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My plan was to watch Alejandro sleep until I could fall back to sleep but he's not here so now my role is to worry
I called and texted him, no reply wtfffff

I took a shower and got ready for the day
I called and called but still no response
I noticed a missed call from an unknown number so I called back
"....police department how may I help you"
"Do you have Alejandro Gomez in custody?"
"No but the last inmate to call was Alexander gomez"
"Light Skin? Dark hair?"
"Can I talk to him"
"Babe what the fuck"
"It's not my fault your brother knocked at my door and arrested me"
"Get your lawyer don't say anything I'll be there soon"
"He's already here, their gonna release me...I think"
"You think!?!?!" I guess I was too frustrated because my water just broke
"Bae my water just broke!"
"What that mean?"
"Mateo is coming...now!"
"What? Oh shit!" I started to hyperventilate
"Calm down, call your mom or somebody ima get out just get to the hospital"
"Ok I love you"
"Love you too ma"
I hung up and called Meghan
"Meghan my water just broke and ace is in jail for no reason and I don't know what to do-" I broke down crying from worry and the pain Mateo was giving me
"Calm down liyah I'm coming, take deep breaths"
"I'm scared"
"Don't worry I'm coming"
Yes she is the only one in my family that knows where ace lives, well her and Elijah now
I made my way downstairs thank goodness I filled out the papers and had it in the hospital bag already
I picked up the two bags and rushed outside
Meghan finally pulled up and helped me in the car
"Deep breaths liyah deep breaths"
I took deep breaths all the way to the hospital
"I'm not having Mateo until ace is here"
They put me in a wheel chair
"Here's her papers all filled out"
They finally gave me a room and a wristband
"Here" The our an Iv in my arm, I almost lost it but was interrupted by a contraction
"Mom, you're 4 centimeters and you need to be ten" aw shit ima be here for a minute
"Well I'm not giving birth until my baby father gets here, Meghan call mom"
"Already did but they won't let lani back here"
"Why not?"
"She's too young"
"We'll see about that- owwww"
"Okay mom breath, in....out"
"I know how to breath bitch"
"Oh my god I'm sorry" Meghan apologized
"It's okay I know what to expect "
"Oh my baby are you okay, breath" mom rushed in
"Why y'all keep telling me to breathe like I'm disabled?"
"Where's my lani bug?"
"Out there with your sisters"
"Bring her in here I gotta see her"
She walked out
"Did you guys think of a name?"
"Yes Mateo spade or spade Mateo Gomez we didn't get the order yet"
"Had to give that boy a Mexican name"
"Hell Yeah"
"Okay we need to check again"
The doctor kicked everyone out to check me again
"Still 4"
"Oh that's fine I'm not giving birth until my baby's father gets here anyway"
He left
"OUU helloooo beautifuuul" I let her climb on the bed with me
"Baby" she touched my stomach
"Yes baby brother"
"Oh, mama baby"
"Yes Mama is having the baby" she clapped and gave me a hug
I hugged her back
"Did you..... have fun with grandma?" I asked in between contractions
"Oh yeah game an park food"
My phone rang
"Get it Meghan" I squeezed the bar next to me
"Come on lani"
"No I mama"
"We're gonna come back, mama is in pain and we need to leave her so she could feel better"
She looked at me then went with my mom
The only person in here was Meghan
"It's Alejandro he said that he would be here in a few"
"Yes" I smiled hard
"Another check" Meghan got out and the doctor propped up my legs
"Doctor my baby's father is on his way please forgive him for whatever he may say or do"
"It's fine, I signed up for it let's see..... 8 centimeters"
"Really? That quick"
"Yeah someone's about ready to get their angel out... I'll come back for another check in ten minutes"
Meghan walked back in
"Your contractions are a minute apart Aliyah, you ready ready"
"Not until ace gets here, and I'm only 8 centimeters dilated"
Another painful contraction hit me
"Owwwww" I cried this shit is the most painful thing a human can experience bro like I swear this Shit hurts
"Its gonna be okay Aliyah, do you want the epidural?"
"No! I can't"
"Oh yeah your allergic to it, I the best thing we can do is breath"
"Ok ok"
"In the nose....out the mouth"
I was gon snap but I'm in too much pain for that
"Bae I'm here" I smiled and reached for him
He looked at me then my stomach
"Just two more centimeters" he kissed me
"I'm here Mateo" he placed his hands on my stomach giving me another contraction
"Ready to push, dad out this on who's gonna be in the delivery room?"
"My mom Meghan and ace is your mom here?"
"Yeah I'll go get them"
The doctor propped my legs up again
"10 centimeters! Time to go!"

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