Chapter 7 - Annual House Tour

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  • Dedicated to Ethan Karpathy

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Before I start this chapter ill just inform you on some name changes. You may or may not of noticed these changes but ill inform you of them now. 

Catarina is now Chloe

Milani is now Jess

Genevieve is now Chanelle (Chellz)

Sorry for any inconveniences. Enjoy the story there is drama coming up in the next chapter and some more characters! 

Chloe's POV:

I began showing Ethan the living room. 

"Well Ethan, this is the living room, the place you'll see me most watching TV and eating my favourite snacks!" I said to Ethan.

Ethan had a cute smile on his face and we began to laugh. 

"Well I can see why your living room is huge! Look at that TV! Can we swap living rooms?" Ethan said grinning.

"Stoooop you make me laugh so hard sometimes Ethan!" 

"Ok ok I give in, carry on with your tour now please!"

"Certainly!" I respond.

Next I show Ethan my study room. It has a white desk with a flower pattern on it and a MacBook Pro resting on the desk, along with all my homework and school supplies.

"I see you still haven't done your history homework!" Ethan says very seriously but in a cute way.

"Hey! I would of had it done by now if I hadn't tripped!" I say.

"Wait. You do realise you're walking right now?" Ethan says in shock.

"Wow its a miracle!! Come see the kitchen". I say quickly changing subject.

Ethan doesn't know this yet, the fall was anything but serious. I purposely made out my ankle broke so he would carry me home and to miss the detention. I may tell him later on.

After having that thought, I show Ethan through to the kitchen.

"Wow this kitchen is amazing! So big!" Ethan says in shock.

"Haha thanks! I think its why my mum spends most of her time in here."

I hear my mum laugh across the room. Ethan and I just giggle and we grab a snack to eat before I resume the house tour.

"Well downstairs through the hall is our spare room. There isn't much in there besides a TV and a mini fridge. Its just a room where I have all my sleepovers with friends and stuff." I say to Ethan.

We take a quick look in then I show him the room next door the guest room.

"That's the quest room. No one really visits us so we are thinking of turning it into a singing practice room for me."

"Oh! You sing?"

"Yeah! All the time! Do you?"


"Oh well you should! I bet you're amazing! Anyway, ill show you upstairs now, nothing more interesting down here anyway."

Ethan's POV:

I wasn't telling the truth to Chloe when I said I don't sing. I really do and I enjoy it but I didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of her in case she thought I wasn't that good! 

"Well this is the upstairs area! My room is down the hall right at the end. I'll show you to it in a second." Says Chloe.

Chloe shows me to her  parents big, white bedroom. The carpet was fuzzy and soft and their big king sized wooden bed stood in the back centre of the room. Their TV was in front of the bed on the wall and everything was neat and tidy. She then showed me through to the marble bathroom ensuite which had a massive shower and spa bath in the corner. 

"Wow Chloe, this bedroom is amazing!"

"Wait until you see mine!" 

She takes my hand and walks me to her bedroom. I felt tingly and excited inside that she held my hand. It was just so soft and felt nice to be holding her hand.

Chloe's POV:

I took Ethan's hand to walk him over to my room. I catch Ethan having the biggest smile on his face. I smile too. I can't believe I had the courage to take his hand without asking. We are getting closer by the minute each day and I really like that.

"Well here we are!" I say still holding Ethan's hand. None of us are letting go so we continue to hold hands the whole time we are in my room.

I show Ethan my white double bed with the quilt cover that has the quote "I don't sing because I'm happy, I'm happy because I sing."  with a music note and microphone backdrop to it. I have my keyboard sitting against the end of my bed, followed by my guitar next to it. My mini plasma TV leans against my wall and my iPad air lays on my bean bag with music notes on it.

"Well that's pretty much my room! Like what you see?"

"Your whole house its just amazing!"

"Aww thanks Etho! I say laughing."

Ethan laughs and we both head downstairs together. Just as Ethan gets his things my dad gets back home from work in the city.

"Hey Dad! I would like you to meet my friend Ethan!"

"Nice to meet you Ethan! I'm Chloe's dad!"

"Nice to meet you too, I'm just leaving now see you later!"

When Ethan has all his things he stops me from going back inside. 

"Give me your phone for a second."

I pull my gold iPhone 5s out of my pocket and give it to Ethan. He says come here, and he takes a cute selfie of us and I catch a glimpse of him putting his number in my phone. My heart begins racing when he gives me my phone back. 

"Here, give me your phone now." 

Ethan hands me his phone and I put my contact into his phone and take a cute selfie with him again.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." Ethan says.

"Bye Ethan!" 

Ethan then gives me a huge hug. I felt so happy and my heart was racing like never before.

When I go inside, I have a warm shower and get into my "Peace, Love, Pizza." pyjamas. I eat my dinner and go to the study to do my homework when suddenly, I get a message from:

Ethan 😚💖 : "Hey, thanks for the tour of your house, really enjoyed it. Look forward to seeing you at school tomorrow. Etho 😘

I texted him back saying: "Hey anytime Etho 😂 look forward to seeing you too. Chloz 😘

I guess we both feel comfortable in sending the blow kiss emoji. I wonder what that means? When I finish my history homework I go upstairs, charge my phone and go to bed. 

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