Pain and realization

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❗❗Warning: mention of: self harm violence. ❗❗
❗❗angst abuse feelings❗❗

Deku pov:
I woke up to the tv sound in the living room. I got up and went downstairs to see my mom actually sober for once and  watching tv
"g-good morning mom"
"oh my god izuku what happened to you?! You have bruises everywhere!"
"Y-you don't remember what happened?"
"of course I do idiot I was fucking with you.  now get dressed and cover your arms and legs I don't want them seeing what I did"
"ok.. "
I walked to my room threw on a  hoodie and some sweat pants.
Thank god it's the weekend I can actually get out of this house. Just then I herd the door bell ring.
There here. I walked downstairs and saw that my mom was greeting them.  I walked to kacchan and greeted him.
"h-hi kacchan"
"sup nerd. What happend to your eye?"
My mom looked at me waiting for me to respond
"O-oh I had an accident while training"
"of course you did idiot"
We all sat down on the table and started to eat.  I hadn't eaten in days and I was so hungry. I was stuffing my face with the food we had made but I was pacing myself enough so that  it wouldn't be suspicious. I choked a bit on some mashed potato's and coughed alot
"hey izuku you ok?"
"y-yeah I just- cough-need a sec"
"nerd you good?"
"ye-*wheez*-ah. Um may i- cough-be excuses to the bath- cough- room?"
"yeah sure"
"Katsuki go check in him"
"yeah ok whatever"

Bakugou pov:

I saw deku in the hallway walking to the bathroom.  I walked up to him and grabbed his arm he winced in pain. I looked at him with a confused expression then let go in realization.
"deku show me your wrists"
"I said show me your fucking wrists. Now"
"i-its fine. Like I s-said I had an accident while tra-"
Before he could finish his sentence I grabbed his arm and rolled up his sleeve
"why the hell are there bandages on your arm?"
"i-i got i-into an a-accident like I s-said"
I grabbed his other arm and rolled up the sleeve
"you have an injury on both of your wrists?"
"deku I'm not a dumbass. Take off the bandages"
Then he broke down into a sobbing mess
"p-ple-ease d-dont do t-this k-kacchan"
"do what?"
"you-u're not g-gonna hurt m-me?"
"why in the living hell would I hurt you?"
"c-cause you hate m-me... "
"I don't hate you"
"t-then I can trust y-you"
"yes you can"
He unrolled the bandages and tears filled my eyes
"deku why the fuck would you do this to yourself?"
"n-nothing to live for"
"what the fuck are you talking about?You have so many friends. You're always so damn happy at school"
"you r-really think t-thats how I actually feel?"
I pulled him into a hug and wiped his tears.
"deku lets go to your room"
"You have to show me what that damned women did to you"
"how do you.... "
"why the fuck else would you do this? And I always hear yelling and thumping coming from your house. I assumed it was just training or something but now I know the truth... "
We went to his room and he took off his hoodie shirt and pants and he was covered in bruises. My eyes widened with concern and disbelief
"deku why didn't you say anything to me?"
"I was scared... "
"put your clothes back on I'll be right back"

Ok I'll be writing some more later bye~

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