Chapter 11 - Luna Park Mornings

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  • Dedicated to Ethan Karpathy

Chloe's POV:

Finally I wake up and it's Saturday. The week went so quick which is good so we can finally go to Luna Park today!Before I get up and out of bed, I grab my gold iPhone 5s off charge to see if I have any messages, check my Instagram, Snapchat. The list just goes on.

When I finish checking all of my social media network sites, I put my phone beside my lamp that sits on my night stand, and go inside of my walk in wardobe to decide what I am going to wear today. 

"Hmmm!" I say as I walk into my wardobe.

I look through all my clothes and finally decide on what to wear! I've chosen to wear a black cropped crop top, white flower lace patterned shorts and black converses to match. I then go into my bathroom and turn on my straightner and begin to strighten my long, thin, golden blonde hair. Once I finish straightening my hair, I grab my donut bun shaper and wrap a cute braid around my bun once I put the shaper in my hair. I then go downstairs for breakfast.

As I'm walking down the stairs, I get a new snap from Ethan on snapchat. Its a cute photo of him with a bowl of fruit loops with the caption saying "Seconds = Question - "Is this normal?" I can't stop laughing the whole way downstairs its so cute.

"Someone's happy this morning!" My mum says to me as I walk into the kitchen.

"How did you know!?" I say.

"You don't have to be a mind reader to know when you're in a happy mood dear haha! Now what would you like for breakfast?"

This is so obvious. "Fruit loops please!" 

"You haven't had these in ages!"

Just as my mum says this I get another snap from Ethan. This time its another photo of his fruit loops with the caption "Fruit Loops = Beauty" I was laughing so hard, I didn't even realise my mum standing behind me.

"I now see why you're in a laughing mood even more than usual! I'll get you your breakfast honey just go make yoursellf comfortable." 

I go get out my fold up table and stand it next to the lounge and grab a blanket from the cupboard and play around on my phone until my breakfast comes.

"Here you go enjoy!" My mum says to me as she places my pink and white polkadot bowl on my table.

"Thanks mum!" 

I quickly unlock my phone and go onto Snapchat and take a photo of my fruit loops to send to Ethan. I take the photo and caption it "My fruit loops = more beauty than ever". 

After sending him the snap, I finished eating my fruit loops, thinking of Ethan the whole time.

While I'm about half way through eating my fruit loops, there's a sudden knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" I scream out loud enough for my mum to hear me from the laundry. 

When I get to the door its Ethan and he's holding a box of fruit loops.

"What's with the fruit loops?" I say giggling.

"No you're wrong. What's with the empty box of fruit loops." 

"Why would you bring an empty box of fruit loops to my house Etho?" 

"I would bring an empty box of fruit loops to your house, so you can pour me some of your fruit loops from your fruit loop box into my fruit loop box because I may or may not of finished the fruit loop box."

"Oh Etho! Haha!" I say laughing. "Here, come into the kitchen, you can take the whole box with you, my mum's going to the store today to buy groceries anyway."

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