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Ever since yesterday I haven't been myself, I know it's only been a day but I don't want to eat, talk, I don't even want to hear shit but I have to be there for my family
Lani was already dressed, she's in her crib sleeping, I took a quick shower and hygiene routine before getting dressed in some black leggings, a white long sleeve shirt that said 'happy' in fine print, I put on my white Converse and put my hair in a ponytail
I also had a small red across the shoulder purse to match the red on my Converse
Lani had on black leggings and her taxis
Her shirt said 'queenin' in white glitter
And her hair was in pigtails with white bows and baby hairs naturally laid
I picked up Lani and got all my things including the baby bag together
I was getting ready to leave when I noticed the white roses on the door step, they were beautiful but it's not enough for my forgiveness nor my trust
I pushed it inside with my foot then locked up
I carefully put Lani in her car seat then strapped her in, I then got in and drove off

HesmyAce ♠: did you like the flowers?
HesmyAce ♠: I am sorry
HesmyAce ♠: I'm trying baby please

I rolled my eyes and continued driving, I'm already gonna cry after seeing my family I don't have tears to waste

I pulled up to a nice house, about the size of mine, it was neat outside with perfect grass and flowers, there were seven cars parked outside, I'm guessing one for each of my siblings and mom and dad share a car
I parked the car and picked Lani up when I got to the door, I could already feel the tension like damn wtf they got going on
I opened the door and the house filled with silence
"She's here!"
Meghan came to me and gave me a hug
"Yeah, can you hold her"
I took a deep breath and found my way walking to the dining room, everyone looked at me crazy
"So y'all don't remember me?" I laughed then walked to my mom
"Hey momma"
"Aliyah! Oh my baby!! Thank God" she threw her arms around me
"Aliyah?" Pretty soon I felt more arms wrapped around me
"Yall miss me?" I asked with a small laugh
"We did, you got so big, so grown, you're beautiful"
Everybody was talking to me at once
"Where's daddy?"
"Can one of y'all call him, he never home"
"Ok so everyone sit down, I wanna know why the tension is thick. We pose to be blood there shouldn't be any problems"
"You right but you would feel the same way If you met his wife"
"So none of y'all like his wife?"
"No just me and Morgan"
"First of all, Elijah do you love your wife?"
"Then problem solved, you guys are supposed to be his sister's, you don't have to like her but you should be happy that he's happy"

We talked everything out and I made sure that everyone got along fine, no more tension, just love.
"She looks just like you" momma said rocking Lani to sleep
I was sitting between my two brothers

I found out

Meghan: has a husband, a registered nurse, two kids and pregnant

Morgan : single, party girl, owns a fashion line

Ari Ella: has a boyfriend, no kids, owns a mansion (yass) and she works as a part time dancer and part time entrepreneur

Aisha: pregnant, single, works as a pediatrician

Elijah: married, no kids, entrepreneur and federal agent

Elroy: model, policeman, detective and entrepreneur

All of them are successful, here I am, a whole hoe
It was about 10pm when dad finally cane home
"Hey daddy"
"Aliyah, oh hi" he gave me a tight hug
"Are you drunk?"
"you know I missed you, we all did, it's been what? 8 years?"
"Yes, I'm 18, I think you should go take a nap"
"Arrd I'ma see y'all tomorrow"
He's drunk literally, he probably won't even remember seeing me

"I'm gonna leave but I promise to come back tomorrow morning"
"Okay baby, and bring Lani"
"I will, see you guys later" I gave everyone an individual hug then went on my way
Lani was still sleeping but I changed her into some pajamas and layed her in my bed surrounded by pillows
I went downstairs at the island, time to start shopping lol
I sat at the island on my Mac book to Amazon, you can find lots of deals here
Plus Christmas is fucking around the corner, I didn't get shit for Lani yet

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