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"you look gorgeous"
"Thank you"
"Here, have a seat"
"Thank you, this place is beautiful" I admired the beautiful diamond chandelier and the marble staircase
"So, tell me about yourself how was your day?"
"It was okay but it's better now that I'm with you"
"How nice, would you like a drink?"
"Yes please"
"I have red wine and white wine"
"I'll have the red wine"
"Coming right up"
The house is huge and everything looks expensive like diamonds incrested into the coffee table and even the basic picture frames looked so nice
"It wouldn't be too much of a problem of we had lobster tails for dinner would it?"
"No it would not" I took a sip of wine
"What do you see in me, other than my body?"
"Oh I see much more, like your personality, with the way you carry yourself, like a queen unbothered, I also noticed the little things in body language, you've been hurt before, but hurting you is not my intention, I just really see a future with us, I'm not really like this, I don't try hard for girls but you're a woman, you're strong, you're everything"
"You're right, I have been hurt, to the core. I'm greatful for you, what you just said, it made me so happy and more confident"
"That was my intention, glad it worked out"
He chuckled, he is so handsome, sharp jaw line, smooth hair, clean skin, he's a king in my eyes
We've known each other for two months and somehow I feel like I've known him forever
Our food was served on a silver platter
"Smells amazing"
"Yes it does"


"Hi, mama hi"
"Hey baby girllll how was your day? Mommy missed you"
"Mamamamaa bjcduvfzsgkvs"
"Oh yeah, good. I'm happy you had fun"

"Hey beautiful"
"Hey there handsome"
"Are you busy?"
"A little"
"Mama doodooo!!! Mama doodooo!"
"Hold on Lani"
"Oh who's that?"
"My......" I'm not gonna deny my child, but he might not want me anymore, oh well my baby comes first
"My daughter, Ailani"
"Oh you have a daughter? Oh well, when can I meet her?"
"If you don't want- wait so you're not upset?"
"Why would I be upset?"
"Well I didn't tell you I had a daughter and I wasn't planning on telling you anytime soon"
"That's something a bitch nigga would do, I want to meet her"
"Sure, where are you?"
"At my house can you come over?"
"Yeah I'm on my way"
I hung up oh my gosh he is perfect, he doesn't just want me for my body but for me, and he's sticking around even though I said I had a kid, maybe he's the one, just maybe


"Lani, were meeting a friend of mine, are you ready?"
"Alright now, don't be slapping him like you be getting me"
She started laughing
"Ian laughing witcho bad ass" I unstrapped her
"Mama" she slapped me
"Girl stop!" I kissed her cheek
"Don't be hitting on mommy now"
"Hey gorgeous" I hugged him he smelled so good I didn't want to let go
"This is Ailani, I call her Lani "
"Hey Lani" he took her from me
She loves him already
"Dada!" My mouth formed an o shape
"No Lani"
"It's okay, I may as well step up since I'm tryna cuff her momma"
I blushed
"Dadada!" She screamed and out of nowhere she slapped him
"Oh shit" he bust out laughing, wtf did she really just do that
"I'm sorry, Lani what I tell you?"
"It's okay, I ate that, and at least she not gon take shit from nobody"
"Right. She Gon have a bad ass temper just like her mom"
"Not for long"
"You gon see"
Jesus take the wheel

"Okay dro" I rolled my eyes
"Oh shit, I gotta handle some business I'll call you guys later"
"Okay see you tonight"
"Yeah see you tonight"

I'm changing!! Fuck morals, I'm finna have to let my inner freak release cuz shit I been hiding her for a long time 👅



"Alejandro what the fuck are you talking about"
"I said what I said, you're not working tonight"
"You act like you my man or something"
"Shit I'm trying, which way do you want it cuz I got two sides to me, I got ace and I got Alejandro Gomez what's really really good?"
I'm tryna be mad but he is making me laugh, and it's really getting me there
"I think I like ace better'
"So what you gonna be my ride or die chick?"
"Finally" he pushed me against the wall and kissed me
Hmm I'm fucking with ace, he's just my type
"I don't want you working tonight because there's some dudes here that don't belong and anything could happen, and ion want no lowdown dirty ass nigga looking at my dime"
*Knock knock*
"Ayo Ace! Ford out here for you"
He looked at me and quickly pushed me under his desk, I don't know what is going on but I'm scared
"Wussup Mayne?"
"Nice business you got here, it would be bad if anything went wrong"
"You right, but it would be worse if a fuck nigga got spilled whilr tryna fuck with my 'nice business'"
Please don't nobody die please don't nobody die
"Hahaha you think you're so tough"
"What you here fa?"
"I need my money, you owe me 400k"
"How the fuck?"
"You didn't give me all my money last drop"
"Oh I remember"
"So wussup cuz if I don't come out in the next ten minutes this place getting shot up"
My heart dropped I hope he pays him
"I know you ref, you pussy as fuck, I knew you wouldn't come without a crew but hey, let's wait ten minutes, sit down"
"You don't want your life"
I'm not really the killing type but I would be hurt to the core if Alejandro dies, I'm really close with him
I noticed the gun under his chair, I don't have to kill him but it's self defense, he pulled out a gun first
It happened so fast, I picked up the gun, jumped up and fired two shots toward the man
"Oh shit"
"Oh my God" I was such in state of shock I'm going to jail
"You did good, it's okay don't freak out,it's just the beginning.....Floyd get everyone out, it's time to get moving"
"What do you mean just the begining?"
"Get everything you need we need to leave"
"I don't need anything here"
"Then let's go"
We ran to his car, thankfully I didn't come in my car
"Can you take me to get Lani?"
"Sure what is the address?"
"665 nw 6 Ave"
We picked up Lani then he dropped us off to my house
"Thank you Ace"
"No problem, see you tomorrow beautiful"
I walked inside, the breeze felt nice and soothing but I need a shower before I could get comfortable
I put Lani in her crib since she was sleeping and she already took a shower
I took a nice shower and slept with only underwear that shit felt good af

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