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Haru's POV

" Choi Hyunsuk! " I screamed as I started to dress up. I looked over at the clock urgently, i'm going to be late because of him.

Hyunsuk is in charge of waking everyone up today but he overslept. " I'm rushing too! " He said, wearing his pants in the process.

I turned the other direction as I wore my socks and just ran to the gates without eating my breakfast.

" Noona! Can you bring us to school today? " Hyunsuk whined but she simply shook her head because she have work today.

So now, back to reality.

Hyunsuk and I are standing at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to come. The school is about 10 minutes drive away but pretty sure we'll be late.

When the bus came, Hyunsuk got on first but when I tried to squeeze onto the bus, it's too full. I got pushed off the bus and they left me.

" This is unfair! " I screamed as the figure of the bus slowly disappeared into the far distance.

" Get on my bike then. " I heard someone said from behind and I turned to see a kid that i've never seen before. He simply smile before dragging my arm, forcing me to sit behind him.

I gulped, " Hang on tight. " He said as he grabbed my hands, wrapping them around his waist before he takes off.

I looked at him in confusion, " Why do you want to help me in the first place? I don't even know you. " I said and he simply shrugged.

" You're a man with little words? " He burst into laughter when he heard what i've said.

" Me? If my friends heard you, they'll probably choke real hard. " He continued laughing really hard. I don't think it's funny though.

I looked up and wow, we're already reaching school.

The guy got off the bike and I got off too. " I know you, you're Haru. " He said with a grin and I frowned. How does he know me?

" I'm the new kid from the other class. " He said before walking off. He stopped and walked backwards to face me.

" By the way, next time please think of a way before screaming and causing a ruckus. " I stared at him as he walked off.

I didn't get to know his name, though.

Yoonbin's POV

I saw Jihoon walking into class with his usual grin that he have plastered on his face. He placed his bag down before turning to face me.

" Hi. " he said with a smile.

I ignored him. I don't talk to people who I don't really like or simply don't know well.

Jihoon rolled his eyes, " You're making me awkward right now and I don't like it. " He said but I continued ignoring him.

I heard him sigh, " Whatever. " He turned his back against me once more before chatting with other group of people in the class.

" Haru! " I heard someone screamed and I looked up to see Haru walking into my class with a smile.

I looked at her with a face of confusion. Why does she want to look for me or Jyunhao?

Instead of the two of us, she walked over to Jihoon and they began bursting into laughter and chatting happily. Since when are they this close?

I walked over to them, " The teacher wants to talk to you. " I told Jihoon. He looked around with a look of confusion before looking back at me.

" The teacher ain't here. " He said.

I nodded, " She wants you in the office. " He nodded, bidding Haru goodbye before heading over to the office. Why does he have to bid her goodbye when he's gonna see her?

Haru was about to walk out when I called out her name. She turned around, facing me. " I-I was wondering if you're f- "

" The teacher didn't even look for me. " Jihoon said as he came back, looking pissed off.

He rolled his eyes, " Do you have something against me? Whenever I tried making friends with you, you just don't want to befriend me. "

" I don't talk to people who I don't want to. " I said.

He scoffed as he nod. " Well then let me tell you something. I'm going to win over the person you love the most. You know who i'm referring to. "

I glared at him.

Jihoon looked over at Haru, " Let's go out to eat some fried chicken. My treat. " She nodded with a bright smile.

" You can't. " I said.

" We have designing class today. " She furrowed her brows as she shook her head.

She tilted her head slightly, " Didn't you see the message Aera send? It's cancelled today. " I cursed under my breath.

Just then, the bell rang. Haru returned back to her own class, " I'll win her over. " Jihoon said as he patted my shoulder with a smirk.

I clenched my teeth.

I got back to my own seat. " Jyunhao, let's go eat fried chicken later. " He looked over at me blankly before it broke into a smile.

" Are you asking me out on a date? Because that'd be a no. " He grinned and I furrowed my brows, shaking my head.

He shrugged, " Then i'm fine with it. "

I'm planning to follow them today, to see Jihoon's every move. I'm not going to let him do anything to Haru.

Since she's a good friend of mine.

When the last bell rang, I packed my bag and dragged Jyunhao out of the classroom. " Where are you guys going? " Jion came over with a bright smile.

" Yoonbin is treating me to fried chicken! It's not a date though. " He said and I glared at him.

Jion's eyes widened, " Can I come along too? Please? Please Yoonbin? " I avoided her eye contact but Jyunhao nodded as if he's the one treat-

I didn't even say that i'm going treat anyone.

The three of us are now on the day to the mall that the two of them are heading to. " We should've asked Haru over. " Jion pouted and Jyunhao nodded.

" Yoonbin is stingy. " Jyunhao said, frowning.

" I'm taking back the chicken. " I said, stretching my hand out to pull the plate of chicken over to me. His eyes widened, holding onto the chicken.

Just then, I heard a familiar voice.

" Park Jihoon-ie! "

22 Dec 2018

i'm actually on the plane right now lmaooo

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