Chapter Ten

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    The next morning, the right side of my face was sore. I groaned softly. The haze of sleep wore off slightly and I felt Jackson's arms gently wrapped around my small frame. I smiled and snuggled into him, trying to get that haze of sleep back. "Good morning, beautiful." Jackson mumbled. I groaned in his chest and tried to fall back asleep. I was almost asleep when Jackson sat up. "Alright, sleepy head. Time to wake up." He chuckled, rubbing my back. I looked at him and shot a tired glare. Jackson shook his head and smiled, "Take a shower to wake up. I'll meet you in the Mess Hall." He gave me a quick kiss.

    I got up and got some clothes. I walked to the bathroom to let Jackson change in private and so I could take a shower. I closed the door. I looked in the mirror. I looked very different than what I have before. I looked...Buff? I had more strength I guess. My cheekbones were slightly more pronounced and covered a bit with scars. I gently removed the bandage that was on my cheek and got ready for my shower. I let the warm water relax my sore muscles. I let out a small hum as my muscles relaxed. After my shower, I quickly got dressed. I stood in front of the mirror again and brushed my long, brown hair. I decided to braid it instead of putting it up in to a bun, like I normally do. I took a soft cloth and dabbed my wound dry. I decided to let it air out. I walked out of the bathroom and put my combats on. I grabbed my knife and gun and strapped them to my waist. I put on my jacket before I left to meet up with Jackson.


    The camp was deadly silent. My ears rang as I felt the tension on the air. I shivered at all of the dust that still covered the ground. I saw Jackson by the gate talking to the day guards and walked over by them. "There was another herd." The first guard informed. "They just keep coming..." Jackson trailed, "I don't know what to do about it." "We could get more guards to strengthen up the gate." The first guard suggested. "drew , we only have four people eligible for being a guard. That is not including Jackson and Zoey." The second guard stated. 'Well, I don't know, Zander!" Drew argued. Oh so that's their names. "Guys, let's not argue. Both of you have a good point." I stepped up, in attempt to stop a fight from breaking out.

    "Miss Zoey!" Zander gasped, "Apologies, ma'am." I shook my head with a smile, "There's no need." "Zoe's right. But, I don't know what to do. We need more guards. But like Zander said, there's only four people eligible to be a guard, minus me and Zoey." Jackson said, finger rubbing his chin. "We should train four more people to be a guard. That way, four people will be on duty each shift." I explained. Zander and Drew nodded. "Zoey, That's a great idea!" Drew exclaimed, Zander nodding in agreeance. I let out a giggle, "Thanks, guys! Sound like a good idea, Jack?" Jackson looked at me and smiled. "Yes, actually. I have people in mind that could be eligible with enough training." He stated.

    My stomach growled, breaking the brief moment of silence. Zander and Drew chuckled before we all joined in. We laughed for a few moments. "Come on, let's go eat." Jackson said, wrapping his arm around my waist, "Bye, guys!" "Bye!" Zander and Drew waved. I waved back with a big smile. As we were eating, I began to wonder who Jackson had in mind to be the new guards. "Hey, Jackson?" I asked. Jackson looked up from his food, "Yes?" "Who do you have in mind to become the new guards?" I asked. "You'll see." Jackson answered, a cocky grin tugging at his lips. I playfully rolled my eyes. Jackson chuckled, "You're cute, you know?" My face flushed, causing Jackson to laugh. "Well-Well, you're cuter!" I flushed. Jackson laughed, "Nah, baby. You are." He leaned over and kissed me.


    I was walking inside of HQ to get my assignment for the day. "Hi, Mary!" I waved. Mary was at the front desk. I walked over to her. "Hey, Zoey!" Mary smiled, "What cha need?" I smiled back at the southern woman, "I came to see what my assignment is." Mary nodded with a smile. "You have a day shift for perimeter watch 'til supper." She said, checking the schedule. I sighed in relief that it was an easy assignment, as my legs were hurting me. "Well, I'm gonna get going." I said, signing my name by my assignment to "clock in." "Alright, have a good day, dear!" Mary smiled. I returned her smile, "You, too!" I left after that.


    About an hour into my shift, Jeffery cat-called me, "Aye, gorgeous! Come 'ere!" I rolled my eyes and walked over to him. "What do you want?" I asked, slightly annoyed. "To tell you how hot you are." Jeffery flirted. "Yeah-no." I said, sounding slightly pissed off. "Oh, come on baby g-" I cut Jeffery off. "DON'T call me that!" I snapped. A few people that were around looked over at us. Jeffery wrapped his arms around me. I became fully pissed off and shoved him roughly to the ground. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yelled. "Jeffery! Get off of her!" I heard someone yell. I looked over and saw Steve, Jackson's friend. Jeffery growled and ran off.

    Steve walked over to me. "Ya alright?" He asked. "Yeah. Just pissed that he had the nerve to touch me." I answered sneering. "Yeah, I would be, too." Steve murmured. "Anyways," I said, taking a deep breath to calm my self, "I need to go back to my assignment." "What's your assignment?" Steve asked. "Perimeter watch. Day shift." I stated bluntly. "Hey, I'm night shift today!" Steve smiled. "That's cool." I said, returning the smile. "I'm gonna join you. I want to make sure that Jeffery doesn't bother you again." Steve stated. I gave him a quick nod. We began to walk the perimeter.

    "I heard that there was another herd." Steve said, breaking the silence. "Same here. Found out from Zander and Drew." I said. "Those are the day shift guards, right?" Steve asked. "Yeah." I answered, nodding my head. "We seriously need to do something. The Seekers are just gonna keep coming." Steve said, looking at the woods on the other side on the fence. "I told Jackson that we need to train at least four guards." I murmured. "That's a good idea." Steve smiled at me. I shot him a smile, thanking him. Minutes of silence go by. "Hey, Zoey..." Steve trailed. I let out a hum to let him know I was listening. "Do you remember where you were when this all happened?" Steve asked. I nodded. I remember exactly what has happened. How was I supposed to forget?


    I had just got home from school. I sat my bag down at the kitchen table and saw the usual "I'll be back home later!" note from my mom. Her job is making her work later and later it seems. I sighed and grabbed a banana from the fruit basket. I sat down on the couch and turned the T.V on. It automatically went to an emergency broadcast. "Attention: This is not a test. The United States has been informed that the National Scientists has accidentally released monsters called 'Seekers.'" a chilling voice said.

    Dread filled me. My skin paled. My blood ran cold. "Do not go near the monsters. DO NOT GO NEAR THE MONSTERS. DO. NOT. GO. NEA-" I turned off the T.V. I immediately ran to my phone. I quickly unlocked the screen and called my mom. I got a busy tone. I cursed and sat my phone down after trying to call her a few more times. Panic filled me as my eyes started to water. Mom, where are you?

~End of Flashback~

    I sighed sadly. Steve looked at me. "You alright?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow. "Yeah. I'm fine." I answered. Who know a science experiment could end the world? 

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