Chapter 6 - Welcome to my House

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  • Dedicated to Ethan Karpathy

Chloe's POV:

After getting carried for about 20 minutes we finally reached my street.

"What number did you live at again Chloz?" Ethan asked me.

"Number 24 Etho." I responded with a giggle."

"Look who's giving the nicknames now!" Ethan said smiling.

We both laughed together as Ethan carried me up the rest of the trip to my house.

We finally arrived at my front door.

"You can come inside and meet my family if you like?" I said to Ethan.

"Sure I would love to." Ethan said quite keenly.

"Mum I'm home!" I said loudly, but softly.

"Hi honey! What took you so long? Oh who's this? A new friend?" My mum said with a look like this 😏 on her face.

"Sorry I..." Just as I was about to begin Ethan took over.

"We yes we were late because on the first day of school I was being a good big brother to my little sister helping her get ready for school when I left my pencil case and all my books at home and we got a detention because Chloe was nice enough to let me borrow her things in class. I was just thanking Catarina when our teacher caught us! So sorry Mrs....?"

"Mrs Clarke but you can just call me Lauren. You seem a nice boy what's your name?" Said my mum.

"I'm Ethan and I'm 13 years old."

"Now how did you meet my Chloe?" Said my mum.

"Mum stop!!" I said to my mum.

My mum and Ethan just laughed so I laughed with them.

"Oh and also mum, Ethan took me home because I tripped over before we had detention after school." I said.

"Oh is it serious?" My mum said very concerned.

"The nurse said I'll need crutches and just a trip to the doctors so I'd say it isn't no need to worry mum, if it wasn't for Ethan I wouldn't of been able to get home!"

"I'll make an appointment now you go show Ethan around the house."

"Thanks mum bye!"

"Oh and one another thing, if you couldn't walk, how did you manage to get home on foot?"

"Ughhhhhh" I responded very embarrassed.

My mum gave a wink to Ethan and he nodded and laughed.

I then said to Ethan,

"Ok Ethan, time for an annual tour of the Clarke house!"


Author's Note:

Hey guys! I will try make my chapters more exciting, eventful and longer in the upcoming chapters! 

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