chapter 3. into the new world.

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As they entered They saw 50,000 troops that are ready to attack them "They will never learn do they?" said Lucious Chapter master of the 8th "All Marines were in position. they are the first one to arrive"

"Open fire" he shout the command all the marines and vehicles fired all their weapons.

After 15 minutes of fighting all enemy forces are annihilated.

3 weeks later their base has been complete and the fleet has arrived.

Lucious called one of the captain to scout "Understood chapter master" said Ronan captain of the 1st company a veteran in the thousand campaign.

"And also one of our servo-skull have also spotted another "GATE" it appears that were not the only ones they invaded" said lucius. "Chapter master, And who is this people you saying" said ronan "I don't know captian but it appears that they are ancient terra's soldeir and it appears they were somewhat 2 millentium" said Lucious "I want you also to made contact with them then make sure that we will have no aggresion against them, it will be easy for us to study this planet" said Lucious "Understood my lord i will go" Then he goes to the armory

He assembled his command squad. Julious the the Company champion armed with master crafted power sword and combat shield, varus the Teach marine armed with conversion beamer and other weapons of his disposal, mark the apothecary armed with chainsword and master crafted bolter and he still bring his Reductor Pistol , Romulus the Liblarian armed with a force sword and plasma gun, Remus the chaplain armed with Crozius Arcanum and plasma pistol, vetaran sargent karl armed with Plasma gun, veteran sargent Victrix, of the assault squad armed with master crafter lighthing claw and plasma pistol, veteran marine Arcan armed with bolter with attach melta and other veteran marines.

They transportation is 1 land raider and 2 land speeder. They rode and establish any of the natives it will not matter to them even they will have to be friendly with non-humans since the Empire have done much worse than the imperium that always sough to kill xenos but to them they enslaved and raped to the xenos, Which it is dishonorable to the eyes of the Ultramarines.

Since they allied already with the 3 factions of the xenos and band together to defeat the chaos. All their hate towards the xenos has been ceased, The 4 factions can even lived with a single planet but still the necrons will only just sleep.

They also reach a village that is already burn as if some beast has attack them, they also discovered tracks of a wheel that means this people from another gate has already got here, The captain decided to follow it and made contact with them.

For the next the day the Command squad follow the tracks which lead to human village known as coda village. They parked half mile outside the village where they wouldn't be notice either by the villagers or the soldiers from another gate.

They look at the other world soldiers they were helping the village evacuated and it was confirmed the that attack that village is a dragon, they do no the fear the dragon since they are many worse enemy that they face.

They plan to made contact with the natives and the other world soldiers, They saw a an overload wagon broke down and flip over wounding the girl and the horse and 1 soldier female tried to lift the wagon but it is too heavy then another girl in a simple robe and blue hair and another 2 soldier both male tried to help but it it still too heavy, and all of a sudden the wounded horse whine wildly and get back to it's leg down and was about to stumble everybody that is around the wounded girl


Just as the horse was about to brings it's front legs down on four of them the horse head explode

Suddenly they heard a loud metalic footsteps and something invisible hit the dead horse on the side

They all aimed their weapons were horse was hit. In the shock in the moment a humanoid figure in furutiristic blue armor holding a strange big gun slowing becoming visible.

They were giants with a big blue armor with omega symbol, They are the tallest humanoid they ever seen and not to mention very advance weapons.

They still aimed their weapons against each other. Itami fumble with a translation book trying to talk to them. Before Itami could say anything there was a click behind his head and there was more blue armored people appear behind them with diffirent weapons aiming at their back others there's have some sword and any any future weapons. The JSDF froze on their spot as 12 blue armored figure surround them

"Who or what are you?" said the man nervously

  "I suggest you tell your men to lower their weapons" said the figure that had a gun pointed at itami's head.  

To be Continue

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