Baby shark with the movements. Everyone started cheering for her, but us, we pretended as if we have no connection with her.

Haru suddenly squat on the chair, burying her face in her hands. We heard sobbing and everyone quieten down.

I gulped as I walked over, trying to pull her away. She yanked my arm her, looking at up at me with her puppy eyes which are filled with tears.

" I like you so much, why can't you feel the same way back? "

17th Dec 2018

i'm in Osaka and the wind is so strong :O

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