chapter 12: JSDF world part 2

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  They entered Itami's house where his ex-wife was here her name is Risa. His Ex-wife was driving into crazy when she saw the Ultramarines she even dared to asked them if they are single making them confuse for she had just said but before she could do anything itami stop her.

They then stay there for a while they then go to shopping and they go to bath  

The girls were having some imagination from the Space marines

Shino's imagination
She is alone Julious Entered half naked body Shino blush and she cover her body "Julious what are you doing here?" said Shino embarrassed Julious then take off his towel that covering his member. Shino's face become even redder. he then subdue her. "If they see us" said shino "No need to worry shino" he said he then begun to enter's shino's door she left a soft moan.

Bozes Imagination
Arcan Entered the Room fully naked and he is in the bathtub Bozed blush to see his entire body "What's the matter my lady?" he asked "nothing" she replied "I fear if someone could see us" she said fearfully "Do not worry Bozes i'll be on your side" said Arcan. he then subdue her and the 2 start kissing each other.

Pina's Imagination
Ronan Entered the Room and he begun to subdue Pina blush "Pls be gentle" Pina said "I'll be gentle" he then kiss her and begun to enter his member to Pina.

  Few hours later they are all asleep it only left Rory,Ronan and itami. Rory tried to rape Itami while Ronan was sitting.  

  Until a group of people appeared and shooting at Rory and the Marines quickly joins the fight the Marines have never left their weapons and armor they hide it in their ring. Their weapons bounce off from their armor or their shield.  

They called themselves ISIS they saying the Ultramarines and Rory's gods are inferior and allah is the superior and they calling them heretic but the ulramarines and Rory only chuckle to their word to them allah is a false god while (Christian)God himself even Rory admitted that this one exist and it is very powerful and Ultramarines told them that they met a gods of their universe and they are very real. and then they killed them all

  Ronan saw Rory was hit but it was like painless to her and she comment that she and other demigods cannot die. Ronan thought it. he is also immortal and what he heard that the demigods can be incapacitated by cutting their bodies and hide. but to the perpetuals they need to be imprison or killed by a special weapon. Ronan still hiding his weapon that can kill both a Demon and a perpetual the last he use it was to kill an evil who were born as a perpetual and align himself to chaos.  

one day he will use this sword again to kill an immortal

after a day they return to the other side and this time they are going to the second Gate the Ultramarines world

In JSDF base Hamilton and grey was waiting. They agreed to go this comprise only shino,Mari,Itami and Tomita while the imperials where Pina,Bozes, and hamilton . Ronan and the Marines ride in their land raider while the rest was JSDF vehicle.

  As they approach the second gate all of them were surprise even the JSDF "Look at their tanks their HUGE!!" 

said Tomita he is in awe to the sight of the fellblade "Not to mention they have very big guns and many weapons in a single tank" comment shino the imperials have already saw the JSDF tanks but the Ultramarines tanks were even more massive and despite to their size they can still move fast. Hamilton and Boze were the ones who did not witness JSDF tanks and now they fearful what to come.  

"It is more like a fortress" Pina still shaking

As they nearer the Ultramarines base was even bigger than the JSDF and they notice humans and other creatures "They treated their demi-human equaly" said Pina as she saw a beastman and a human soldier talking to each other in a friendly way they n...

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As they nearer the Ultramarines base was even bigger than the JSDF and they notice humans and other creatures "They treated their demi-human equaly" said Pina as she saw a beastman and a human soldier talking to each other in a friendly way they notice then "The humans are 100,000 while ultramarines were 20,000" said Itami as he observe his surroundings they have a massive army in here.

they stay for a night and after that they will enter the second gate

(A\U: Sorry guys for this being short but i'll make sure the next chapter will be better

And i'm planning to some Ultramarine to fall in love to the JSDF and Falmart Natives and tell me if that is a good idea)

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