Chapter 10 - A Great Start

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Chloe's POV:

We finally make it to the bustop and meet our friends there. They all give us this "what happened to the fight" look.

"What ever happened to your little fight you were having 5 minutes ago!?" Jess says in total shock.

"Yeah, weren't you two never gonna speak to each other again?" Chellz says.

"Ethan explained everything to me! He was just asking Caylah advice on how he should ask me out!"

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Hold up! What do you mean ask you out!?" Squeels Jess.

"I've had feelings for Chloe the moment I met her." Ethan begins. "I really wanted her to be my girlfriend but I was unsure of how I should ask her out and since Caylah and Chris are dating, I thought I would ask Caylah exactly how Chris asked her out to get some ideas, that's why you saw us hugging and whispering and stuff." 

"Hey I heard my name!" Chris says approaching us, hand in hand with Caylah.

Ethan then explains the whole thing again to Chris and Caylah.

"The big question is, are you two dating?" Caylah squeels.

"More than that Ethan is..." 

"YOUR HUSBAND!?" Chellz screams so loud I swear she woke the dead.

"My boyfrienddddd!" 


Ethan and I both laugh, just as the bus pulls up. The whole way home, we take selfies on our phones, talk about anything and spam our Snapchat stories. 

"Hey I have a great idea!" Caylah says out of the blue. "This weekend, how about all of us go to Luna Park to forget all that happened this past week!?"

"Hey not everything! Don't forget Ethan is my boyfriend!" I say.

"Ooooo sorrrry! Not all to be forgotten then. But what do you say!?" 

We all nod and text our parents, even though we'll see them in a matter of 20 minutes.

We finally arrive at our stop. 

"You can come to mine for dinner tonight? If you would like to?" I say to Ethana as we make our way to my house.

"I'd love to! I'll text mum and let her know."

We continue walking up the street, holding hands, when I see my mum driving down the street. What is she doing? Suddenly, she pulls over.

"You didn't tell me you were catching the bus!" My mum says. Whoops.

"Lucky I did! Look how late you are!" 

"Nevermind that, hop in. Oh hello Ethan!" 

"Haha you actually remember me!?" 

"Of course! You are all Chloe can talk about and she always shows me your posts on Instagram!"

"Mum! Stop!" 

Ethan laughs and says, "Should you tell her or should I?"

"Erm, I will tell her silently. Mum, check my Snapchat story."

"Your mum has Snapchat!?" Ethan says in total shock.

"Don't ask." I say.

"I saw your story already, maybe if you check you would see! Congratulations I'm so happy for you both!" Says my mum in excitement.

"So you're not mad that I have a boyfriend!?" I say.

"Of course not!" 

I catch a glimpse of Ethan smiling in the car. The whole way back, he has his arm around me. 

When we finally return home, my mum says its okay to go to Luna Park this weekend! I am so excited! She even said we can have a sleepover afterwards at our place!

"You two go make yourselves feel comfortable and I'll bring you some snacks!"

"Thanks mum!"

"Oh, before I forget, Ethan did your mum say she's ok with you staying for dinner?"

"Yeah she said as long as I'm home before 9 she doesn't mind."

"That's great! You should be back before then"

We nod, and I take Ethan through to the living room and we decide to watch a movie.

"Hmm!" I say, thinking of what movie we should watch. "How about....Mean Girls!?"

"No way! Lets watch a horror film!" Ethan says.

"I'd rather not thank you!" 

"Ok scaredy cat! We'll watch a Disney Movie then!" Ethan says grinning.

"Much better! Just remember that you're never too old to watch a Disney Movie anyway!" 

"Thank you wise chap! I'll remember that!" Ethan says to me sarcastically.

I playfully push him off the lounge and put in the DVD Frozen.

I curl up next to Ethan on the lounge as the movie begins. Then my mum walks in and hands us the snacks.

Before we know it, the movie is over, and I hear my mum call out "Dinner's ready on the table!"

Ethan and I race each other to the dinner table and of course, just as I expected, Ethan beat me to the table.

"You took your time!" Ethan says sarcastically.

"Probably why I look so good!" I also say sarcastically.

Just as we sit down to dinner, my dad arrives home from work.

"I'm home girls!.....andd boy! Hello again Ethan! Staying for dinner are you?"

"Hello again yeah staying over for dinner."

"You can say it this time." I whisper to Ethan.

"Okkkk anything for you."

"Um Ethan is gonna tell you something dad, mum already knows and she's fine with it."

"Don't tell me! Ethan's your boyfriend!?" My dad said.

"Yes! How did you know!?"

"I took a wild guess there! I guess."

My mum hits my dad with her oven mits and says; "No it wasn't a wild guess honey, I texted your dad as soon as we got home! I couldn't keep it in!"

"Heaven knows I triiieeeed." Ethan says, like he was singing the rest of the song Let It Go.

"Gee Ethan! Watching Frozen sure got to your head didn't it!?"

We all laugh and finish off our dinner. When we finish, its time for Ethan to go.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" Ethan says.

"Yeah can't wait!"

"Before I go, I need to tell you something come here."

I get closer to Ethan when suddenly, he pulls me into a romantic kiss. Its the best kiss ever.

As Ethan leaves, I see my mum peering through the kitchen window. I laugh, and go on up to bed. The day after tomorrow is going to be one of the best days ever!

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for a few days I had writer's block ugh. I will try update tomorrow as I'm going out to dinner tonight for a birthday. If you don't know what Luna Park is its an amusement park in Sydney and Melbourne! Hope you're enjoying the story xx

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