A New Beginning

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**Quick note! Abbreviations!** 

Y/N means your name. 

F/N means first name.

L/N means last name.

Life has never  been easy for you. You have been abandoned by your parents at the age of 10, been bullied your whole life, everyone is always telling you that you will never  be a hero, and you have no friends.

You just wanted to end it all. Say goodbye to this sick and twisted world. You were ready to end it all that day. You stood on the railing of a bridge, ready to jump into the water and drown. That's when Tomura Shigaraki found you. 

Just as you were about to jump, he grabs you by your arm.

"There is no reason to kill yourself... come join me..." he pulls you into an embracing hug. Tears form into your eyes. This was completely stranger and he has showed more compassion in this short, little amount of time then anyone has even shown to you in your whole life.

 You begin to cry and you scream out in frustration. He allows you to cry and he gently rubs your back.

"Let it all out..." he says softly and rubs your back gently. 

**2 Years Later**

Your sitting in your room that Shigaraki has provided for you. You hear a gentle knock on the door.

"Come in!" you say. Shigaraki walks into the room.

"Hey Shigaraki, what's up?" you smile brightly at him. 

"I need a favor from you." he sits down on the bed next to you.

"Anything for you sir." your smile grows even bigger. 

"I need you to infiltrate UA High." He is holding a UA high girl's uniform in his hands.

Your smile disappears and you look at the uniform.

"Well... I'll do it for you sir!" you say as your smile quickly returns. 

Shigaraki has helped you out in such a big way that you want to do anything to please him, even if that means hanging around some shitty ass wanna be heroes.

"There is a certain person that I want you to kidnap and bring back here." He holds up a picture of a young boy with freckles and green hair.

"What is his name sir?" you ask as you take the picture.

"His name is Izuku  Midoriya." he stands up. 

You nod your head and look at the picture.

"You will start at UA High tomorrow morning so I expect you to be prepared." he leaves the room and shuts the door.

You continue to look at the picture and you soon realize your blushing a bit. 'Wait... why am I blushing... am I starting to develop...feelings for him?!' you think to yourself. "No way!" you say aloud. You look at the clock and see that it's already 10:17. You lay down in the bed and pull the blankets over yourself. 

**The Next Morning**

You wake up to the sound of an alarm clock sitting on your night stand. 'Damn it... Shigaraki must of put this in here...' you think to yourself. You stop the alarm clock and it stops ringing. You stand up and stretch then you begin to change into the school uniform.

As your changing, you think of that green haired boy again. You feel your cheeks heat up and you shake your head.

"I guess I really am starting to like that fucking wanna be hero." You mumble to yourself. 

Once your hair is fixed, you walk out of your room and into the bar area that Shigaraki usually  hangs out at. You see him sitting on a stool and he looks at you. He clutches his fists and looks away almost immediately.

"S-Sir... is there something wrong?" you know he's upset.

"I just wish you didn't have to be around those type of people... but I had no other choice..." he stands up and walks over to you.

"Don't forget who you are Y/N." he smiles at you.

"I promise I won't sir." You smile and head out the door. 

As you begin to walk to UA High, you see some other girl with short brown hair and a UA High uniform on walking all by herself. You decide not to pay any attention to her. Before you turn to look at her again, she's gone.

"What the hell?" you mumble to yourself.

You shrug your shoulders and continue to walk. As your walking, your foot hits a crack in the concrete and you brace yourself for your fall. After a moment, you realize that your not falling but your floating. 

You see the girl with brown hair and she has her hands in a weird formation. Once your feet hit the ground, she stops the formation with her hands.

"That was a close call there." she smiles kindly.

You nod in agreement and you walks over to her.

"Thank you ma'am." you smile as well.

"My name is Ochaco Uraraka, but you can just call me Uraraka." She holds out her hand for you to shake.

"My name is F/N L/N, but you can just call me L/N." you shake her hand and her smile grows bigger. 

The two of you walk the rest of the way to UA together. The walk was silence for the most part but it was interesting for you. Where you were always bullied and never had any friends, you never walked to school with anyone. You felt happy that you met this girl. She may appear to be a wanna be hero, but she is a very kind person. 'I wonder if she's my... friend...?' you ask yourself. 

"Hey, are you okay?" she tilts her head a little to the side. 

You look at her and nod.

"I was just thinking is all." you smile softly.

"What were you thinking about?" she questions you.

You stop walking and she stops as well.

"Uraraka... I have a question... are we...  friends?" you look down at the ground.

She looks at you with a serious expression.

"Well of course we are silly!" she giggles.

You sigh in relief and start walking again. She walks right beside you. You two joke around and just talk about pretty much anything. 'Finally, I have a friend!' you smile cheerfully. As you approach the gates of UA, your smile disappears.

You see him.

Your target.

Izuku Midoryia.

***Author's Note!***

Hey guys! I just wanted to say that I am really excited about this story! I have some great chapters planned out for you and I really hope you enjoy my story! Please vote and comment!

Peace out! 


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