Chapter 3 - Math Class

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  • Dedicated to Ethan Karpathy

Chloe's POV:

It was the last period of the day and I knew that detention was next! I was kind of excited to be spending my first detention with Ethan! When we got to math our teacher was already putting math equations on the board. We didn't have a seating plan for math so we could sit anywhere. There were desks of 2s and 3s. Chellz and Jess purposely sat on a desk of 2 so I wouldn't be able to sit with them!

"Whoops!" Exclaimed Jess. "No more desks of 3! Looks like you will need a desk of 2!"

Hey why don't you ask that Ethan dude to sit with you?" Squeels Chellz.

I see Ethan standing at the back of the room with  no seat. It looks like his friends have done exactly the same thing as Jess and Chellz! I begin walking up to Ethan and he begins walking up to me. 

"Hey Ethan!" I say bubbly and happily. "Wanna sit together?" I say rather eagerly.

"I was just about to ask the same thing actually!" Ethan says with a cute grin on his face.

Ethans POV:

I felt so happy when Chloe came up to me and asked me to sit with her I don't think I could of honestly done it myself! 

Chloe's POV:

We finally find a seat of 2 and we sit down and do our work for the remainder of the lesson.

---Skip Class Time---

When the bell finally goes we grab our things and off we go to detention!

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